#!/bin/bash # $Id: make-iptables-restore 172 2012-05-13 16:10:52Z aquarius $ iptables="/sbin/iptables" iptablesrestore="/sbin/iptables-restore" ifconfig="/sbin/ifconfig" grep="/bin/grep" cut="/usr/bin/cut" ipcalc="/usr/bin/ipcalc" #pimp files must be generated by optional-tools/make-pimp utility pimp_2way_nat="/dev/shm/pimp-2way-nat.tmp" pimp_snat="/dev/shm/pimp-snat.tmp" etchosts="/mnt/mtdblock0/hosts" restoretmp="/dev/shm/iptables-restore.tmp" restoredata="/mnt/mtdblock0/iptables-restore.in" wan1="vlan770" wan2="vlan771" wan3="vlan772" wan4="vlan774" czffirstbitmask="19" czfsecondbitmask="22" czfthirdbitmask="25" czffourthbitmask="28" pubfirstbitmask="26" pubsecondbitmask="29" chaintrack="_" echo "*nat" > $restoretmp echo ":PREROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]" >> $restoretmp echo ":POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]" >> $restoretmp echo ":OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]" >> $restoretmp # =============================================================== # Symetrical SNAT-DNAT using indexed iptables # =============================================================== echo -n "Generating new iptables-restore data - two way SNAT/DNAT " for czfip in `$grep -v ^# $pimp_2way_nat|$cut -f 1 -d " "` do pubip=`$grep "$czfip " $pimp_2way_nat|$cut -f 2 -d " "` czffirstindex=priv_`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czffirstbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` czfsecondindex=priv_`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czfsecondbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` czfthirdindex=priv_`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czfthirdbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` czffourthindex=priv_`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czffourthbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` pubfirstindex=pub_`$ipcalc -n $pubip/$pubfirstbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` pubsecondindex=pub_`$ipcalc -n $pubip/$pubsecondbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$czffirstindex"* ]] then echo :$czffirstindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czffirstbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A POSTROUTING -d ! -s $s -o $wan1 -j $czffirstindex >> $restoretmp echo -A POSTROUTING -d ! -s $s -o $wan2 -j $czffirstindex >> $restoretmp echo -A POSTROUTING -d ! -s $s -o $wan3 -j $czffirstindex >> $restoretmp echo -A POSTROUTING -d ! -s $s -o $wan4 -j $czffirstindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${czffirstindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$czfsecondindex"* ]] then echo :$czfsecondindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czfsecondbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A $czffirstindex -s $s -o $wan1 -j $czfsecondindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffirstindex -s $s -o $wan2 -j $czfsecondindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffirstindex -s $s -o $wan3 -j $czfsecondindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffirstindex -s $s -o $wan4 -j $czfsecondindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${czfsecondindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$czfthirdindex"* ]] then echo :$czfthirdindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czfthirdbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A $czfsecondindex -s $s -o $wan1 -j $czfthirdindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfsecondindex -s $s -o $wan2 -j $czfthirdindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfsecondindex -s $s -o $wan3 -j $czfthirdindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfsecondindex -s $s -o $wan4 -j $czfthirdindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${czfthirdindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$czffourthindex"* ]] then echo :$czffourthindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czffourthbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A $czfthirdindex -s $s -o $wan1 -j $czffourthindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfthirdindex -s $s -o $wan2 -j $czffourthindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfthirdindex -s $s -o $wan3 -j $czffourthindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfthirdindex -s $s -o $wan4 -j $czffourthindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${czffourthindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$pubfirstindex"* ]] then echo :$pubfirstindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $pubip/$pubfirstbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A PREROUTING -i $wan1 -d $s -j $pubfirstindex >> $restoretmp echo -A PREROUTING -i $wan2 -d $s -j $pubfirstindex >> $restoretmp echo -A PREROUTING -i $wan3 -d $s -j $pubfirstindex >> $restoretmp echo -A PREROUTING -i $wan4 -d $s -j $pubfirstindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${pubfirstindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$pubsecondindex"* ]] then echo :$pubsecondindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $pubip/$pubsecondbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A $pubfirstindex -i $wan1 -d $s -j $pubsecondindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $pubfirstindex -i $wan2 -d $s -j $pubsecondindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $pubfirstindex -i $wan3 -d $s -j $pubsecondindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $pubfirstindex -i $wan4 -d $s -j $pubsecondindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${pubsecondindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi echo -A $pubsecondindex -i $wan1 -d $pubip/32 -j DNAT --to-destination $czfip >> $restoretmp echo -A $pubsecondindex -i $wan2 -d $pubip/32 -j DNAT --to-destination $czfip >> $restoretmp echo -A $pubsecondindex -i $wan3 -d $pubip/32 -j DNAT --to-destination $czfip >> $restoretmp echo -A $pubsecondindex -i $wan4 -d $pubip/32 -j DNAT --to-destination $czfip >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffourthindex -s $czfip/32 -o $wan1 -j SNAT --to-source $pubip >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffourthindex -s $czfip/32 -o $wan2 -j SNAT --to-source $pubip >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffourthindex -s $czfip/32 -o $wan3 -j SNAT --to-source $pubip >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffourthindex -s $czfip/32 -o $wan4 -j SNAT --to-source $pubip >> $restoretmp echo -n . done echo " done." # =============================================================== # SNAT only using indexed iptables (should be rather function, hmm) # =============================================================== echo -n "Generating new iptables-restore data - one way SNAT " for czfip in `$grep -v ^# $pimp_snat|$cut -f 1 -d " "` do pubip=`$grep "$czfip " $pimp_snat|$cut -f 2 -d " "` czffirstindex=priv_`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czffirstbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` czfsecondindex=priv_`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czfsecondbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` czfthirdindex=priv_`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czfthirdbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` czffourthindex=priv_`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czffourthbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$czffirstindex"* ]] then echo :$czffirstindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czffirstbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A POSTROUTING -d ! -s $s -o $wan1 -j $czffirstindex >> $restoretmp echo -A POSTROUTING -d ! -s $s -o $wan2 -j $czffirstindex >> $restoretmp echo -A POSTROUTING -d ! -s $s -o $wan3 -j $czffirstindex >> $restoretmp echo -A POSTROUTING -d ! -s $s -o $wan4 -j $czffirstindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${czffirstindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$czfsecondindex"* ]] then echo :$czfsecondindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czfsecondbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A $czffirstindex -s $s -o $wan1 -j $czfsecondindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffirstindex -s $s -o $wan2 -j $czfsecondindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffirstindex -s $s -o $wan3 -j $czfsecondindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffirstindex -s $s -o $wan4 -j $czfsecondindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${czfsecondindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$czfthirdindex"* ]] then echo :$czfthirdindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czfthirdbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A $czfsecondindex -s $s -o $wan1 -j $czfthirdindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfsecondindex -s $s -o $wan2 -j $czfthirdindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfsecondindex -s $s -o $wan3 -j $czfthirdindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfsecondindex -s $s -o $wan4 -j $czfthirdindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${czfthirdindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi if ! [[ "$chaintrack" == *"$czffourthindex"* ]] then echo :$czffourthindex "- [0:0]" >> $restoretmp s=`$ipcalc -n $czfip/$czffourthbitmask|$grep Network|$cut -f 4 -d \ ` echo -A $czfthirdindex -s $s -o $wan1 -j $czffourthindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfthirdindex -s $s -o $wan2 -j $czffourthindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfthirdindex -s $s -o $wan3 -j $czffourthindex >> $restoretmp echo -A $czfthirdindex -s $s -o $wan4 -j $czffourthindex >> $restoretmp chaintrack=\ ${czffourthindex}\ ${chaintrack} fi echo -A $czffourthindex -s $czfip/32 -o $wan1 -j SNAT --to-source $pubip >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffourthindex -s $czfip/32 -o $wan2 -j SNAT --to-source $pubip >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffourthindex -s $czfip/32 -o $wan3 -j SNAT --to-source $pubip >> $restoretmp echo -A $czffourthindex -s $czfip/32 -o $wan4 -j SNAT --to-source $pubip >> $restoretmp echo -n . done echo " done." echo COMMIT >> $restoretmp echo -n "Writing $restoredata" mv $restoretmp $restoredata