# Last Modified: Wed Jan 18 09:29:55 2012 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public # License published by the Free Software Foundation. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include /usr/bin/opera { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include capability dac_override, /bin/true mrix, /bin/uname rix, /etc/SuSE-release r, /etc/X11/.qt_plugins_3.3rc.lock rw, /etc/X11/.qtrc.lock rw, /etc/cups/client.conf r, /etc/mailcap r, /etc/opera6rc rw, /etc/opera6rc.fixed rw, /etc/pkcs11/modules/ r, /home/*/** mrk, /opt/ r, /opt/java/** r, /opt/kde/share/** r, /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/plugins/integration/*.so mr, /proc/*/cmdline r, /proc/*/fd/ r, /sys/devices/system/cpu/online r, owner /tmp/** rwlk, /tmp/** m, /usr/ r, /usr/bin/acroread rPx, /usr/bin/opera mr, /usr/lib r, /usr/lib/RealPlayer10/realplay rPx, /usr/lib/RealPlayer10/realplay.bin rPx, /usr/lib/opera/** mrix, /usr/lib/opera/*/opera ix, /usr/lib/opera/*/works rix, /usr/local r, /usr/share/** rk, /var/spool/cups/tmp/* rwl, /{,var/}run/.resmgr_socket w, @{HOME} r, @{HOME}/.fonts r, @{HOME}/.kde/share/** r, @{HOME}/.opera r, @{HOME}/.opera/** rwl, @{HOME}/OperaDownloads/* rw, @{HOME}/tux/.fonts/ r, @{HOME}/tux/.opera/ w, @{HOME}/tux/.qt/.qtrx.lock k, @{PROC}/[0-9]*/stat r, @{PROC}/net/if_inet6 r, @{PROC}/sys/vm/heap-stack-gap r, }