From a4f661fc8c4d2ef31306e8d4d6f8b0b310623919 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: xchaos Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 15:24:38 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/1] reorganizace git-svn-id: 251d49ef-1d17-4917-a970-b30cf55b089b --- CHANGELOG | 90 + COPYING | 341 +++ INSTALL | 25 + Makefile | 16 + README | 114 + check-kernel-qos | 24 + cll1.h | 143 ++ hosts.SAMPLE | 26 + optional-tools/cll1.h | 1 + optional-tools/make-firewall | 14 + optional-tools/make-pimp | 16 + optional-tools/make-snat-dnat | 121 + optional-tools/monthly-stats.c | 95 + prometheus.c | 1384 +++++++++++ prometheus.conf.SAMPLE | 138 ++ prometheus.spec | 54 + sample-configuration/README | 47 + sample-configuration/crontab | 33 + sample-configuration/hosts | 3264 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sample-configuration/prometheus.conf | 171 ++ 20 files changed, 6117 insertions(+) create mode 100644 CHANGELOG create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 INSTALL create mode 100644 Makefile create mode 100644 README create mode 100755 check-kernel-qos create mode 100644 cll1.h create mode 100644 hosts.SAMPLE create mode 120000 optional-tools/cll1.h create mode 100755 optional-tools/make-firewall create mode 100755 optional-tools/make-pimp create mode 100755 optional-tools/make-snat-dnat create mode 100644 optional-tools/monthly-stats.c create mode 100644 prometheus.c create mode 100644 prometheus.conf.SAMPLE create mode 100644 prometheus.spec create mode 100644 sample-configuration/README create mode 100644 sample-configuration/crontab create mode 100644 sample-configuration/hosts create mode 100644 sample-configuration/prometheus.conf diff --git a/CHANGELOG b/CHANGELOG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f1aacb --- /dev/null +++ b/CHANGELOG @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +version 0.7 2006-01-29 + +- There were good reasons to rename iptables hashing to iptables indexing. + Hashing is different algorithm, which offers constant complexity + independent on number of hashed entries and high memory requirements, while + iptables indexing used in Prometheus offers log8(N) complexity and relatively + low memory requirements compared to hashing. +- Multiple keywords can be defined and used in /etc/hosts-like nodelist, + which allows definition of various data limits for different users or + definition of both symetrical and asymetrical virtual lines in same config. +- Following prometheus.conf variables were made keyword-dependent: + KEYWORD-magic-relative-limit, KEYWORD-magic-relative-prio, + KEYWORD-magic-fixed-limit, KEYWORD-magic-fixed-prio, KEYWORD-, +- Following new prometheus.conf keyword-dependent variables were added: + KEYWORD-html-color +- Following prometheus.conf variables were removed as obsolete and confusing: + htb-ceil-bonus-divide, htb-ceil-divide + +version 0.6 2006-06-29 + +- Hyper-optimized iptables hashing (automatic, but compile-time configurable) +- Option hashtable-treshold was made now obsolete +- No "Proxy" column in statistics when qos-proxy-enable is set to 0 +- iptables verbose output parsing was rewritten +- Unfinished implementation of some pps limiting and soft-restart related code +- Maybe I have changed something else too, but it was long time since last release + +version 0.5.3 2005-08-15 + +- Predictable error messages generated by tc and iptables were + redirected to /dev/null +- magic-fixed-prio and magic-relative-prio can be used even with + magic-fixed-limit and magic-relative-limit set to 0 +- Minor bugs in data initializtion were fixed, so program should + compile and run also on exotic non-X86 plaforms like BusyBox Linux + +version 0.5.2 2005-06-19 + +- Fixed long integer traffic counter overflow at 4 gigabytes (up or down) +- Fixed incorrect inclusion of http proxy traffic in direct traffic +- Fixed incorrectly displayed parameters of asymetrical upload (Jakub Walczak) +- Dry run (-d switch) output beautification +- Added check if minimum data transfer value is greater then 0 kbps +- magic-priorities added, allows better soft-shaping wihtout reducing HTB ceil + +version 0.5.1 2005-03-22 + +- Fixed serious bug in 0.5 release + +version 0.5 2005-03-21 + +- Better compatibility with up-to-date gcc and new HTB in 2.6.x kernel +- Enterprise Research and Planning (ERP) analysis implemented +- Credit file support implemented (for use with magic-relative-limit) +- magic-relative-limit-4prio now allows softer FUP using HTB prio +- digital-divide-weirdness-ratio added, only tested value is "2" +- qos-leaf-discipline and other new prometheus.conf keywords added + +version 0.4 2004-11-02 + +- HTTP proxy traffic accounting bug fixed (occured with hashed iptables) +- free bandwith traffic shaping (allowed unlimited upload with hashing) +- maximal guaranted speed increased to 2048 kbps (just tc namespace problem) + (Read: it seems that maximum index of tc classes is restricted to 10000) +- qos-proxy-ip can be inside qos-free-zone even if qos-proxy-enable + (Read: Single machine can run NAT/firewall, HTTP proxy and Prometheus QoS) +- command line argument -n (no delay) overrides qos-free-delay keyword + (Read: Separate configuration file for first run and daily run is not needed) +- traffic from unregistered IPs is monitored even with hashing enabled + +version 0.3 2004-10-13 + +- massive performance improvement thanks to hashing of iptables +- hashtables for /24 subnets are forced if there are 256+ traffic classes +- hashtables can be forced using new option hashtable-treshold) +- qos-free-zone is now optional (use qos-free-zone 0) +- minor bug fix: -h command line arugment now overrides config file + +version 0.2 2004-09-20 + +- daily logging of data transfered in individual traffic classes +- preview feature (create HTML hall of fame without reseting counters) +- delay feature (useful for creating QoS-free period without reseting counters) +- anchors with hostnames of individual traffic classes +- tested succesfuly on our upgraded 10Mbps-full duplex, <1000 packets/sec + +version 0.1 + +- initial release +- tested succesfuly on our 3Mbps-full duplex line diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afd5a94 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 0000000..302cafd --- /dev/null +++ b/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +Prometheus QoS Installation Guide: + +1. if can read read this, you have already unpacked the .tar.gz archive +2. type "make prometheus" +enter (you shouldn't get errors...) +3. create /etc/prometheus.conf (see prometheus.conf.SAMPLE or sample-configuration/*) +4. create /etc/hosts (or /etc/qos.conf, see hosts.SAMPLE or sample-configuration/*) +5. to activate QoS manualy from command line, just type ./prometheus +6. to softly shutdown QoS (and generate stats), type ./prometheus -f ("flush") +7. to force immediate flush of QoS rules, type ./prometheus -9 ("kill") + +Promethetus QoS Advanced tips: + +1. I prefere to launch prometheus using "screen" utitlity (not tested without it) +2. use -p command line switch to generate instant and safe Hall of fame preview +3. use qos-free-delay option for pause after flushing old rules/before loading new +4. use magic-relative-limit option to fine tune your Fair Use Policy (daily quotas) +5. note: qos-proxy-enable and qos-free-zone won't work together +6. you can setup /etc/crontab using /sample-configuration/crontab.SAMPLE +7. warning: doing SNAT and QoS on the same router may cause performance problems + +General Linux routing tips for beginners: + +echo -n 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward +echo -n 64000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max +echo -n 86400 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dabf242 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +PACKAGE=prometheus +VERSION=0.7.1 +CFLAGS=-Wall +prefix=/usr +mandir=$(prefix)/share/man +bindir=$(prefix)/sbin + +main: prometheus + $(CC) -o prometheus prometheus.c + +install: main + install -d $(bindir) + install -m 755 prometheus $(bindir) + +clean: + rm -f prometheus diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39126ad --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +============================================================================ + +Prometheus QoS - steal fire from your ISP ! +"fair-per-IP" quality of service utility +requires Linux kernel with HTB qdisc enabled +GNU+ Copyright(G)2007, Michael Polak (xChaos) +Credits: Credits: CZFree.Net, Netdave, aquarius +...and Martin Devera (.cz) for his HTB qdisc (of course) +...and Jakub Walczak (.pl) for providing feedback and patches +...and Ing. Jiri Engelthaler (.cz) for bugfixes and Asus WL500 port +...and Dial Telecom (slightly expensive ISP) for chance to test it + +Feedback: xchaos(at) +Homepage: + +============================================================================ + +QoS (or Quality-of-service) is IPv4 traffic shaper replacement for Internet +Service Providers (ISP). Dump your vintage hard-wired routers/shapers +(C|sco, etc.) in favour of powerful open source and free solution ! + +Prometheus QoS generates multiple nested HTB tc classes with various rate +and ceil values, and implements optional daily traffic quotas and data +transfer statistics (as HTML). It is compatible with NAT, both asymetrical +and symetrical, yet still provides good two-way shaping and prioritizing, +both upload and download. Prometheus QoS allows both "hard shaping" +(reducing HTB ceil value for aggressive downloaders) and "soft shaping" +(keeping HTB ceil, but reducing HTB prio, probably optimal solution for +normal users). + +Prometheus iGW was written in C<<1, which means it compiles simply with +GNU C Compiler, and doesn't require any external liberaries (except libc) +and huge interpreter packages (like Perl or Java) to run. However, it +depends on HTB algorithm hardcoded in Linux kernel. It is currently being +tested in real-world enviroment to provide QoS services on 30 Mbps internet +gateway and proxy being used by 2000+ PCs connected to gateway using +CZFree.Net broadband community network. + +Advantages over more straightforward traffic control scripts include +HTB fine tuning features (rate and ceil magic), data transfer statistics, +optional data transfer quotas, full NAT (both symetric and one way) +compatibility and optinal sharing of bandwith by IPs in completely +different subnets. + +Performance and scaling - current release: + +we run Prometheus QoS on Celeron 2.8 Ghz serving around 600 individual +traffic classes (fine tuning is using five user-defined prometheus.conf +keyword) and another 2000 IPs sharing bandwith with certain other IPs +("sharing-" keyword). Prometheus QoS is especially strong tool if you want +IP's from different subnets to share the same traffic class. + +With 30 Mbps (each way) total capacity of line, Cisco Catalyst 2950 on +ISP side and up to cca 6000 packets per seconds, we were running into some +problems with overall system load. We moved QoS from Athlon 1700 XP to +Celeron 2.8 Ghz, and kept all SNAT related stuff (see optinal-tools directory) +on Athlon 1.7 Ghz, which alowed for peak throughput up to 10000 pps. + +Performance fine tuning - history: + +With kernel version 2.4.20 and release 0.2 we started to experience problems +at cca 1500 packets/sec. However, with new iptables indexing feature +implemented in 0.3 release, system load seems to be approximately +10 times lower. Same HW was later shaping 2000 packets/sec without problems, +and it looked like comparable relatively low-end system should be able to do +traffic shaping for at least 10000 packets/sec (well, if HotSaNIC was turned +off, of course ). With 0.6 release and dynamicaly calculated iptables +indexing scheme we made it up to 6000 packets/sec, and then we ran into some +performance-related problems, which may be related to the fact we are doing +SNAT of 1000+ individual IP addresses on the same machine which is doing +also the QoS: something on the way seems to be limited to 34 Mbps HD +(half-duplex, sum of upload and download) no matter what we try. Our ISP +claims the fault is not on his side, so our next step will be to separate +traffic shaping and massive SNAT (IP masquerading) and assign separate +PC-based router to do each task. + +Maximum performance observed with prometheus 0.6 and hashtable optimization +of tables with individual SNAT targets was up to 9000 packets/sec at cca 40 +Mbps half-duplex (more then 20 Mbps fyull-duplex). However, this required +massive optimization, including +echo -n 65000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max +and +echo -n 21600 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established +and disabling of most userspace applications (like eg. hotsanic). At the +same time, router machine and system was accumulating wide set of various +performance related problems, which required us to reboot it at least +mohtly. + +Note: Some time ago it seemed that maximum index of tc classes was restricted +to 10000 - but I haven't checked this again for quite a while. +Another note: All the echo stuff in previous paragraph can be also achieved by +adding following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf which is much cleaner way to do it: + +Future plans include also setting of individual daily limits on maximum +pps (packets per second) rates allocated to individual IP addresses (this +may be needed partly because of problems mentioned above). + +============================================================================ + +Prometheus QoS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of +the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +Prometheus QoS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with Prometheus QoS source code; if not, write to +Michael Polak, Svojsikova 7, 169 00 Praha 6 Czech Republic diff --git a/check-kernel-qos b/check-kernel-qos new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e2ac020 --- /dev/null +++ b/check-kernel-qos @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +echo -n "Checking for HTB support (2.6.x Linux kernel series only) ..." +HTB=`cat /proc/config.gz |gunzip|grep CONFIG_NET_SCH_HTB` +if [ "$HTB" = "CONFIG_NET_SCH_HTB=y" ] || [ "$HTB" = "CONFIG_NET_SCH_HTB=m" ] +then + echo " ok." +else + echo " failed!" + echo "** Missing /proc/config.gz, missing gunzip, or missing HTB support in kernel.. **" + echo "** You are likely to get RTNETLINK error messages when running Prometheus QoS. **" +fi + +echo -n "Checking for SFQ support (2.6.x Linux kernel series only) ..." +SFQ=`cat /proc/config.gz |gunzip|grep CONFIG_NET_SCH_SFQ` +if [ "$SFQ" = "CONFIG_NET_SCH_SFQ=y" ] || [ "$SFQ" = "CONFIG_NET_SCH_SFQ=m" ] +then + echo " ok." +else + echo " failed!" + echo "** Missing /proc/config.gz, missing gunzip, or missing SFQ support in kernel.. **" + echo "** You are likely to get RTNETLINK error messages when running Prometheus QoS. **" +fi + diff --git a/cll1.h b/cll1.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2b2211 --- /dev/null +++ b/cll1.h @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ + +/* C<<1 header file v0.6 - style sheet for ANSI C */ +/* Please pronounce as "cee-shift-left-by-one" :) */ + +/* Copyright (G) 2004-2006 Michael xChaos Polak, + + The C<<1 header file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The C<<1 header file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to + Michael Polak, Svojsikova 7, 169 00 Praha 6 Czech Republic */ + + +#ifndef __CLL1H__ +#define __CLL1H__ + +#include +#include +#include + +/* Section For Dummies part 1, updated 2004-05-07 by xCh. */ + +#define not ! +#define TRUE 1 +#define FALSE 0 +#define loop while(1) +#define iterate(VAR,FROM,TO) for(VAR=FROM; VAR <= TO; VAR++) +#define repeat(N) iterate(_i,1,N) + +/* Dynamic list macros & sequences, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */ + +#define list(T) struct T *_next +#define create(A,T) (A=(struct T *)malloc(sizeof(struct T)),A->_next=NULL) +#define push(A,B) { if(A && A!=B) A->_next=B; B=A; } +#define append(A,B) { if(B) { void *N=A; A->_next=NULL; search(A,B,!A->_next) {A->_next=N; break;}} else push(A,B); } +#define remove(A,B,C) { void **_D=NULL; search(A,B,C) { if(_D)*_D=A->_next; else B=A->_next; free(A); } else _D=(void *)&(A->_next); } +#define drop(A,B) { for( A=B; A ; B=A, A=A->_next, free(B)); B=NULL; } + +/* Dynamic list iterations and sequences, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */ + +#define every(A,B) for( A=B; A; A=A->_next) +#define search(A,B,C) every(A,B) if(C) +#define find(A,B,C) search(A,B,C) break; if(A) + +/* EXP macros for Dummysort sequences, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */ + +#define order_by(K1,K2) (K1>K2) +#define desc_order_by(K1,K2) (K10) +#define desc_sort_by(K1,K2) (strcasecmp(K1, K2)<0) +#define ascii_by(K1,K2) (strcmp(K1, K2)>0) +#define desc_ascii_by(K1,K2) (strcmp(K1, K2)<0) + +/* Dummysort sequences, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */ + +#define insert(A,B,EXP,K) { if(B) { void **_L=NULL, *H=B; search(B,H,EXP(B->K,A->K)) { if(_L) {*_L=A; A->_next=B; } else push(A,H); break; } else _L=(void *)&(B->_next); if(!B)*_L=A; B=H; } else push(A,B); } +#define sort(A,B,EXP,K) { void *_C; A=B; B=NULL; do { _C=A->_next; A->_next=NULL; insert(A,B,EXP,K); A=_C; } while(_C); } + +/* String macros & sequences, updated 2004-04-19 by xCh. */ + +#define eq(A,B) !strcmp(A,B) +#define strcmpi(A,B) strcasecmp(A,B) +#define strlwr(A) {char *_S=A; while(_&&*_S){*_S=tolower(*_S);_S++;}} +#define strupr(A) {char *_S=A; while(_&&*_S){*_S=toupper(*_S);_S++;}} +#define string(S,L) (S=(char *)malloc(L),*S=0) +#define duplicate(A,B) if(A) { string(B,strlen(A)+1); strcpy(B,A); } +#define concatenate(A,B,C) if (A && B) { string(C,strlen(A)+strlen(B)+1); strcpy(C,A); strcat(C,B); } +#define suffix(A,B,C) (((A=strrchr(B,C))&&!(*(A++)=0))||(A=B)) +#define prefix(A,B,C) ((A=B)&&((B=strchr(B,C))&&!(*(B++)=0)||(B=A))) +#define gotoalpha(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && !isalpha(*CHAR))CHAR++ +#define goto_alpha(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && !isalpha(*CHAR) && *CHAR!='_')CHAR++ +#define gotoalnum(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && !isalnum(*CHAR))CHAR++ +#define goto_alnum(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && !isalnum(*CHAR) && *CHAR!='_')CHAR++ +#define skipalpha(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && isalpha(*CHAR))CHAR++ +#define skip_alpha(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && (isalpha(*CHAR) || *CHAR=='_'))CHAR++ +#define skipalnum(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && isalnum(*CHAR))CHAR++ +#define skip_alnum(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && (isalnum(*CHAR) || *CHAR=='_'))CHAR++ +#define skipspaces(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR==' ')CHAR++ +#define cutspaces(CHAR) if(CHAR){int _L=strlen(CHAR); while(--_L>0 && CHAR[_L]==' ')CHAR[_L]=0;} +#define gotochr(CHAR,C) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && *CHAR!=C)CHAR++ +#define tr(CHAR,B,C) {char *_S=CHAR; while(*_S){ if(*_S==B)*_S=C; _S++; }} +#define strswitch(CHAR) {char *_K=CHAR; FILE *_F=NULL; {{ +#define stroption(STR) if(eq(STR,_K)) +#define match(KEY,VAL) {char *_K=KEY, *_V=VAL; FILE *_F=NULL; {{ +#define assign(STR,SETVAR) stroption(STR) SETVAR=_V + +/* Section For Dummies part 2, updated 2004-05-07 by xCh. */ + +#define program int _I; int main(int argc, char **argv) +#define arguments if(argc>1) for(_I=1;_IK=_S; A->_eoln=TRUE; append(A,B);} done; A->_eoln=FALSE;} +#define save(A,B,F,K) {FILE *_F=fopen(F,"w"); if(_F) { every(A,B) {fputs(A->K,_F); if(A->_eoln) fputc('\n',_F);} fclose(_F);}} + +/* I/O sequences, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */ + +#define nullreopen(F) F=freopen("/dev/null","r",F) +#define stdinredir(CMD) {int _r[2];pipe(_r);if(fork()==0){dup2(_r[1],1);close(_r[0]);CMD;exit(0);}nullreopen(stdin);dup2(_r[0],0);close(_r[1]);} +#define shell(CMD) stdinredir(system(CMD)) +#define paste(STR) stdinredir(fputs(STR,stdout)) + +/* String iterations, updated 2003-06-19 by xCh. */ + +#define split(A,B,C) for(prefix(A,B,C);A;(A!=B)&&prefix(A,B,C)||(A=NULL)) +#define valid_split(A,B,C) split(A,B,C) if(*A) +#define columns(A,B,C,V) for(V=0,prefix(A,B,C);A;((A!=B)&&prefix(A,B,C)||(A=NULL)),V++) +#define valid_columns(A,B,C,V) for(V=0,prefix(A,B,C);A;((A!=B)&&prefix(A,B,C))||(A=NULL)) if(*A&&++V) +#define column(A,B,C,V) { int _V; columns(A,B,C,_V) if(_V==V) break; } +#define valid_column(A,B,C,V) { int _V; valid_columns(A,B,C,_V) if(_V==V) break; } + +/* Useful structures, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */ + +#define hashtable(TYPE,NAME,VALUE) struct TYPE { char *NAME; char *VALUE; list(TYPE); } +#define textfile(TYPE,LINE) struct TYPE { char *LINE; char _eoln; list(TYPE); } +#define date(S) { time_t _T; _T=time(NULL); duplicate(ctime(&_T),S); } + +#endif diff --git a/hosts.SAMPLE b/hosts.SAMPLE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23b6d11 --- /dev/null +++ b/hosts.SAMPLE @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# use TABs to separate IP address, hostname, and speed definition! +# this file is just dummy example not related to prometheus.conf.SAMPLE +# see sample-configuration/hosts to learn more about what Prometheus QoS can handle + +# syntax: "via-prometheus-MIN-MAX", where MIN and MAX are values in kbps +# "sharing-HOSTNAME" is useful to aggregate more IPs in single traffic class + +# note, that keywords parsed by Prometheus QoS look like ordinary comments to tools +# used to process bsd-style /etc/hosts file... + + mynetwork #(just internal info - network name) + myrouter #(just internal info - internal interface of my router) + mypc #via-prometheus-512-1024 + mynotebook #sharing-mypc + thatrouter #sharing-mypc + + thatnetwork #(just internal info - the other network name) + someroutername #(the other eth on the other router) + thatpc1 #via-prometheus-256-1024 + thatpc2 #sharing-thatpc1 + thatpc3 #via-prometheus-128-256 + thatpc4 #adsl-prometheus-64-512 + +# etc., etc. whatever you want +# this configuration was never really tested, unlike brevnov-hosts.SAMPLE !! +# (but it should work too, of course...) diff --git a/optional-tools/cll1.h b/optional-tools/cll1.h new file mode 120000 index 0000000..a4cde1a --- /dev/null +++ b/optional-tools/cll1.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../cll1.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/optional-tools/make-firewall b/optional-tools/make-firewall new file mode 100755 index 0000000..239f478 --- /dev/null +++ b/optional-tools/make-firewall @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# +# requires: +# +# /rw/etc/hosts ... configuration file for dashboard and snat/dnat +# parses Prometheus compatible nodelist and generates some firewall +# rules +# +./make-pimp +./make-snat-dnat +# +# /rw/etc/network/snat-dnat is generated by make-snat-dnat +# +/rw/etc/network/snat-dnat diff --git a/optional-tools/make-pimp b/optional-tools/make-pimp new file mode 100755 index 0000000..563725d --- /dev/null +++ b/optional-tools/make-pimp @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/bin/bash +pimp=/rw/etc/pimp.conf +etchosts=/rw/etc/hosts + +echo -n "Writing $pimp " +echo "#This is $pimp generated by Prometheus-tools/make-pimp" > $pimp +for czfip in `grep [[] $etchosts|cut -f 1` +do + pubip=`grep "^$czfip " $etchosts|cut -f 2 -d "["|cut -f 1 -d "]"` + if ! [ -z $pubip ] + then + echo "$czfip $pubip" >> $pimp + echo -n . + fi +done +echo " done." diff --git a/optional-tools/make-snat-dnat b/optional-tools/make-snat-dnat new file mode 100755 index 0000000..165dc6e --- /dev/null +++ b/optional-tools/make-snat-dnat @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +iptables="/sbin/iptables" +ifconfig="/sbin/ifconfig" + +#pimp.conf should be regularly updated! +pimp="/rw/etc/pimp.conf" +script="/rw/etc/network/snat-dnat" + +echo "#!/bin/bash" > $script +echo $iptables -t nat -F >> $script +echo $iptables -t nat -X >> $script +echo "echo -n \"Setting firewall rules \"" >> $script + +# =============================================================== +# Symetricky SNAT-DNAT, zarazeny do indexovanych iptables +# =============================================================== + +echo -n "Generating new pimp index rules " + +for czfip in `grep -v ^# $pimp|cut -f 1 -d " "` +do + pubip=`grep "$czfip " $pimp|cut -f 2 -d " "` + czffirstindex=priv_`ipcalc -n $czfip/20|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` + czfsecondindex=priv_`ipcalc -n $czfip/23|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` + czfthirdindex=priv_`ipcalc -n $czfip/26|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` + pubfirstindex=pub_`ipcalc -n $pubip/27|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` + pubsecondindex=pub_`ipcalc -n $pubip/29|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` + + + if ! grep $czffirstindex $script > /dev/null + then + echo $iptables -t nat -N $czffirstindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -F $czffirstindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s `ipcalc -n $czfip/20|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ ` -o eth1 -j $czffirstindex >> $script + fi + + if ! grep $czfsecondindex $script > /dev/null + then + echo $iptables -t nat -N $czfsecondindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -F $czfsecondindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czffirstindex -s `ipcalc -n $czfip/23|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ ` -o eth1 -j $czfsecondindex >> $script + fi + + if ! grep $czfthirdindex $script > /dev/null + then + echo $iptables -t nat -N $czfthirdindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -F $czfthirdindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czfsecondindex -s `ipcalc -n $czfip/26|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ ` -o eth1 -j $czfthirdindex >> $script + fi + + if ! grep $pubfirstindex $script > /dev/null + then + echo $iptables -t nat -N $pubfirstindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -F $pubfirstindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d `ipcalc -n $pubip/27|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ ` -j $pubfirstindex >> $script + fi + + if ! grep $pubsecondindex $script > /dev/null + then + echo $iptables -t nat -N $pubsecondindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -F $pubsecondindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $pubfirstindex -i eth1 -d `ipcalc -n $pubip/29|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ ` -j $pubsecondindex >> $script + fi + + echo $iptables -t nat -A $pubsecondindex -i eth1 -d $pubip/32 -j DNAT --to-destination $czfip >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $pubsecondindex -i eth1 -d $pubip/32 -j ACCEPT >> $script + + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czfthirdindex -s $czfip/32 -o eth1 -j SNAT --to-source $pubip >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czfthirdindex -s $czfip/32 -o eth1 -j ACCEPT >> $script + + echo -n . + echo "echo -n ." >>$script +done +echo " done." + +# =============================================================== +# Pravidla pro dashboard +# =============================================================== + +echo -n "Generating dashboard index rules " + +for czfip in `grep ^10[.] /etc/hosts|grep dashboard-|cut -f 1` +do + czffirstindex=dash_`ipcalc -n $czfip/20|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` + czfsecondindex=dash_`ipcalc -n $czfip/23|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` + czfthirdindex=dash_`ipcalc -n $czfip/26|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ |tr [./] _` + + if ! grep $czffirstindex $script > /dev/null + then + echo $iptables -t nat -N $czffirstindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -F $czffirstindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s `ipcalc -n $czfip/20|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ ` -i eth0 -j $czffirstindex >> $script + fi + + if ! grep $czfsecondindex $script > /dev/null + then + echo $iptables -t nat -N $czfsecondindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -F $czfsecondindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czffirstindex -s `ipcalc -n $czfip/23|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ ` -i eth0 -j $czfsecondindex >> $script + fi + + if ! grep $czfthirdindex $script > /dev/null + then + echo $iptables -t nat -N $czfthirdindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -F $czfthirdindex >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czfsecondindex -s `ipcalc -n $czfip/26|grep Network|cut -f 4 -d \ ` -i eth0 -j $czfthirdindex >> $script + fi + + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czfthirdindex -s $czfip -d ! -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 8080 >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czfthirdindex -s $czfip -d ! -p tcp --dport 3128 -j REDIRECT --to 8080 >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czfthirdindex -s $czfip -d ! -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT >> $script + echo $iptables -t nat -A $czfthirdindex -s $czfip -d ! -j DROP >> $script + + echo -n . + echo "echo -n ." >>$script + +done +echo " done." + +chmod a+x $script diff --git a/optional-tools/monthly-stats.c b/optional-tools/monthly-stats.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a88ddc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/optional-tools/monthly-stats.c @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ + +#include "cll1.h" + +#define STRLEN 128 + +const char *logdir="/var/www/logs"; +const char *htmldir="/var/www/logs/html"; + +/* Modified: Michal Polak (xChaos) 20070202 */ + +struct Ip +{ + char *name; + long traffic; + list(Ip); +} *ip,*ips; + +int main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + char *month,*year,*str,*name,*ptr,*ptr2; + long traffic,traffic_month,total=0; + int col,col2,y_ok,m_ok,accept_month,i=1; + FILE *f; + + string(str,STRLEN); + + if(argc<3) + { + puts("Usage: monthly-stats Mmm YYYY (Mmm=Jan-Dec, YYYY=year)"); + exit(-1); + } + else + { + month=argv[1]; + year=argv[2]; + } + + sprintf(str,"/bin/ls %s/*.log",logdir); + shell(str); + input(str,STRLEN) + { + ptr=strrchr(str,'\n'); + if(ptr) *ptr='\0'; + printf("Parsing %s ...",str); + accept_month=0; + traffic_month=0; + parse(str) + { + y_ok=m_ok=0; + valid_columns(ptr,_,'\t',col) switch(col) + { + case 2: name=ptr;break; + case 3: traffic=atol(ptr);break; + case 7: valid_columns(ptr2,ptr,' ',col2) switch(col2) + { + case 2: if(eq(ptr2,month)) m_ok=1; break; + case 5: if(eq(ptr2,year)) y_ok=1; break; + } + } + if(y_ok && m_ok) + { + traffic_month+=traffic; + accept_month=1; + } + } + done; + if(accept_month) + { + create(ip,Ip); + ip->name=name; + ip->traffic=traffic_month; + insert(ip,ips,desc_order_by,traffic); + printf(" %ld MB\n",ip->traffic); + } + else + puts(" no records."); + } + sprintf(str,"%s/%s-%s.html",htmldir,year,month); + printf("Writing %s ...",str); + f=fopen(str,"w"); + if(f) + { + fprintf(f,"\n ",month,year); + every(ip,ips) + if(ip->traffic) + { + fprintf(f,"\n",i++,ip->name,ip->traffic,ip->traffic>>10); fprintf(f,"\n",i++,ip->name,ip->traffic,ip->traffic>>10); + total+=ip->traffic>>10; + } + fprintf(f,"\n",total); + fputs("
Data transfers - %s %s
%d%s %ld MB %ld GB
%d%s%ld MB%ld GB
Total:%ld GB
\n",f); + fclose(f); + puts(" done."); + } +} diff --git a/prometheus.c b/prometheus.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05f2ed0 --- /dev/null +++ b/prometheus.c @@ -0,0 +1,1384 @@ + +/* ============================================================= */ +/* === Prometheus QoS - you can "steal fire" from your ISP === */ +/* === "fair-per-IP" quality of service (QoS) utility === */ +/* === requires Linux 2.4.x or 2.6.x with HTB support === */ +/* === Copyright(C) 2005-2007 Michael Polak (xChaos) === */ +/* === Credits: CZFree.Net, Martin Devera, Netdave, Aquarius === */ +/* ============================================================= */ + +/* Modified: xChaos, 20070502 + + Prometheus QoS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of + the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + Prometheus QoS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with the Linux kernel source code; if not, write to + Michael Polak, Svojsikova 7, 169 00 Praha 6 Czech Republic */ + +#define STRLEN 256 +#define MAX_GUARANTED_KBPS 2048 +#undef DEBUG + +#include "cll1.h" + +const char *version="0.7.1"; + +/* ======= Help screen is hopefuly self-documenting part of code :-) ======= */ + +void help(void) +{ + puts("Command line switches:\n\ +\n\ +-?, --help this help screen\n\ +-v, --version show version number of this utility and exit\n\ +-c filename force alternative /etc/prometheus.conf filename\n\ +-h filename force alternative /etc/hosts filename (overrides hosts keyword)\n\ +-f just flush iptables and tc classes and exit (stop shaping)\n\ +-9 emergency iptables flush (do not read data transfer statistics)\n\ +-p just generate preview of data transfer statistics and exit\n\ +-n no delay (overrides qos-free-delay keyword)\n\ +-d dry run (preview tc and iptables commands on stdout)\n\ +"); +} + +/* === Configuraration file values defaults - stored in global variables ==== */ + +int dry_run=0; /* preview - use puts() instead of system() */ +char *config="/etc/prometheus.conf"; /* main configuration file */ +char *hosts="/etc/hosts"; /* line bandwidth definition file */ +char *tc="/sbin/tc"; /* requires tc with HTB support */ +char *iptables="/sbin/iptables"; /* requires iptables utility */ +char *html="/var/www/traffic.html"; /* hall of fame filename */ +char *preview="/var/www/preview.html"; /* hall of fame preview */ +char *cmdlog="/var/log/prometheus"; /* command log filename */ +char *credit="/var/run/"; /* credit log file */ +int enable_credit=1; /* enable credit file */ +int use_credit=0; /* use credit file (if enabled)*/ +char *log_dir="/var/www/html/logs/"; /* log directory pathname */ +char *log_url="logs/"; /* log directory URL prefix */ +char *title="Hall of Fame - Greatest Suckers"; /* hall of fame title */ +int hall_of_fame=1; /* enable hall of fame */ +char *lan="eth0"; /* LAN interface */ +char *lan_medium="100Mbit"; /* 10Mbit/100Mbit ethernet */ +char *wan="eth1"; /* WAN/ISP interface */ +char *wan_medium="100Mbit"; /* 10Mbit/100Mbit ethernet */ +char *qos_leaf="sfq perturb 5"; /* leaf discipline */ +char *qos_free_zone=NULL; /* QoS free zone */ +int qos_proxy=1; /* include proxy port to QoS */ +int include_upload=1; /* upload+download=total traffic */ +char *proxy_ip=""; /* our IP with proxy port */ +int proxy_port=3128; /* proxy port number */ +int line=1024; /* WAN/ISP download in kbps */ +int up=1024; /* WAN/ISP upload in kbps */ +int free_min=32; /* minimum guaranted bandwidth for all undefined hosts */ +int free_max=64; /* maximum allowed bandwidth for all undefined hosts */ +int qos_free_delay=0; /* seconds to sleep before applying new QoS rules */ +int digital_divide=2; /* controls digital divide weirdness ratio, 1...3 */ +int max_nesting=3; /* maximum nesting of HTB clases, built-in maximum seems to be 4 */ +int burst=8; /* HTB burst (in kbits) */ +int magic_priorities=8; /* number of priority levels (soft shaping) */ +int magic_treshold=8; /* reduce ceil by X*magic_treshhold kbps (hard shaping) */ +int keywordcount=0; + +/* not yet implemented: + int fixed_packets=0; maximum number of pps per IP address (not class!) + int packet_limit=5; maximum number of pps to htn CEIL, not rate !!! +*/ +FILE *log_file=NULL; + +char *kwd="via-prometheus"; /* /etc/hosts comment, eg. #qos-64-128 */ + +const idxtable_treshold1=24; /* this is no longer configurable */ +const idxtable_treshold2=12; /* this is no longer configurable */ +const idxtable_bitmask1=3; /* this is no longer configurable */ +const idxtable_bitmask2=3; /* this is no longer configurable */ + + +/* not yet implemented: +-s start shaping! (keep data transfer statistics - but apply shaping)\n\ +-r just reload configuration (...and keep data transfer statistics)\n\ +*/ + +/* ==== This is C<<1 stuff - learn C<<1 first! ==== */ + +struct IP +{ + char *addr; + char *name; + char *sharing; + int min; + int desired; + int max; + int mark; + int prio; + int fixedprio; + unsigned long long direct; + unsigned long long proxy; + unsigned long long upload; + unsigned long long traffic; + unsigned long long credit; + unsigned long pktsup; + unsigned long pktsdown; + struct Keyword *keyword; + list(IP); +} *ips=NULL, *ip, *sharedip; + +struct Group +{ + int min; + int count; + int desired; + list(Group); +} *groups=NULL, *group; + +struct Index +{ + char *addr; + char *id; + struct Index *parent; + int bitmask; + int children; + list(Index); +} *idxs=NULL, *idx, *metaindex; + +struct Keyword +{ + char *key; + + int asymetry_ratio; /* ratio for ADSL-like upload */ + int asymetry_fixed; /* fixed treshold for ADSL-like upload */ + int data_limit; /* hard shaping: apply magic_treshold if max*data_limit MB exceeded */ + int prio_limit; /* soft shaping (qos): reduce HTB prio if max*prio_limit MB exceeded */ + long fixed_limit; /* fixed data limit for setting lower HTB ceil */ + long fixed_prio; /* fixed data lmit for setting lower HTB prio */ + int reserve_min; /* bonus for nominal HTB rate bandwidth (in kbps) */ + int reserve_max; /* malus for nominal HTB ceil (in kbps) */ +// int divide_max; /* relative malus: new_ceil=rate+(old_ceil-rate)/divide_max */ +// int htb_ceil_bonus_divide; /* relative bonus: new_ceil=old_ceil+old_ceil/htb_ceil_bonus_divide */ + int default_prio; /* default HTB priority for this keyword */ + char *html_color; + int ip_count; + + list(Keyword); +} *keyword,*defaultkeyword=NULL,*keywords=NULL; + +/* Damned, this must be object oriented! This looks almost like constructor ;-) */ + +void TheIP(void) +{ + create(ip,IP); + ip->name=""; + ip->addr=""; + ip->sharing=NULL; + ip->prio=1; + ip->fixedprio=0; + ip->mark=ip->min=ip->max=ip->desired=ip->credit=0; + ip->upload=ip->proxy=ip->direct=ip->traffic=0; + ip->pktsup=ip->pktsdown=0; + ip->keyword=keywords; + push(ip,ips); +} + +/* ====== Iptables indexes are used to reduce complexity to log8(N) ===== */ + +char *very_ugly_ipv4_code(char *inip,int bitmask,int format_as_chainname) +{ + /* warning: this function was debugged only for bitmask values 20,24,28 !!!*/ + int dot=0,n; + char *ip,*outip,*outptr,*fmt; + + duplicate(inip,ip); + /* debug printf("(%s,%d) -> ",ip,bitmask); */ + + if(ip && *ip && bitmask>=0 && bitmask<=32) + string(outip,strlen(ip)+10); /*fuck unicode? assertion: 10>strlen("_%d_%d") */ + else + /* should never exit here */ + return "undefined"; + outptr=outip; + while(ip && *ip) + { + if(*ip=='.') + { + if(dot<(bitmask/8-1)) + { + if(format_as_chainname) + *outptr='_'; + else + *outptr='.'; + outptr++; + dot++; + } + else + { + char *cutdot=strchr(ip+1,'.'); /*for bitmask<24*/ + if(cutdot)*cutdot='\0'; + if(format_as_chainname) + fmt="_%d_%d"; + else + fmt=".%d"; + if(bitmask%8) + n=atoi(ip+1)-atoi(ip+1)%(1<<(8-bitmask%8)); + else + n=0; + + /*debug printf("%d/%d => [_%d_%d]\n",atoi(ip+1),bitmask,n,bitmask); */ + sprintf(outptr,fmt,n,bitmask); + if(!format_as_chainname) while(bitmask<24) + { + strcat(outip,".0"); + bitmask+=8; + } + /* debug printf("[%s]\n",outip); */ + return outip; + } + } + else + { + *outptr=*ip; + outptr++; + } + ip++; + } + /*should never exit here*/ + *outptr='\0'; + return outip; +} + +char *hash_id(char *ip,int bitmask) +{ return very_ugly_ipv4_code(ip,bitmask,1); } + +char *subnet_id(char *ip,int bitmask) +{ return very_ugly_ipv4_code(ip,bitmask,0); } + +/* ================= Let's parse configuration file here =================== */ + +void reject_config_and_exit(char *filename) +{ + printf("Configuration file %s rejected - abnormal exit.",filename); + exit(-1); +} + +void get_config(char *config_filename) +{ + printf("Configured keywords: "); + parse(config_filename) + { + option("keyword",kwd); + if(kwd) + { + printf("%s ",kwd); + + create(keyword,Keyword); + keyword->key=kwd; + keyword->asymetry_ratio=1; /* ratio for ADSL-like upload */ + keyword->asymetry_fixed=0; /* fixed treshold for ADSL-like upload */ + keyword->data_limit=8; /* hard shaping: apply magic_treshold if max*data_limit MB exceeded */ + keyword->prio_limit=4; /* soft shaping (qos): reduce HTB prio if max*prio_limit MB exceeded */ + keyword->fixed_limit=0; /* fixed data limit for setting lower HTB ceil */ + keyword->fixed_prio=0; /* fixed data limit for setting lower HTB prio */ + keyword->reserve_min=8; /* bonus for nominal HTB rate bandwidth (in kbps) */ + keyword->reserve_max=0; /* malus for nominal HTB ceil (in kbps) */ +/* obsolete: + keyword->divide_max=0; relative malus: new_ceil=rate+(old_ceil-rate)/divide_max + keyword->htb_ceil_bonus_divide=0; relative bonus: new_ceil=old_ceil+old_ceil/htb_ceil_bonus_divide +*/ + keyword->default_prio=1; + keyword->html_color="000000"; + keyword->ip_count=0; + + push(keyword,keywords); + if(!defaultkeyword) defaultkeyword=keyword; + keywordcount++; + + kwd=NULL; + } + else every(keyword,keywords) + { + int l=strlen(keyword->key); + + + if(!strncmp(keyword->key,_,l) && strlen(_)>l+2) + { + char *tmptr=_; /* <---- l+1 ----> */ + _+=l+1; /* via-prometheus-asymetry-ratio, etc. */ + ioption("asymetry-ratio",keyword->asymetry_ratio); + ioption("asymetry-treshold",keyword->asymetry_fixed); + ioption("magic-relative-limit",keyword->data_limit); + ioption("magic-relative-prio",keyword->prio_limit); + loption("magic-fixed-limit",keyword->fixed_limit); + loption("magic-fixed-prio",keyword->fixed_prio); + ioption("htb-default-prio",keyword->default_prio); + ioption("htb-rate-bonus",keyword->reserve_min); + ioption("htb-ceil-malus",keyword->reserve_max); +/* obsolete: + ioption("htb-ceil-divide",keyword->divide_max); + ioption("htb-ceil-bonus-divide",keyword->htb_ceil_bonus_divide); +*/ + option("html-color",keyword->html_color); + _=tmptr; + + if(keyword->data_limit || keyword->fixed_limit || + keyword->prio_limit || keyword->fixed_prio) + use_credit=1; + + + } + } + + option("tc",tc); + option("iptables",iptables); + option("hosts",hosts); + option("lan-interface",lan); + option("wan-interface",wan); + option("lan-medium",lan_medium); + option("wan-medium",wan_medium); + ioption("wan-download",line); + ioption("wan-upload",up); + ioption("hall-of-fame-enable",hall_of_fame); + option("hall-of-fame-title",title); + option("hall-of-fame-filename",html); + option("hall-of-fame-preview",preview); + option("log-filename",cmdlog); + option("credit-filename",credit); + ioption("credit-enable",enable_credit); + option("log-traffic-directory",log_dir); + option("log-traffic-url-path",log_url); + option("qos-free-zone",qos_free_zone); + ioption("qos-free-delay",qos_free_delay); + ioption("qos-proxy-enable",qos_proxy); + option("qos-proxy-ip",proxy_ip); + option("htb-leaf-discipline",qos_leaf); + ioption("qos-proxy-port",proxy_port); + ioption("free-rate",free_min); + ioption("free-ceil",free_max); + ioption("htb-burst",burst); + ioption("htb-nesting-limit",max_nesting); + ioption("magic-include-upload",include_upload); + ioption("magic-priorities",magic_priorities); + ioption("magic-treshold",magic_treshold); +/* not yet implemented: + ioption("magic-fixed-packets",fixed_packets); + ioption("magic-relative-packets",packet_limit); +*/ + } + fail + { + perror(config_filename); + puts("Warning - using built-in defaults instead ..."); + } + done; + printf("\n"); + + /* are supplied values meaningful ?*/ + if(line<=0 || up<=0) + { + puts("Illegal value of wan bandwidth: 0 kbps."); + reject_config_and_exit(config_filename); + } +} + +/* ===================== traffic analyser - uses iptables ================ */ + +void get_traffic_statistics(void) +{ + char *str,*cmd; + int downloadflag=0; + + textfile(Pipe,str) *line,*lines=NULL; + string(str,STRLEN); + string(cmd,STRLEN); + + sprintf(cmd,"%s -L -v -x -n -t mangle",iptables); + shell(cmd); + input(str,STRLEN) + { + create(line,Pipe); + line->str=str; + string(str,STRLEN); + append(line,lines); + } + + every(line,lines) + { + int col, accept=0,proxyflag=0,valid=1,setchainname=0,commonflag=0; + unsigned long long traffic=0; + unsigned long pkts=0; + char *ipaddr=NULL,*ptr; + + /* debug puts(line->str); */ + valid_columns(ptr,line->str,' ',col) + if(valid) switch(col) + { + case 1: if(eq(ptr,"Chain")) + setchainname=1; + else if(eq(ptr,"pkts")) + valid=0; + else + sscanf(ptr,"%lu",&pkts); + break; + case 2: if(setchainname) + { + if(!strncmp(ptr,"post_",5) || eq(ptr,"POSTROUTING")) + downloadflag=1; + else + if(!strncmp(ptr,"forw_",5) || eq(ptr,"FORWARD")) + downloadflag=0; + + if(eq(ptr,"post_common") || eq(ptr,"forw_common")) + commonflag=1; + } + else + sscanf(ptr,"%Lu",&traffic); traffic+=(1<<19); traffic>>=20; + break; + case 3: if(strncmp(ptr,"post_",5) && strncmp(ptr,"forw_",5) || commonflag) + accept=eq(ptr,"MARK"); + break; + case 8: if(downloadflag) + { + if(strstr(proxy_ip,ptr))proxyflag=1; + } + else + ipaddr=ptr; + break; + case 9: if(downloadflag)ipaddr=ptr;break; + } + + if(accept && traffic>0 && ipaddr) + { + if(proxyflag)printf("(proxy) "); + else if(!downloadflag) printf("(upload) "); + printf("IP %s: %Lu M (%ld pkts)\n", ipaddr, traffic, pkts); + find(ip,ips,eq(ip->addr,ipaddr)); + else + { + TheIP(); + ip->addr=ipaddr; + if(eq(ip->addr,"")) + { + ip->name="(unregistered)"; + ip->min=free_min; + ip->max=ip->desired=free_max; + } + } + + if(downloadflag) + { + if(proxyflag) + ip->proxy=traffic; + else + ip->traffic+=traffic; + ip->direct=ip->traffic-ip->upload-ip->proxy; + ip->pktsdown=pkts; + } + else + { + ip->upload=traffic; + ip->pktsup=pkts; + if(include_upload) + ip->traffic+=traffic; + else + if(traffic>ip->traffic) + ip->traffic=traffic; + } + } + } + + + free(cmd); +} + +/* ========== This function executes, logs OR ALSO prints command ========== */ + +void safe_run(char *cmd) +{ + if(dry_run) printf("\n=>%s\n",cmd); else system(cmd); + if(log_file) fprintf(log_file,"%s\n",cmd); +} + +/* == This function strips extra characters after IP address and stores it = */ + +void parse_ip(char *str) +{ + char *ptr=str,*ipaddr=NULL,*ipname=NULL;; + + while(*ptr && *ptr!=' ' && *ptr!=9) + ptr++; + + *ptr=0; + ipaddr=str; + ptr++; + while(*ptr && (*ptr==' ' || *ptr==9)) + ptr++; + ipname=ptr; + while(*ptr && *ptr!=' ' && *ptr!=9) + ptr++; + *ptr=0; + + find(ip,ips,eq(ip->addr,ipaddr)); else TheIP(); + ip->addr=ipaddr; + ip->name=ipname; +} + +char *parse_datafile_line(char *str) +{ + char *ptr=strchr(str,' '); + + if(ptr) + { + *ptr=0; + ptr++; + return ptr; + } + else + return NULL; +} + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Are you looking for int main (int argc, char **argv) ? :-)) */ +/*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +program +{ + int i=0; + FILE *f=NULL; + char *str, *ptr, *d; + char *substring; + int class_count=0,ip_count=0; + int parent=1; + int just_flush=0; + int nodelay=0; + int just_preview=0; /* preview - generate just stats */ + char *chain_forward, *chain_postrouting; + char *althosts=NULL; + + printf("\n\ +Prometheus QoS - \"fair-per-IP\" Quality of Service setup utility.\n\ +Version %s - Copyright (C)2005-2007 Michael Polak (xChaos)\n\ +Credits: CZFree.Net, Martin Devera, Netdave, Aquarius\n\n",version); + + /*----- Boring... we have to check command line options first: ----*/ + + arguments + { + argument("-c") { nextargument(config); } + argument("-h") { nextargument(althosts);} + argument("-d") { dry_run=1; } + argument("-f") { just_flush=1; } + argument("-9") { just_flush=9; } + argument("-p") { just_preview=1; } + argument("-n") { nodelay=1; } + argument("-?") { help(); exit(0); } + argument("--help") { help(); exit(0); } + argument("-v") { exit(0); } + argument("--version") { exit(0); } + } + + if(dry_run) + puts("*** THIS IS JUST DRY RUN ! ***\n"); + + date(d); /* this is typical cll1.h macro */ + + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + printf("Parsing configuration file %s ...\n", config); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + get_config(config); + + if(althosts) hosts=althosts; + + if(just_flush<9) + { + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + puts("Parsing iptables verbose output ..."); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + get_traffic_statistics(); + } + + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + printf("Parsing class defintion file %s ...\n", hosts); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + parse(hosts) + { + str=_; + + if(*str<'0' || *str>'9') + continue; + + //Does this IP share QoS class with some other ? + substring=strstr(str,"sharing-"); + if(substring) + { + substring+=8; //"sharing-" + parse_ip(str); + ip_count++; + ip->sharing=substring; + ip->keyword=defaultkeyword; /* settings for default keyword */ + while(*substring && *substring!='\n') + substring++; + *substring=0; + } + else + { + //Do we have to create new QoS class for this IP ? + + find(keyword,keywords,(substring=strstr(str,keyword->key))) + { + parse_ip(str); + ip_count++; + ip->keyword=keyword; + keyword->ip_count++; + ip->prio=keyword->default_prio; + substring+=strlen(keyword->key)+1; + ptr=substring; + while(*ptr && *ptr!='-') + ptr++; + if(*ptr=='-') + { + *ptr=0; + ip->max=ip->desired=atoi(ptr+1); + } + ip->min=atoi(substring); + if(ip->min<=0) + { + puts("Illegal value of minimum bandwidth: 0 kbps."); + reject_config_and_exit(hosts); + } + if(ip->max<=ip->min) + { + ip->fixedprio=1; + ip->max=ip->min+ip->keyword->reserve_min; + } + else + { + ip->max-=ip->keyword->reserve_max; + +/* + if(ip->keyword->divide_max>1) + ip->max=ip->min+(ip->max-ip->min)/ip->keyword->divide_max; + if(ip->keyword->htb_ceil_bonus_divide>0) + ip->max+=ip->max/ip->keyword->htb_ceil_bonus_divide; +*/ + if(ip->maxmin) + ip->max=ip->min; + } + ip->mark=MAX_GUARANTED_KBPS+1+class_count++; + + find(group,groups,group->min==ip->min) + { + group->count++; + group->desired+=ip->min; + } + else + { + create(group,Group); + group->min=ip->min; + + if(group->min<8) group->min=8; + /* Warning - this is maybe because of primitive tc namespace, can be fixed */ + /* it is because class IDs are derived from min. bandwidth. - xCh */ + if(group->min>MAX_GUARANTED_KBPS) group->min=MAX_GUARANTED_KBPS; + + group->count=1; + group->desired=ip->min; + insert(group,groups,desc_order_by,min); + } + }//endif keyword- + }//endif sharing- + } + fail + { + perror(hosts); + exit(-1); + } + done; + + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + /* cll1.h - let's allocate brand new character buffer... */ + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + string(str,STRLEN); + + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + puts("Resolving shared connections ..."); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + search(ip,ips,ip->sharing) + { + search(sharedip,ips,eq(sharedip->name,ip->sharing)) + { + sharedip->traffic+=ip->traffic; + ip->traffic=0; + ip->mark=sharedip->mark; + break; + } + if(!sharedip) + printf("Unresolved shared connection: %s %s sharing-%s\n",ip->addr,ip->name,ip->sharing); + } + + if(enable_credit && just_flush<9) + { + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + printf("Parsing credit file %s ...\n", credit); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + parse(credit) + { + ptr=parse_datafile_line(_); + if(ptr) + { + find(ip,ips,eq(ip->addr,_)) + sscanf(ptr,"%Lu",&(ip->credit)); + } + } + done; + } + + if(!just_preview) + { + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + puts("Initializing iptables and tc classes ..."); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + log_file=fopen(cmdlog,"w"); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F INPUT",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F OUTPUT",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F PREROUTING",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F POSTROUTING",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F FORWARD",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -Z INPUT",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -Z OUTPUT",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -Z PREROUTING",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -Z POSTROUTING",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -Z FORWARD",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -X",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s qdisc del dev %s root 2>/dev/null",tc,lan); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s qdisc del dev %s root 2>/dev/null",tc,wan); + safe_run(str); + + if(qos_free_zone && *qos_free_zone!='0') + { + char *chain; + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A FORWARD -d %s -o %s -j ACCEPT",iptables, qos_free_zone, wan); + safe_run(str); + + if(qos_proxy) + { + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -N post_noproxy 2>/dev/null",iptables); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F post_noproxy",iptables); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -p ! tcp -o %s -j post_noproxy",iptables, lan); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -s ! %s -o %s -j post_noproxy",iptables, proxy_ip, lan); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -s %s -p tcp --sport ! %d -o %s -j post_noproxy",iptables, proxy_ip, proxy_port, lan); + safe_run(str); + + chain="post_noproxy"; + } + else + chain="POSTROUTING"; + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -s %s -o %s -j ACCEPT",iptables, chain, qos_free_zone, lan); + safe_run(str); + } + + if(ip_count>idxtable_treshold1 && !just_flush) + { + int idxcount=0, bitmask=32-idxtable_bitmask1; /* default net mask: */ + char *subnet, *ptr, *buf; + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + printf("Detected %d addresses - indexing iptables rules to improve performance...\n",ip_count); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -N post_common 2>/dev/null",iptables); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F post_common",iptables); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -N forw_common 2>/dev/null",iptables); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F forw_common",iptables); + safe_run(str); + + search(ip,ips,ip->addr && *(ip->addr) && !eq(ip->addr,"")) + { + buf=hash_id(ip->addr,bitmask); + find(idx,idxs,eq(idx->id,buf)) + idx->children++; + else + { + create(idx,Index); + idx->addr=ip->addr; + idx->id=buf; + idx->bitmask=bitmask; + idx->parent=NULL; + idx->children=0; + idxcount++; + push(idx,idxs); + } + } + + /* brutal perfomance optimalization */ + while(idxcount>idxtable_treshold2 && bitmask>2*idxtable_bitmask2) + { + bitmask-=idxtable_bitmask2; + idxcount=0; + search(idx,idxs,idx->parent==NULL) + { + buf=hash_id(idx->addr,bitmask); + find(metaindex,idxs,eq(metaindex->id,buf)) + metaindex->children++; + else + { + create(metaindex,Index); + metaindex->addr=idx->addr; + metaindex->id=buf; + metaindex->bitmask=bitmask; + metaindex->parent=NULL; + metaindex->children=0; + idxcount++; + push(metaindex,idxs); + } + idx->parent=metaindex; + } + } + + /* this should slightly optimize throughout ... */ + sort(idx,idxs,desc_order_by,children); + sort(idx,idxs,order_by,bitmask); + + i=0; + every(idx,idxs) + { + subnet=subnet_id(idx->addr,idx->bitmask); + printf("%d: %s/%d\n",++i,subnet,idx->bitmask); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -N post_%s 2>/dev/null",iptables, idx->id); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F post_%s",iptables, idx->id); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -N forw_%s 2>/dev/null",iptables, idx->id); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -F forw_%s",iptables, idx->id); + safe_run(str); + + if(idx->parent) + { + string(buf,strlen(idx->parent->id)+6); + sprintf(buf,"post_%s",idx->parent->id); + } + else + buf="POSTROUTING"; + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -d %s/%d -o %s -j post_%s",iptables, buf, subnet, idx->bitmask, lan, idx->id); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -d %s/%d -o %s -j post_common",iptables, buf, subnet, idx->bitmask, lan); + safe_run(str); + + if(idx->parent) + { + string(buf,strlen(idx->parent->id)+6); + sprintf(buf,"forw_%s",idx->parent->id); + } + else + buf="FORWARD"; + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -s %s/%d -o %s -j forw_%s",iptables, buf, subnet, idx->bitmask, wan, idx->id); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -s %s/%d -o %s -j forw_common",iptables, buf, subnet, idx->bitmask, wan); + safe_run(str); + } + printf("Total indexed iptables chains created: %d\n", i); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A FORWARD -o %s -j forw_common",iptables, wan); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o %s -j post_common",iptables, lan); + safe_run(str); + } + + } + + if(just_flush) + { + puts("Just flushed iptables and tc classes - now exiting ..."); + exit(0); + } + + if(!just_preview) + { + if(!dry_run && !nodelay && qos_free_delay) + { + printf("Flushed iptables and tc classes - now sleeping for %d seconds...\n",qos_free_delay); + sleep(qos_free_delay); + } + + sprintf(str,"%s qdisc add dev %s root handle 1: htb r2q 1 default 2",tc,lan); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1: classid 1:2 htb rate %s ceil %s burst %dk prio 0",tc,lan,lan_medium,lan_medium,burst); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1:2 classid 1:1 htb rate %dkbit ceil %dkbit burst %dk prio 0",tc,lan,line,line,burst); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s qdisc add dev %s root handle 1: htb r2q 1 default 2",tc,wan); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1: classid 1:2 htb rate %s ceil %s burst %dk prio 0",tc,wan,wan_medium,wan_medium,burst); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1:2 classid 1:1 htb rate %dkbit ceil %dkbit burst %dk prio 0",tc,wan,up,up,burst); + safe_run(str); + } + + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + puts("Locating suckers and generating root classes ..."); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + sort(ip,ips,desc_order_by,traffic); + + + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + /* sub-scope - local variables */ + { + long rate=line; + long max=line; + int group_count=0; + FILE *credit_file=NULL; + + if(!just_preview && !dry_run && enable_credit) credit_file=fopen(credit,"w"); + + every(group,groups) + { + if(!just_preview) + { + //download + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1:%d classid 1:%d htb rate %dkbit ceil %dkbit burst %dk prio 1", + tc, lan, parent, group->min, rate, max, burst); + safe_run(str); + + //upload + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1:%d classid 1:%d htb rate %ldkbit ceil %ldkbit burst %dk prio 1", + tc, wan, parent, group->min, (long)(rate*up/line), (long)(max*up/line), burst); + safe_run(str); + } + + if(group_count++min; + + rate-=digital_divide*group->min; + if(ratemin)rate=group->min; + + /*shaping of aggresive downloaders, with credit file support */ + if(use_credit) + { + int group_rate=group->min, priority_sequence=magic_priorities+1; + + search(ip, ips, ip->min==group->min && ip->max>ip->min) + { + if(ip->keyword->data_limit>0 && + ip->traffic>ip->credit+ + (ip->min*ip->keyword->data_limit+(ip->keyword->fixed_limit<<20)) + && !ip->fixedprio) + { + if(group_ratemax) ip->max=group_rate; + group_rate+=magic_treshold; + ip->prio=magic_priorities+2; + if(ip->prio<3) ip->prio=3; + } + else + { + if(ip->traffic>ip->credit+ + (ip->min*ip->keyword->prio_limit+(ip->keyword->fixed_prio<<20)) && + !ip->fixedprio) + { + ip->prio=priority_sequence--; + if(ip->prio<2) ip->prio=2; + } + + if(credit_file) + { + unsigned long long lcredit=0; + if((ip->min*ip->keyword->data_limit+(ip->keyword->fixed_limit<<20))>ip->traffic) + lcredit=(ip->min*ip->keyword->data_limit+(ip->keyword->fixed_limit<<20))-ip->traffic; + fprintf(credit_file,"%s %Lu\n",ip->addr,lcredit); + } + } + } + + } + } + if(credit_file)fclose(credit_file); + } + + if(just_preview) + { + f=fopen(preview,"w"); + ptr=preview; + } + else if(!dry_run && !just_flush) + { + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + printf("Writing data transfer database ...\n"); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + f=fopen("/var/run/prometheus.previous","w"); + if(f) + { + search(ip,ips,ip->traffic || ip->direct || ip->proxy ||ip->upload) + fprintf(f,"%s %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu\n",ip->addr,ip->traffic,ip->direct,ip->proxy,ip->upload); + fclose(f); + } + + f=fopen(html,"w"); + ptr=html; + } + + if(f) + { + int total=0; + int count=1; + i=0; + + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + printf("Sorting data and generating statistics page %s ...\n",ptr); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + fputs("\n\n",f); + fprintf(f,"\n",keywordcount); + fputs("\n",f); + every(group,groups) + { +#ifdef DEBUG + printf("%d k group: %d bandwidth requested: %d k\n",group->min,group->count,group->desired); +#endif + fprintf(f,"",count,group->min); + fprintf(f,"",group->count,group->desired); + + every(keyword,keywords) + fprintf(f,"",keyword->html_color,group->min*keyword->data_limit); + + i+=group->desired; + total+=group->count; + count++; + } +#ifdef DEBUG + printf("Total groups: %d Total bandwidth requested: %d k\nAGGREGATION: 1/%d\n",count,i,i/line); +#endif + fprintf(f,"",keyword->ip_count); + + fprintf(f,"\n",(int)(0.5+i/line)); + fprintf(f,"\n",keywordcount,total); + + fputs("
#groupIPsrequesteddata limits
%d%d k%d%d k%d M
Line %d k",line); + fprintf(f,"%d%d k",total,i); + + every(keyword,keywords) + fprintf(f,"%d IPs
Aggregation 1/%d%d traffic classes
\n",f); + } + else if(!dry_run && !just_flush) + perror(html); + + i=1; + if(f) + { + unsigned long long total=0, total_direct=0, total_proxy=0, total_upload=0, tmp_sum=0; + int active_classes=0; + int colspan; + FILE *iplog; + struct Sum {unsigned long long l; int i; list(Sum);} *sum,*sums=NULL; + + if(qos_proxy) + colspan=12; + else + colspan=11; + + fprintf(f,"

\n\n", d); + fputs("\ + \ + \ + \ + \n",f); + if(qos_proxy) + fputs("\n",f); + fputs("\ + \ + \ + \ + \n",f); + + every(ip,ips) + { + char *f1="", *f2=""; + if(ip->maxdesired) + { + f1=""; + f2=""; + } + else if(ip->prio>1) + { + f1=""; + f2=""; + } + +#ifdef DEBUG + printf("%03d. %-22s %10Lu (%d/%d)\n",i ,ip->name, ip->traffic, ip->min, ip->max); +#endif + fprintf(f,"\n", + ip->name, i, log_url, ip->name, ip->name, ip->credit); + fprintf(f,"",ip->keyword->html_color,ip->credit+(ip->min*ip->keyword->data_limit+(ip->keyword->fixed_limit<<20))); + fprintf(f,"\n", f1, ip->traffic, f2, ip->direct); + if(qos_proxy) + fprintf(f,"\n", ip->proxy); + fprintf(f,"\n", ip->upload); + fprintf(f,"\n",ip->min,ip->desired,f1,ip->max,f2,f1,ip->prio,f2); + total+=ip->traffic; + total_direct+=ip->direct; + total_proxy+=ip->proxy; + total_upload+=ip->upload; + if(ip->traffic>0) + { + active_classes++; + tmp_sum+=ip->traffic; + create(sum,Sum); + sum->l=tmp_sum; + sum->i=active_classes; + insert(sum,sums,order_by,i); + } + + i++; + + if(!just_preview) + { + sprintf(str,"%s%s.log",log_dir,ip->name); + iplog=fopen(str,"a"); + if(iplog) + { + fprintf(iplog,"%ld\t%s\t%Lu\t%Lu\t%Lu\t%Lu\t%s",time(NULL),ip->name,ip->traffic, ip->direct, ip->proxy, ip->upload,d); + fclose(iplog); + } + } + + } + fprintf(f,"\ + \n", total, total_direct); + if(qos_proxy) + fprintf(f,"\n", total_proxy); + fprintf(f,"", total_upload); + fputs("\n
%s",colspan,title); + fprintf(f," (%s)
%d%s%Lu M%Lu M%s%Lu M%s%Lu M%Lu M%Lu M%d k%d k%s%d k%s%s%d%s
SUMMARY:"); + fprintf(f,"%Lu M%Lu M%Lu M%Lu M
\n",f); + + if(active_classes>10) + { + fputs("

\n",f); + fputs("\n",f); + find (sum,sums,sum->l>=total/4) + fprintf(f,"\n",sum->i,(100*sum->i+50)/active_classes,sum->l,(100*sum->l+50)/total); + find (sum,sums,sum->i==10) + fprintf(f,"\n",(100*sum->i+50)/active_classes,sum->l,(100*sum->l+50)/total); + find (sum,sums,sum->l>=total/2) + fprintf(f,"\n",sum->i,(100*sum->i+50)/active_classes,sum->l,(100*sum->l+50)/total); + find (sum,sums,sum->i>=(active_classes+3)/4) + fprintf(f,"\n",sum->i,(100*sum->i+50)/active_classes,sum->l,(100*sum->l+50)/total); + find (sum,sums,sum->i>=(active_classes+1)/2) + fprintf(f,"\n",sum->i,(100*sum->i+50)/active_classes,sum->l,(100*sum->l+50)/total); + fprintf(f,"\n",active_classes,total); + fputs("
Enterprise Research and Planning (ERP)
Active ClassesData transfers
Top %d%d %%%Lu M%d %%
Top 10%d %%%Lu M%d %%
Top %d%d %%%Lu M%d %%
Top %d%d %%%Lu M%d %%
Top %d%d %%%Lu M%d %%
All %d100 %%%Lu M100 %%
\n",f); + } + fprintf(f,"Statistics generated by Prometheus QoS version %s
GPL+Copyright(C)2005 Michael Polak, Arachne Labs
\n",version); + fclose(f); + } + + if(just_preview) + { + puts("Statistics preview generated (-p switch) - now exiting ..."); + exit(0); + } + + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + puts("Generating iptables and tc classes ..."); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + i=0; + printf("%-22s %-15s mark\n","name","ip"); + search(ip,ips,ip->mark>0) + { + + if(idxs) + { + char *buf; + duplicate(ip->addr,buf); + buf=hash_id(ip->addr,32-idxtable_bitmask1); + + string(chain_forward,6+strlen(buf)); + strcpy(chain_forward,"forw_"); + strcat(chain_forward,buf); + + string(chain_postrouting,6+strlen(buf)); + strcpy(chain_postrouting,"post_"); + strcat(chain_postrouting,buf); + + free(buf); + } + else + { + chain_forward="FORWARD"; + chain_postrouting="POSTROUTING"; + } + + printf("%-22s %-16s %04d ", ip->name, ip->addr, ip->mark); + + /* -------------------------------------------------------- mark download */ + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -d %s/32 -o %s -j MARK --set-mark %d",iptables,chain_postrouting,ip->addr,lan,ip->mark); + /* -m limit --limit 1/s */ + safe_run(str); + + if(qos_proxy) + { + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -s %s -p tcp --sport %d -d %s/32 -o %s -j MARK --set-mark %d",iptables,chain_postrouting,proxy_ip,proxy_port,ip->addr,lan,ip->mark); + safe_run(str); + } + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -d %s/32 -o %s -j ACCEPT",iptables,chain_postrouting,ip->addr,lan); + safe_run(str); + + /* -------------------------------------------------------- mark upload */ + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -s %s/32 -o %s -j MARK --set-mark %d",iptables,chain_forward,ip->addr,wan,ip->mark); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -s %s/32 -o %s -j ACCEPT",iptables,chain_forward,ip->addr,wan); + safe_run(str); + + if(ip->min) + { + /* -------------------------------------------------------- download class */ + printf("(down: %dk-%dk ", ip->min, ip->max); + + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1:%d classid 1:%d htb rate %dkbit ceil %dkbit burst %dk prio %d", tc, lan, ip->min, ip->mark,ip->min,ip->max, burst, ip->prio); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s qdisc add dev %s parent 1:%d handle %d %s", tc, lan, ip->mark, ip->mark, qos_leaf); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s filter add dev %s parent 1:0 protocol ip handle %d fw flowid 1:%d", tc, lan, ip->mark, ip->mark); + safe_run(str); + + /* -------------------------------------------------------- upload class */ + printf("up: %dk-%dk)\n", (int)((ip->min/ip->keyword->asymetry_ratio)-ip->keyword->asymetry_fixed), + (int)((ip->max/ip->keyword->asymetry_ratio)-ip->keyword->asymetry_fixed)); + + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1:%d classid 1:%d htb rate %dkbit ceil %dkbit burst %dk prio %d", + tc, wan, ip->min, ip->mark, + (int)((ip->min/ip->keyword->asymetry_ratio)-ip->keyword->asymetry_fixed), + (int)((ip->max/ip->keyword->asymetry_ratio)-ip->keyword->asymetry_fixed), burst, ip->prio); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s qdisc add dev %s parent 1:%d handle %d %s",tc, wan, ip->mark, ip->mark, qos_leaf); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s filter add dev %s parent 1:0 protocol ip handle %d fw flowid 1:%d",tc, wan, ip->mark, ip->mark); + safe_run(str); + } + else + printf("(sharing %s)\n", ip->sharing); + i++; + } + + + if(idxs) + { + chain_forward="forw_common"; + chain_postrouting="post_common"; + } + else + { + chain_forward="FORWARD"; + chain_postrouting="POSTROUTING"; + } + + /* -------------------------------------------------------- mark download */ + + if(qos_proxy) + { + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -s %s -p tcp --sport %d -o %s -j MARK --set-mark 3",iptables,chain_postrouting,proxy_ip,proxy_port,lan); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -s %s -p tcp --sport %d -o %s -j ACCEPT",iptables,chain_postrouting,proxy_ip,proxy_port,lan); + safe_run(str); + } + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -o %s -j MARK --set-mark 3",iptables,chain_postrouting,lan); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -o %s -j ACCEPT",iptables,chain_postrouting,lan); + safe_run(str); + + /* -------------------------------------------------------- mark upload */ + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -o %s -j MARK --set-mark 3",iptables,chain_forward,wan); + safe_run(str); + sprintf(str,"%s -t mangle -A %s -o %s -j ACCEPT",iptables,chain_forward,wan); + safe_run(str); + + printf("Total IP count: %d\n", i); + + /* ---------------------------------------- tc - free bandwith shared class */ + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1:%d classid 1:3 htb rate %dkbit ceil %dkbit burst %dk prio 2",tc,lan,parent,free_min,free_max,burst); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s class add dev %s parent 1:%d classid 1:3 htb rate %dkbit ceil %dkbit burst %dk prio 2",tc,wan,parent,free_min,free_max,burst); + safe_run(str); + + /* tc SFQ */ + sprintf(str,"%s qdisc add dev %s parent 1:3 handle 3 %s",tc,lan,qos_leaf); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s qdisc add dev %s parent 1:3 handle 3 %s",tc,wan,qos_leaf); + safe_run(str); + + /* tc handle 1 fw flowid */ + sprintf(str,"%s filter add dev %s parent 1:0 protocol ip handle 3 fw flowid 1:3",tc,lan); + safe_run(str); + + sprintf(str,"%s filter add dev %s parent 1:0 protocol ip handle 3 fw flowid 1:3",tc,wan); + safe_run(str); + + if(log_file) fclose(log_file); + return 0; + + /* that's all folks, thank you for reading it all the way up to this point ;-) */ + /* bad luck C<<1 is not yet finished, I promise no sprintf() next time... */ +} diff --git a/prometheus.conf.SAMPLE b/prometheus.conf.SAMPLE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2d9594 --- /dev/null +++ b/prometheus.conf.SAMPLE @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +#========================================================================== +# +# Prometheus QoS - steal fire from your ISP ! +# "fair-per-IP" quality of service utility +# requires Linux kernel with HTB qdisc enabled +# GNUpyright(G)2007 Michael xChaos Polak, +# Credits: CZFree.Net / Freegate / Deu / +# ...and Martin Devera for his HTB, of course ;-) +# +#========================================================================== +#Path to external utilities required to run iGW Prometheus: +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +tc /sbin/tc +iptables /sbin/iptables +#========================================================================== +#Filename of /etc/hosts - style IP address configuration file +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +hosts /etc/prometheus.hosts +#========================================================================== +#Keywords found in /etc/host comments - syntax KEYWORD-MIN-MAX +#Eg.: mypc #via-prometheus-256-512 +#sets HTB rate for to 256 kbps and HTB ceil to 512 kbps +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +keyword via-prometheus +keyword adsl-prometheus +#========================================================================== +#LAN (local, downstream) and WAN (isp, internet, upstream) interface names +#didn't work well with only one interface - two interfaces are required now +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +lan-interface eth0 #Linux network interface name +wan-interface eth1 #Linux network interface name +#========================================================================== +#LAN and WAN medium definition (100Mbit, 10Mbit - use 2Mbit for Wi-Fi) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +lan-medium 100Mbit #Mbit|kbit +wan-medium 100Mbit #Mbit|kbit +#========================================================================== +#guranted upload and download bandwidth FROM your ISP (in kbps, please!) +#asymetry settings will be automaticaly calculated from these values +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +wan-download 10000 #kbps +wan-upload 10000 #kbps +#========================================================================== +#special QoS free zone (eg. free CZFree tranzit, etc.) +#Apply QoS on HTTP proxy IP addres/port +#Set HTB rate and HTB ceil for address undefined in hosts file +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +qos-free-zone #0=disable|subnet eg. +qos-free-delay 14400 #seconds to wait before applying QoS +qos-proxy-enable 0 #1=yes|0=no +qos-proxy-ip #eg. IP of our LAN interface +qos-proxy-port 3128 #squid port +free-rate 64 #kbps - by Vitex kuli testovani dashboardu +free-ceil 128 #kbps +digital-divide-weirdness-ratio 1 #can be 1, 2, 3, maybe even more... +#========================================================================== +#Asymetric line settings - this allows setup of ADSL-style ISP service +#asymetry-rate 2 means upload is limited to 50% of the rate of download +#asymetry-treshold 64 means upload will be 64 kbps slower then download +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#These settings are keyword-derived ! (see "keyword" section) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +via-prometheus-asymetry-ratio 1 #2,4,etc. for relative upload shaping +via-prometheus-asymetry-treshold 0 #kbps +adsl-prometheus-asymetry-ratio 2 +adsl-prometheus-asymetry-treshold 0 +#========================================================================== +#HTB fine tuning part I - common settings +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +htb-nesting-limit 3 #0..4: HTB seems to have built-in limit +htb-burst 32 #kbit +htb-leaf-discipline sfq perturb 5 +#========================================================================== +#magic-include-upload - is data counter sum of upload and download ? +#magic-priorities - prioty levels are used by magic-relative-prio +#magic-treshold - heaviest downloader: htb-rate, 2nd: htb-rate+magic-treshold +#========================================================================== +magic-include-upload 1 #1=yes|0=no +magic-priorities 8 #number of priority levels - 2 +magic-treshold 2 #kbps +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#Magic data limit based od guaranted bandwidth in kbps fine tunes HTB ceil: +#(magic-relative-limit)*(min bandwidth kbps) = limit for given time period +#eg. value 8 gives 512 MB limit to 64 kbps HTB rates, 1024 MB to 128'ers... +#magic-fixed-limit is fixed data limit in MB (megabytes), 0=no limit +#HTB ceil will be reduced to (HTB rate) for the most unfair-users +#other offenders get (HTB rate)+(magic-treshold) +#magic-relative-prio and magic-fixed-prio work exactly the same way as +#limit, except that they reduce HTB priority instead of HTB ceil +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#These settings are keyword-derived ! (see "keyword" section) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +via-prometheus-magic-relative-limit 8 #*kb/sec->MB/day +via-prometheus-magic-relative-prio 6 #*kb/sec->MB/day +via-prometheus-magic-fixed-limit 0 #MB, less then +via-prometheus-magic-fixed-prio 0 #MB, less then +adsl-prometheus-magic-relative-limit 12 +adsl-prometheus-magic-relative-prio 8 +adsl-prometheus-magic-fixed-limit 0 +adsl-prometheus-magic-fixed-prio 0 +#========================================================================== +#HTB fine tuning part II - keyword dependent settings +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#These settings are keyword-derived ! (see "keyword" section) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +via-prometheus-htb-default-prio 1 #can be 1...magic-priorities-2 +via-prometheus-htb-rate-bonus 0 #kbps +via-prometheus-htb-ceil-malus 0 #kbps +adsl-prometheus-htb-default-prio 1 +adsl-prometheus-htb-rate-bonus 16 +adsl-prometheus-htb-ceil-malus 0 +#========================================================================== +#Credit file settings - stores unused credit from previous runs +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +credit-filename /var/run/ +credit-enable 1 #1=yes|0=no +#========================================================================== +#Log file names and directories +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +log-filename /var/log/prometheus +log-traffic-directory /var/www/logs/ +log-traffic-url-path logs/ +#========================================================================== +#Hall of Fame - Greatest Suckers settings +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +hall-of-fame-enable 1 #1=yes|0=no +hall-of-fame-filename /var/www/yesterday.html +hall-of-fame-preview /var/www/today.html +hall-of-fame-title Hall of Fame - Greatest Suckers +#========================================================================== +#Hall of Fame - Color settings (for FUP data limit display) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#These settings are keyword-derived ! (see "keyword" section) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +via-prometheus-html-color 008000 +adsl-prometheus-html-color 000080 +#========================================================================== +#That's all, folks. Now just run /usr/local/sbin/prometheus every day... diff --git a/prometheus.spec b/prometheus.spec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2751a8c --- /dev/null +++ b/prometheus.spec @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +Summary: Traffic shaper replacement for Internet Service Providers (ISP). +Name: prometheus +Version: 0.7.1 +Release: 1 +License: GPL +Vendor: Arachne Labs +Packager: Tomas Lastovicka +Group: Applications/System +Source0: +URL: +Requires: iptables, iproute +BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) + +%description +QoS (or Quality-of-service) is traffic shaper replacement for Internet Service +Providers (ISP). Dump your vintage hard-wired routers/shapers (C|sco, etc.) +in favour of powerful open source and free solution. + +Prometheus QoS generates multiple nested HTB tc classes with various rate and +ceil values, and implements optional daily traffic quotas and data transfer +statistics (as HTML). It is compatible with NAT, both asymetrical and +symetrical, yet still provides good two-way shaping and prioritizing, both +upload and download. + +Prometheus QoS was written in C<<1 and depends on HTB algorithm hardcoded +in Linux kernel. It is currently being tested in real-world enviroment to +provide QoS services on internet gateway and proxy being used by 1500+ members +of CZFree.Net broadband community network. + +%prep +%setup -q + +%build +make %{_smp_mflags} + +%install +rm -rf %{buildroot} +mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sbindir} + +%makeinstall + +%clean +rm -rf %{buildroot} + +%files +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_sbindir}/prometheus + +%changelog +* Mon Dec 03 2007 Tomas Lastovicka 0.7.1-1 +- Upgraded to newest version, first *real* build :). + +* Sun Dec 02 2007 Tomas Lastovicka 0.7-1 +- Initial RPM release. diff --git a/sample-configuration/README b/sample-configuration/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da5075d --- /dev/null +++ b/sample-configuration/README @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +How we use Prometheus QoS in Brevnov: + +1) /etc/hosts + +1500+ IP addresses are asigned either guaranted speed classes 64, 128, 256 +and 512 kbps, with various HTB ceil rates, using "via-prometheus-" keyword. +Some of IP addresses are set to share connection speed with internet +gateway using "sharing-" keyword. + +2) /etc/prometheus.conf + +There are daily traffic quotas defined using "magic-relative-limit" value +se to 8. This translates into 48h quota 1 GB for 64 kbps lines, +2 GB for 128 kbps lines, etc., with unused credit from day before yesterday +stored in /var/run/ Soft quotas (fair use policy) are +applied (resulting in lower HTB priority) even before hard quotas are reached +(magic-relative-prio set to 6, which is less then magic-relative-limit set +to 8). + +Daily limits are applied by running prometheus every day at 3:00 AM. Between +3:00 AM and 6:00 AM, there is QoS free period, enabled by "qos-free-delay" +value set to 10800. However, yesterday's data transfer statistics are kept +in memory while prometheus QoS is iddle in this sleep mode. + +Undefined IP addresses share 32 kbps guaranted and 64 kbps maximum speed, +set using "free-rate" and "free-ceil" keyword. + +There is QoS-free zone defined using "qos-free-zone" too be +This allows for example easy management of gateway from inside this range, +or remote management of entire network after ssh to gatway and then another +ssh to this zone. + +We run HTTP proxy at port 3128 of LAN interface of internet gateway. This +proxy is inside "qos-free-zone". Because of "qos-proxy-enable", +"qos-proxy-ip" (which is actually IP/number of bits of netmask) and +"qos-proxy-port" settings, this port is excluded from QoS-free zone. + +3) NAT + +Both symetrical and asymetrical NAT is defined by another script file, in +iptables nat table (-t nat). Prometheus QoS uses only iptables mangle +tables (-t mangle), see FAQ. + +4) /etc/crontab and related files + +Every hour, we run prometheus with -p switch to generate preview. On system +boot, we run prometheus with -n switch to skip QoS free period. diff --git a/sample-configuration/crontab b/sample-configuration/crontab new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b976f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sample-configuration/crontab @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab +# Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab' +# command to install the new version when you edit this file. +# This file also has a username field, that none of the other crontabs do. + +SHELL=/bin/sh +PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin + +# m h dom mon dow user command +17 * * * * root run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly +25 6 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily +47 6 * * 7 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly +52 6 1 * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly +# + +0 7 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 8 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 9 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 10 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 11 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 12 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 13 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 14 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 15 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 16 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 18 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 19 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 20 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 21 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 22 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 0 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 1 * * * root nice /root/qos/prometheus -p +0 2 * * * root screen -L -d -m /root/qos/prometheus diff --git a/sample-configuration/hosts b/sample-configuration/hosts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53c9600 --- /dev/null +++ b/sample-configuration/hosts @@ -0,0 +1,3264 @@ +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Zadne dve alokovane IP adresy by nemely mit stejny hostname!! +# Kvuli skriptu pro generovani zony brevnov.czf je treba pouzivat tabulatory. +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# DULEZITE - VYZNAM POZNAMEK ZA KOMENTAREM: +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Poznamky a komentare, ktere zpracovava primo Prometheus QoS: +# +# wifi-normal-128-MAX wifi pripojeni s FUP 2 GB/48h +# wifi-plus-256-MAX wifi pripojeni s FUP 6 GB/48h +# backbone-normal-128-MAX paterni pripojeni s FUP 3 GB/48h +# backbone-plus-MIN-MAX paterni pripojeni s mirnejsim FUP +# backbone-bezfup-MIN-MAX paterni pripojeni bez FUP, s nizsi prioritou +# sharing-hostname sdileni konektivity, pozor - nelze pouzit aliasy + + localhost.localdomain localhost + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# CZFree.Net +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + czfree-wlan # + connected.czf +10.XX.0.1 arachne #nagios, 7-backbone-bezfup-128-1280 +10.XX.0.2 nastrese #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.3 podvoknem #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.4 xchaos #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.5 proxima-centauri #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.6 nakomine2 #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.7 liborova14 #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.8 marten #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.9 talich1 #nagios, 4-backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.0.10 sway #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.11 guru #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.12 elses #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.13 horal #2-[] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.0.14 pohorelec #3-wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.0.15 jim #nagios, 4-backbone-plus-256-4096 +# +# POZOR, adresy 10.XX.0.16-31 by mely podle rfc-addressing patrit asi spis satoye -aq. +# ... no, ve skutecnosti je podle rfc-subcloud resp. rfc-classless-addressing +# nemuzou pouzit, meli by pouzit spis 10.XX.16.16-10.XX.16.31, ale to je fuk -xCh. +# +10.XX.0.16 navezaku1 #nagios, 5-nova-backbone-2006, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.17 navezaku2 #nagios, 5-nova-backbone-2006, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.18 navytahu #nagios, 5-nova-backbone-2006, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.31 tcx-temp #[AA.BB.89.55] sharing-tcx +# +# loopbacky pro brenvovsky subcloud 32-47 wifi routery + 48-63 backbone routery +# +10.XX.0.32 parlerova19 #nagios, 5-nova-backbone-2006, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.33 octarna #nagios, 3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.0.34 tcx #4-[AA.BB.89.7] wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.0.35 felinus #nagios, 5-nova-backbone-2006, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.36 pulytr #nagios, 4-backbone-plus-512-8192 +10.XX.0.37 oskar #nagios, 3-backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.0.38 brody #3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.0.39 poliklinika #nagios, backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.0.40 roumen #2-wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.0.41 stkat #3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.0.42 sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.0.43 petynka #nagios, sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.0.44 jim5 #nagios, sharing-jim +10.XX.0.45 alef #nagios, sharing-jim +10.XX.0.46 nakomine1 #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.47 alles32 #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.48 microshop #nagios, backbone-plus-512-4096 +10.XX.0.49 marx #nagios, sharing-talich1 +10.XX.0.50 hippokrates #nagios, sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.0.51 octopus #nagios, sharing-octarna +10.XX.0.53 daimon #nagios, 2-backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.0.59 jetynka #nagios, sharing-critter.arachne +# +# Subcloud Stresovice kopec+Beranka +# co takhle loopback sten-ap prejmenovat na sten ? -xCh. +# +10.XX.0.64 vega gandalfus #nagios, sharing-gandalf +10.XX.0.65 beranka #nagios, [AA.BB.89.8] 3-backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.0.67 sten-ap #nagios, 3-backbone-plus-256-2048 +# +# Sub-cloud Stresovice, Evropska ulice, Hadofka +# +10.XX.0.97 e55 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.98 hadofka #nagios, 3-backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.0.99 gandalf #nagios, [XX.YY.90.8] 7-backbone-bezfup-256-8192 +10.XX.0.100 xmas #nagios, 4-backbone-plus-512-1024 +10.XX.0.101 altair #nagios, sharing-gandalf +10.XX.0.102 molekula #nagios, backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.0.103 hadofka2 #nagios, sharing-hadofka +10.XX.0.104 triton #nagios, sharing-arachne +10.XX.0.105 nastozaru #nagios, sharing-arachne +# +# Sub-cloud Petriny a Bila Hora +# +10.XX.0.129 aquarius #3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +# +# Sub-cloud Zizkov +# +10.XX.0.161 vaclavka #wifi-plus-256-1024 +# +# Cloud Dejvice +# +10.YY.0.1 winel.dejvice.czf #nagios, 3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.0.5 klecanky.dejvice.czf #3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.0.7 hobbit.dejvice.czf #3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.0.9 phoenix.dejvice.czf #5-novy-cenik-2006, wifi-plus-256-1500 +10.YY.0.10 ahoj.dejvice.czf #3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.0.11 emilly.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.YY.0.12 mirek.dejvice.czf #[AA.BB.89.11] wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.0.13 jas.dejvice.czf #2-wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.0.15 maty.dejvice.czf #[AA.BB.89.54] 3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.0.18 miksa.dejvice.czf #backbone-normal-128-2048 + basama.letna.czf #3-wifi-plus-256-1024 + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Brevnovsky CZFree.Net - opticka, FWA a ethernetova backbone +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.10.0 prometheus-eth # +10.XX.10.1 prometheus.arachne prometheus +10.XX.10.2 eth-veskrini.prometheus.arachne #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.11.0 natwor-eth # +10.XX.11.1 natwor.arachne natwor +10.XX.11.2 eth-charon.natwor.arachne #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.11.8 arachne-winel-eth # +10.XX.11.9 alcoma-winel.arachne +10.XX.11.11 alcoma-arachne.winel winel #[AA.BB.89.13] sharing-winel.dejvice.czf + +10.XX.10.4 crusader-elses-eth # +10.XX.10.5 crusader-elses.arachne +10.XX.10.6 crusader-arachne.elses #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.10.8 crusader-guru-eth # +10.XX.10.9 crusader-guru.arachne +10.XX.10.10 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.10.12 crusader-liborova14-eth # +10.XX.10.13 crusader-liborova14.arachne +10.XX.10.14 crusader-arachne.liborova14 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.10.16 crusader-petynka-eth # +10.XX.10.17 crusader-petynka.elses +10.XX.10.18 crusader-elses.petynka #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.10.20 crusader-octarna-eth # +10.XX.10.21 +10.XX.10.22 crusader-guru.octarna #sharing-arachne + +#10.XX.10.112 crusader-slikova45-eth # +#10.XX.10.113 crusader-slikova45.liborova14 +#10.XX.10.114 crusader-liborova14.slikova45 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.10.240 atheros-guru-parlerova19-eth # +10.XX.10.241 +10.XX.10.242 atheros-guru.parlerova19 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.10.56 atheros-sway-eth # +#10.XX.10.57 br0.nakomine nakomine #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.58 atheros-sway.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.59 atheros-arachne.sway #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.10.128 atheros-arachne-elses-eth # +#10.XX.10.129 br1.nakomine #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.130 atheros-arachne.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.131 atheros-elses.arachne #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.10.80 atheros-sway2jim-eth # +10.XX.10.81 atheros-jim.sway #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.82 atheros-sway.jim #sharing-jim + +10.XX.10.88 atheros-elses2pulytr-eth # +10.XX.10.89 atheros-pulytr.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.90 atheros-elses.pulytr #sharing-pulytr + +10.XX.10.92 atheros-elses2microshop-eth # +10.XX.10.93 atheros-microshop.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.94 atheros-elses.microshop #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.96.16 crusader-xmas-eth # +10.XX.96.17 crusader-xmas.hadofka #sharing-hadofka +10.XX.96.18 crusader-hadofka.xmas #sharing-xmas + +#10.XX.96.20 volna-sit # + +10.XX.10.136 elses-wrapbackbone-eth # +10.XX.10.137 eth3-1-ori.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.138 navezaku2.elses elses4 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.139 navezaku1.elses elseswrap elses3 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.140 felinus.elses elses5 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.96.32 atheros-elses2alles32-eth # +10.XX.96.33 atheros-alles32.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.96.34 atheros-elses.alles32 #sharing-arachne + +#10.XX.96.36 volna-sit # + +10.XX.10.228 jim-backup-oskar-wlan # +10.XX.10.229 wlan-oskar.jim #sharing-jim +10.XX.10.230 wlan-jim.oskar #sharing-oskar + +#10.XX.64.32 volna-sit # + +10.XX.64.40 atheros-hadofka2gandalf-eth # +10.XX.64.41 atheros-gandalf.hadofka #sharing-hadofka +10.XX.64.42 atheros-hadofka.gandalf #sharing-gandalf + +10.XX.64.48 hadofka-wrapbackbone-eth # +10.XX.64.49 eth1-router.hadofka #sharing-hadofka +10.XX.64.50 wrap.hadofka hadofkawrap #sharing-arachne +10.XX.64.51 br0-molekula.hadofka asus.hadofka #sharing-molekula +10.XX.64.52 atheros-hadofka.molekula #sharing-molekula + +10.XX.64.56 atheros-sway-sten-eth +10.XX.64.57 atheros-sten.sway #sharing-arachne +10.XX.64.58 atheros-sway.sten #sharing-sten-ap + +10.XX.64.64 atheros-sway2hadofka-eth # +10.XX.64.65 atheros-hadofka.sway #sharing-arachne +10.XX.64.66 atheros-sway.hadofka #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.64.68 sway-wrapbackbone-eth # +10.XX.64.69 nastozaru.sway #sharing-arachne +10.XX.64.70 triton.sway #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.64.72 atheros-sway2oskar-eth # +10.XX.64.73 atheros-oskar.sway #sharing-arachne +10.XX.64.74 atheros-sway.oskar #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.64.76 atheros-sway2arachne-2-eth # +10.XX.64.77 atheros-arachne-2.sway #sharing-arachne +10.XX.64.78 atheros-sway-2.arachne #sharing-arachne + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Brevnovsky CZFree.Net - Wi-Fi backupy +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.10.252 jim-p2p-mototechna-eth # +10.XX.10.253 mototechna.jim #sharing-jim +10.XX.10.254 jim.mototechna + +10.XX.10.224 crusader-guru-backup-wlan # +10.XX.10.225 wlan-guru.marten #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.226 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.11.104 crusader-liborova14-backup-wlan # +10.XX.11.105 wlan-liborova14.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.106 wlan-arachne.liborova14 #sharing-arachne + +#10.XX.11.108 volna sit # + +#10.XX.10.232 volna sit # + +#10.XX.10.236 volna sit # + +10.XX.10.32 backup-crusader-wlan # +10.XX.10.33 wlan-petynka.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.34 wlan-elses.petynka #sharing-petynka + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Brevnovsky CZFree.Net - Wi-Fi backbone +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.10.40 talich1-jim-wlan # +10.XX.10.41 wlan-jim.talich1 #sharing-talich1 +10.XX.10.42 wlan-talich1.jim #sharing-jim + +10.XX.10.48 arachne-pohorelec-wlan # +10.XX.10.49 wlan2.nastrese +10.XX.10.50 wlan-arachne.pohorelec #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.52 wlan-arachne.basama #sharing-basama.letna.czf + +10.XX.10.116 aquarius-oskar-backup-wlan # +10.XX.10.117 wlan-aquarius.oskar #sharing-oskar +10.XX.10.118 wlan-oskar.aquarius #sharing-poliklinika + +10.XX.11.64 guru-severozapad-wlan # +10.XX.11.65 guru-severozapad +10.XX.11.66 cartmen #3-backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.11.67 bridge-guru.parlerova19 +10.XX.11.68 wlan-guru.parlerova19 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.11.72 petynka-south-wlan # +10.XX.11.73 wlan1-ap.petynka #sharing-petynka +10.XX.11.74 kolat2.petynka #sharing-petynka +10.XX.11.75 kubaiz.petynka #[XX.YY.90.6] wifi-plus-256-1408 +10.XX.11.76 bridge-petynka.kubaiz +10.XX.11.77 hostalkova2.petynka #wifi-plus-256-640 +10.XX.11.78 bridge-petynka.hostalkova2 + +10.XX.11.80 microshop-wrap-eth # +10.XX.11.81 navytahu.microshop microshopwrap microshop2 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.82 router.microshop microshop1 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.10.244 pulytr-talich1-wlan # +10.XX.10.245 wlan-talich1.pulytr #sharing-pulytr +10.XX.10.246 wlan-pulytr.talich1 #sharing-talich1 + +10.XX.10.248 brody-backup-wlan # +10.XX.10.249 wlan-alles32.brody #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.250 wlan-brody.alles32 #sharing-alles32 + +10.XX.11.16 jim-roumen-wlan # +10.XX.11.17 wlan-roumen.jim #sharing-jim +10.XX.11.18 wlan-jim.roumen #[AA.BB.89.2] sharing-roumen + +10.XX.11.24 pulytr-jih-wlan # +10.XX.11.25 ap-jih.pulytr +10.XX.11.26 jorge jorge.pulytr #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.11.27 schimanskij.pulytr-jih #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.11.28 bridge-pulytr.pimpara +10.XX.11.29 pc.pimpara #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.30 patockova97.pulytr patockova97 + +10.XX.11.32 pulytr-jih-2-wlan # +10.XX.11.33 ap-jih2.pulytr +10.XX.11.34 sin.pulytr #[XX.YY.90.55], sharing-ovis.sin +10.XX.11.35 bridge-haberman.pulytr #reserved-docasne-reseni-do-vyjasneni-situace-u-Horala +10.XX.11.36 nat.haberman #wifi-normal-128-512 + +10.XX.11.48 octarna-vaclavka-wlan # +10.XX.11.49 wlan-vaclavka.octarna +10.XX.11.50 wlan-octarna.vaclavka #sharing-vaclavka + +10.XX.11.56 octarna-sugarcook-wlan # +10.XX.11.57 wlan-sugarcook.octarna +10.XX.11.58 wlan-octarna.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne + +10.XX.11.96 liborova14-tcx-wlan # +10.XX.11.101 wlan-tcx.liborova14 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.102 wlan-liborova14.tcx #sharing-pulytr + +10.XX.11.104 liborova14-backup-arachne-wlan # +10.XX.11.105 wlan-liborova14.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.106 wlan-arachne.liborova14 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.34.32 poliklinika-backbone-wlan # +10.XX.34.33 wlan-tcx.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.34.34 wlan-poliklinika.tcx #sharing-tcx + +10.XX.34.0 tcx-oskar-wlan # +10.XX.34.1 wlan-oskar.tcx #sharing-tcx +10.XX.34.2 wlan-tcx.oskar #sharing-jim +#10.XX.34.3 debian.tcx #3-wifi-plus-256-1024 + +#10.XX.34.48 volna-sit # + +10.XX.34.64 elses5-vychod-wlan # +10.XX.34.65 ath0.felinus #sharing-arachne +10.XX.34.67 ath0-octarna.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.34.68 bridge-petynka58.elses +10.XX.34.69 schneider.petynka58 #backbone-normal-128-1024 + +10.XX.34.128 elses5-zapad-wlan # +10.XX.34.129 ath1.felinus #sharing-arachne +10.XX.34.130 ath0-petynka.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.34.131 bridge-petynka58.elses + + +10.XX.10.120 marten-severovychod-wlan # +10.XX.10.121 wlan-jeleni.marten +10.XX.10.122 wlan-marten.jeleni jeleni #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.10.123 3byt15.zastrahovem25 #sharing-1byt15.zastrahovem25 +10.XX.10.124 wlan-marten.dspcc dspcc + +#10.XX.64.0 volna-sit # + +10.XX.64.8 sway-sever-wlan # +10.XX.64.9 ap-sever.sway #sharing-arachne +10.XX.64.10 hanspaulka-m.sway #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.64.11 fasa.sway #[XX.YY.90.59] sharing-wlan.fasa + +10.XX.64.16 beranka-2-gandalf-wlan # +10.XX.64.17 wlan-gandalf.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.64.18 wlan-beranka.gandalf #sharing-gandalf + +10.XX.96.0 sugarcook2gandalf-dedicated-wlan # +10.XX.96.1 wlan-gandalf.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.96.2 wlan-sugarcook.gandalf #sharing-gandalf + +10.XX.96.8 e55-2-hadofka-wlan # +10.XX.96.9 wlan-hadofka.e55 #sharing-e55 +10.XX.96.10 wlan-e55.hadofka wlan-hadofka #sharing-hadofka + +10.XX.96.24 gandalf-jih-wlan # +10.XX.96.25 wlan-xmas.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.96.26 wlan-gandalf.xmas #[AA.BB.89.61] sharing-xmas + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Brevnovsky CZee.Net - verejna Wi-Fi APcka +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.10.64 arachne-sever-wlan # +10.XX.10.65 ap-sever.arachne arachne-sever #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.67 viageos.arachne viageos #backbone-plus-512-1408 +10.XX.10.68 mishutkova.arachne mishutkova #[XX.YY.90.50] wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.10.69 smoker77.arachne smoker77 #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.10.70 hem14.arachne hem14 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.10.73 hem13.arachne hem13 #reserved-router +10.XX.10.77 wifitelefon.arachne #sharing-telefon.arachne + +10.XX.35.0 arachne-wlan # +10.XX.35.1 ap.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.35.2 horosport.arachne horosport #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.35.3 vesna vesna.arachne #[] wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.35.5 wlan-arachne.daimon #sharing-daimon +10.XX.35.9 dan.arachne #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.35.10 satoya-test.arachne #testuje-critter-20061212, wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.35.65 bridge-arachne.bartek bartek +10.XX.35.66 ap.bartek +10.XX.35.67 nb.bartek #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.35.99 wifitest.arachne #sharing-laurel +10.XX.35.123 dhcp.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, 7-backbone-bezfup-128-1280 +10.XX.35.124 dhcp2.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.35.125 dhcp3.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.35.126 dhcp4.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.44.0 arachne-severovychod-wlan # +10.XX.44.1 ap-severovychod24.arachne arachne-severovychod24 #sharing-arachne +#10.XX.44.2 volna-ip +#10.XX.44.3 volna-ip +#10.XX.44.4 volna-ip +#10.XX.44.6 volna-ip +10.XX.44.7 brugy.arachne # wifi-normal-128-896 +#10.XX.44.8 volna-ip +10.XX.44.10 bridge-zelenystrom.arachne zelenystrom +10.XX.44.11 kveta.zelenystrom #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.44.12 stuky.zelenystrom #sharing-magdau.alles32 +10.XX.44.20 bridge-flsk.arachne +10.XX.44.21 pc1.flsk #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.44.22 pc2.flsk #sharing-pc1.flsk +10.XX.44.23 pc3.flsk #sharing-pc1.flsk +10.XX.44.24 pc4.flsk #sharing-pc1.flsk +10.XX.44.30 bridge-ircatko.arachne +10.XX.44.31 pc1.ircatko #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.44.32 pc2.ircatko #sharing-pc1.ircatko +10.XX.44.33 pc3.ircatko #sharing-pc1.ircatko +10.XX.44.100 dhcp5.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.44.101 dhcp6.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.44.102 dhcp7.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.44.103 dhcp8.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.2.0 arachne-zapad-wlan # +10.XX.2.1 ap-zapad.arachne arachne-zapad +10.XX.2.2 slikova43 slikova43.arachne #neni to nahodou ted ve slikove45 ? +10.XX.2.3 pavelb pavelb.arachne #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.2.4 zastrahovem30 zastrahovem30.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.2.5 panuska.arachne panuska #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-896 +10.XX.2.6 slikova37.arachne slikova37 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.2.8 drap.arachne drap #dashboard-neevidovany-128-512 +10.XX.2.11 pc.hlavka #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.2.12 tomanova.slikova30 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.2.13 ozzy.slikova26 #dashboard-neplatic, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.2.15 pc.kosta #[XX.YY.90.34], wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.2.16 fiala.slikova30 #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.2.17 fiala2.slikova30 #sharing-fiala.slikova30 +10.XX.2.18 strejc.slikova30 strejc #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.2.19 overman.arachne #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.2.20 alex.arachne #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.2.21 pc2.kostal #sharing-pc.kostal +10.XX.2.30 koum.arachne #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.2.31 koum2.arachne #sharing-koum.arachne +10.XX.2.65 bridge-arachne.liborova9 liborova9 +10.XX.2.66 bilek.liborova9 bilek #wifi-plus-256-1024 +#10.XX.2.67 rachel.liborova9 rachel #dashboard-neplatic, neplati-faktury-128-512 +10.XX.2.68 krbecek.liborova9 krbecek #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.2.69 krbecek2.liborova9 #sharing-krbecek.liborova9 +10.XX.2.88 bridge-arachne.kostal kostal +10.XX.2.100 dhcp9.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.2.101 dhcp10.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.2.102 dhcp11.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.2.103 dhcp12.arachne #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.2.130 nemec.petrnarohu #sharing-hrubosova.petrnarohu +10.XX.2.131 hrubosova.petrnarohu #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.2.161 bridge-arachne.hlavka hlavka +10.XX.2.162 jarin.hlavka jarin #sharing-pc.hlavka +10.XX.2.163 pc3.hlavka #sharing-pc.hlavka +10.XX.2.164 pc4.hlavka #sharing-pc.hlavka +10.XX.2.165 pc5.hlavka #sharing-pc.hlavka +10.XX.2.166 pc6.hlavka #sharing-pc.hlavka +10.XX.2.167 pc7.hlavka #sharing-pc.hlavka +10.XX.2.170 bridge-arachne.salek salek +10.XX.2.171 pc1.salek #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.2.172 pc2.salek #sharing-pc1.salek +10.XX.2.173 pc3.salek #sharing-pc1.salek +10.XX.2.240 bridge-arachne.petr-na-rohu petr-na-rohu +10.XX.2.241 bridge-arachne.fiala fiala + +10.XX.11.32 marten-vychod-wlan # +10.XX.11.33 ap-vychod.marten + +10.XX.10.96 elses-zapad-wlan # +10.XX.10.97 ap-zapad.elses elses-zapad +10.XX.10.98 wlan-elses.horal #sharing-horal +10.XX.10.99 wlan-elses.aquarius #sharing-poliklinika +#10.XX.10.100 volna-ip +#10.XX.10.101 cisco.drino-net drino-net +#10.XX.10.102 volna-ip +#10.XX.10.103 bridge-elses.microshop #old-reserved +#10.XX.10.110 bridge-elses.drino-net + +10.XX.3.0 elses-severozapad-wlan # +10.XX.3.1 ap-severozapad.elses elses-severozapad +10.XX.3.2 pascal pascal.elses #[] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.3.3 wlan-elses.brody #[AA.BB.89.24] sharing-brody +10.XX.3.4 koleje.elses #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.3.5 corsa.elses corsa #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.3.6 delo1.elses delo1 #odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.3.7 teekay.elses teekay #odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.3.9 irs2.elses irs2 #sharing-broz.irs +10.XX.3.10 wlan-elses.xchaos #sharing-arachne +#10.XX.3.11 j3n6.elses j3n6 #dashboard-neplatic, neplati-faktury-128-512 +10.XX.3.13 8dpp 8dpp.elses #sharing-slunicko.darkone +10.XX.3.14 rc.elses #czf +10.XX.3.18 zlodejip18 #dashboard-zlodej-ip +10.XX.3.20 bridge-coqi.elses +10.XX.3.21 pc.coqi #dashboard-neevidovany-128-512 +10.XX.3.25 bridge-mareksa.elses +10.XX.3.26 pc1.mareksa #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.3.27 pc2.mareksa #sharing-pc1.mareksa +10.XX.3.30 bridge-elses.nadkajetankou1414 nadkajetankou1414 +10.XX.3.31 filip.nadkajetankou1414 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.3.32 bridge.1212 +10.XX.3.33 pc.1212 #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.3.34 pc2.1212 #sharing-pc.1212 +10.XX.3.35 pc3.1212 #sharing-pc.1212 +10.XX.3.36 nb.1212 #sharing-pc.1212 +10.XX.3.40 prodr-severozapad.elses #sharing-prodr.elses +10.XX.3.48 bridge-elses.plavec plavec +10.XX.3.49 pc.plavec #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.3.50 nb.plavec #sharing-pc.plavec +10.XX.3.60 bridge-pavelm.elses +10.XX.3.61 ap-pavelm.elses +10.XX.3.62 pc1.pavelm #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.3.63 pc2.pavelm #sharing-pc1.pavelm +10.XX.3.64 pc3.pavelm #sharing-pc1.pavelm +10.XX.3.123 dhcp5.elses #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.3.124 dhcp6.elses #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.3.125 dhcp7.elses #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.3.126 dhcp8.elses #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.4.0 xchaos-wlan # +10.XX.4.1 ap.xchaos xchaos-ap +10.XX.4.3 rautik.xchaos rautik #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-256-1024 +10.XX.4.4 styf.xchaos styf #dashboard-neplatic, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.4.5 papina.xchaos papina #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.4.8 mezera.xchaos #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.4.9 mbwinxp.xchaos #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.4.10 bridge-xchaos.grandomucho grandomucho +10.XX.4.11 pc.grandomucho #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.4.12 nb.grandomucho #sharing-pc.grandomucho +10.XX.4.13 nadkajetankou13.xchaos #[], odpojila-se-128-1280 +10.XX.4.17 marketa.svojsikova9 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.4.18 jitka.svojsikova9 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.4.19 bridge-svojsikova9.xchaos +10.XX.4.21 nadkajetankou11.xchaos #wifi-plus-256-640 +10.XX.4.65 bridge-xchaos.dave263 dave263 +10.XX.4.66 pc.dave263 #[XX.YY.90.18] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.4.67 nb.dave263 #sharing-pc.dave263 +10.XX.4.68 soused.dave263 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.4.90 bridge-xchaos.cisticz-hq cisticz-hq cisticz +10.XX.4.91 91-4.cisticz-hq #wifi-plus-256-256 +10.XX.4.92 92-4.cisticz-hq #sharing-91-4.cisticz-hq +10.XX.4.100 dhcp.xchaos #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.4.101 dhcp1.xchaos #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.4.102 dhcp2.xchaos #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.4.103 dhcp3.xchaos #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +#10.XX.4.131 crapnik.xchaos crapnik +10.XX.4.243 nb.xchaos #sharing-panter.arachne + +10.XX.11.160 microshop-wlan # +10.XX.11.161 ap.microshop microshop-ap +10.XX.11.162 bridge-microshop.mladeze5 wrt.mladeze5 mladeze5 +10.XX.11.163 hajkova.mladeze7 hajkova #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.164 zima.mladeze5 zima #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.165 zima2.mladeze5 #sharing-zima.mladeze5 +10.XX.11.166 vavros.mladeze5 vavros #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.167 vavros2.mladeze5 #sharing-vavros.mladeze5 +10.XX.11.168 kalatovi.poddrinopolem6 kalatovi #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.11.169 mosnova.mladeze5 mosnova #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.170 ntb-kalatovi.poddrinopolem6 #sharing-kalatovi.poddrinopolem6 +10.XX.11.171 dhcp.microshop #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.11.172 dhcp2.microshop #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.11.173 dhcp3.microshop #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.11.174 dhcp4.microshop #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.11.175 offi.microshop #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.178 wlan-microshop.mladeze7 +10.XX.11.179 tichy.microshop #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.11.180 angada angada.microshop #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.181 kysilka.microshop kysilka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.182 tancl.microshop tancl #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.11.183 ovis-tancl.microshop +10.XX.11.184 horal-test.microshop #sharing-horal +10.XX.11.189 ovis.microshop +10.XX.11.190 compex.microshop #sharing-microshop + +10.XX.11.220 ethernet-nakomine1-eth # +10.XX.11.221 eth7-veskrini.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.222 nakomine1.arachne #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.11.224 ethernet-nakomine2-eth # +10.XX.11.225 eth5-veskrini.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.226 nakomine2.arachne #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.12.0 elses-wlan # +10.XX.12.1 ap.elses elses-ap +10.XX.12.3 merlin merlin.elses #[] 1-wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.12.5 srollerova-zaloha.elses #sharing-srollerova.slikova4 +10.XX.12.6 mirack.elses mirack #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.12.9 pleskot #sharing-arachne +10.XX.12.10 kratiknot kratiknot.elses #sharing-arachne +#10.XX.12.13 strictly-reserved-by-xCh !! ;-) +10.XX.12.14 johana-zaloha.elses #sharing-johana.slikova8 +10.XX.12.15 tomko tomko.elses #sharing-viageos.arachne +10.XX.12.16 saimon.elses saimon #dashboard-neevidovany +10.XX.12.17 prodr.elses prodr #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.12.18 horal-test.elses #sharing-horal +#10.XX.12.20 bridge-mareksa.elses +#10.XX.12.21 pc1.mareksa #reserved-presun +#10.XX.12.22 pc2.mareksa #sharing-pc1.mareksa +10.XX.12.25 bridge-zastrahovem48.elses zastrahovem48 +10.XX.12.26 pc1.zastrahovem48.elses #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.12.27 pc2.zastrahovem48.elses #sharing-pc1.zastrahovem48 +10.XX.12.28 pc3.zastrahovem48.elses #sharing-pc1.zastrahovem48 +10.XX.12.40 airport.belohorska25 #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-256-1024 +10.XX.12.66 pc.longmatys #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.12.123 dhcp.elses #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.12.124 dhcp2.elses #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.12.125 dhcp3.elses #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.12.126 dhcp4.elses #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +#10.XX.12.242 bridge-elses.longmatys longmatys #reserved-unreachable + +10.XX.13.0 horal-wlan # +10.XX.13.1 ap.horal horal-ap +10.XX.13.2 yed.horal yed #czf +10.XX.13.3 wlan-horal.mirax #sharing-mirax +#10.XX.13.4 verunek.horal verunek #reserved-prelozeno na AP Alles32 +10.XX.13.6 danny.horal danny #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.13.7 sediva.horal sediva #sharing-horal +10.XX.13.9 kamelie.horal kamelie #czf +10.XX.13.10 terasy.horal terasy #czf +10.XX.13.11 pharlap.horal pharlap #[] wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.13.13 martina.horal #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.13.14 semid.horal #sharing-semid +10.XX.13.19 vorel.horal #sharing-horal +#10.XX.13.20 bridge-horal.haberman haberman +#10.XX.13.21 nat.haberman haberman.horal #reserved-docasne-presunuto-na-pulytra +10.XX.13.22 horall.horal #sharing-horal +10.XX.13.23 barta1.horal barta1 #sharing-horal +10.XX.13.24 barta2.horal barta2 #sharing-horal +10.XX.13.77 tomasso.horal tomasso #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.13.110 jan.mojzis.horal jan.mojzis #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.13.211 horall211.horal #sharing-horal +10.XX.13.251 bridge-horal.aronax aronax +10.XX.13.253 apollo-tmp.horal #sharing-horal + +10.XX.14.0 pohorelec-wlan # +10.XX.14.1 ap.pohorelec pohorelec-ap +10.XX.14.2 puncocha.pohorelec puncocha #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-896 +10.XX.14.3 notas.pohorelec25 #sharing-pohorelec +10.XX.14.14 bridge-pohorelec.pohorelec14 pohorelec14 +10.XX.14.15 comp.pohorelec14 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.14.64 vorel2.pohorelec26 #sharing-vorel.pohorelec26 +10.XX.14.65 bridge-pohorelec.pohorelec26 pohorelec26 +10.XX.14.66 vorel.pohorelec26 vorel #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.14.67 ticha.pohorelec26 ticha #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.14.68 zarsky1.pohorelec26 zarsky1 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.14.69 zarsky2.pohorelec26 zarsky2 #sharing-zarsky1.pohorelec26 +10.XX.14.70 storkanova.pohorelec26 storkanova #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.14.71 lustigova.pohorelec26 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.14.100 dhcp.pohorelec #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.14.101 dhcpp.pohorelec #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.14.102 dhcppp.pohorelec #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.14.103 dhcpppp.pohorelec #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.15.0 jim-wlan # +10.XX.15.1 ap.jim jim-ap +10.XX.15.3 wanderer wanderer.jim #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.15.4 gotcha gotcha.jim #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.15.5 minas.jim minas #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.15.9 kopeckeho.jim kopeckeho #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.15.10 lojky.jim lojky #odpojil-se-256-1024 +10.XX.15.11 myslivna.jim myslivna #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.15.13 jimovo.jim #sharing-jim +10.XX.15.37 wlan-jim.oskar #sharing-oskar +10.XX.15.66 router.hwb hwb #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.15.67 smidek.hwb smidek #sharing-router.hwb +10.XX.15.129 bridge-jim.maceo maceo +10.XX.15.130 pc1.maceo #[XX.YY.90.48], wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.15.131 pc2.maceo #sharing-pc1.maceo +10.XX.15.140 bridge-jim.roski +10.XX.15.141 pc.roski #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.15.150 klariska.jim #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.15.151 klariska2.jim #sharing-klariska.jim +10.XX.15.152 klariska3.jim #sharing-klariska.jim + +10.XX.10.192 jim-zapad-wlan # +10.XX.10.193 ap-zapad.jim jim-zapad +10.XX.10.194 ankara ankara.jim #[AA.BB.89.25] wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.10.195 maktecka.jim maktecka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.10.196 alej alej.jim #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.197 maktecka2.jim #sharing-maktecka.jim +10.XX.10.198 vera vera.jim #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.10.199 bridge.maktecka +10.XX.10.200 test.jim #sharing-jim +10.XX.10.203 gt_rider.WiFi notebook #sharing-gt_rider.bridge +10.XX.10.204 gt_rider.router #sharing-gt_rider.bridge +10.XX.10.205 gt_rider.bridge gt_rider #wifi-normal-128-512 + +10.XX.32.0 parlerova19-wlan # +10.XX.32.1 ap.parlerova19 +10.XX.32.2 loopie.parlerova19 loopie #[XX.YY.90.20],wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.32.3 sklep.parlerova19 sklep #testuje-xchaos-20070221, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.32.8 parlerova8.parlerova19 parlerova8 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.32.9 bridge-vesel.parlerova19 vesel +10.XX.32.10 bridge-loki.parlerova19 loki +10.XX.32.11 pc1.loki #wifi-plus-256-640 +10.XX.32.12 pc2.loki #sharing-pc1.loki +10.XX.32.13 pc3.loki #sharing-pc1.loki +10.XX.32.14 bridge-parlerova19.jmv parlerova10 +10.XX.32.15 pc.jmv #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.32.16 bridge-par7.parlerova19 +10.XX.32.17 pc1.par7 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.32.18 pc1.vesel #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.32.19 pc2.vesel #sharing-pc1.vesel +10.XX.32.20 kunk.parlerova19 #testuje-ahoj-20060303, sharing-ahoj.dejvice.czf +10.XX.32.21 darktroll.parlerova19 #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.32.100 dhcp.parlerova19 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.32.101 dhcp101.parlerova19 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.32.102 dhcp102.parlerova19 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.32.103 dhcp103.parlerova19 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.33.0 octarna-wlan # +10.XX.33.1 ap.octarna octarna-ap +10.XX.33.2 dusek.zahladkovem2a dusek #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.33.3 vindis.zahladkovem2a vindis #odpojil-se +10.XX.33.4 pc.micr #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.33.5 pc.ivanl #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.33.6 kairra kairra.octarna #[XX.YY.90.7] wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.33.7 akp.octarna akp #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-1280 +10.XX.33.9 honzahodek-nb.octarna honzahodek-nb #sharing-octarna +10.XX.33.10 myslbekova19.octarna myslbekova19 #wifi-plus-256-1024 +#10.XX.33.12 klapka.octarna klapka +10.XX.33.13 bolzano.octarna bolzano #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.33.16 lukesovi.octarna #dashboard-neevidovany +10.XX.33.17 honza.klapka #sharing-klapka.octarna +10.XX.33.18 pc1.myslbekova19 #sharing-myslbekova19.octarna +10.XX.33.19 pc2.myslbekova19 #sharing-myslbekova19.octarna +10.XX.33.20 pc3.myslbekova19 #sharing-myslbekova19.octarna +10.XX.33.21 pc4.myslbekova19 #sharing-myslbekova19.octarna +10.XX.33.65 bridge-spule.octarna cifka +10.XX.33.66 spule1.cifka spule1 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.33.67 spule2.cifka spule2 #sharing-spule1.cifka +10.XX.33.68 burda1.cifka burda1 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.33.69 burda2.cifka burda2 #sharing-burda1.cifka +10.XX.33.70 spule3.cifka spule3 #sharing-spule1.cifka +10.XX.33.71 spule4.cifka spule4 #sharing-spule1.cifka +10.XX.33.77 bridge-octarna.marax marax +10.XX.33.78 pc.marax #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.33.79 nb.marax #sharing-pc.marax +10.XX.33.80 marax3 #sharing-pc.marax +10.XX.33.81 bridge-ivanl.octarna ivanl +10.XX.33.82 pc1.ivanl #sharing-pc.ivanl +10.XX.33.83 voip.ivanl #sharing-pc.ivanl +10.XX.33.100 dhcp.octarna #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.33.101 dhcp1.octarna #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.33.102 dhcp2.octarna #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.33.103 dhcp3.octarna #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.33.130 sindelar.zahladkovem2a sindelar #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.33.132 biker.zahladkovem2a biker #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.33.133 whistler.zahladkovem2a whistler #sharing-biker.zahladkovem2a +10.XX.33.240 bridge-octarna.zahladkovem2a zahladkovem2a +10.XX.33.241 bridge-octarna.micr micr +10.XX.33.243 bridge-octarna.laska-old #reserved-unreachable + +10.XX.36.0 pulytr-wlan # +10.XX.36.1 ap.pulytr pulytr-ap +10.XX.36.2 gluon.pulytr gluon #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.36.3 zlatnik.pulytr zlatnik #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.36.4 klokan.pulytr klokan #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.36.5 logic.pulytr logic #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.36.6 krizala.pulytr krizala #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.36.7 kastan.pulytr kastan #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.36.8 iwi.pulytr iwi #dashboard-neplatic, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.36.9 knap.pulytr knap #sharing-qayx.pulytr +10.XX.36.10 wifitest.pulytr #testuje-pulytr, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.36.11 pimpara-old.pulytr #sharing-pc.pimpara +10.XX.36.12 iwi2.pulytr #sharing-iwi.pulytr +10.XX.36.13 rogers.pulytr rogers #reserved +10.XX.36.14 qayx2.pulytr qayx2 #sharing-qayx.pulytr +10.XX.36.15 skuba.pulytr skuba +10.XX.36.16 lucka.pulytr lucka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.36.17 freerec.pulytr freerec #czf +10.XX.36.18 lukas.pulytr lukas #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.36.30 bridge-pulytr-old.pimpara +10.XX.36.32 bridge-pulytr.logic +10.XX.36.33 pc.logic #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.36.34 pc2.logic #sharing-pc.logic +10.XX.36.35 pc3.logic #sharing-pc.logic +10.XX.36.36 pc4.logic #sharing-pc.logic +10.XX.36.65 bridge-pulytr.simy simy +10.XX.36.66 pc.simy #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.36.67 pc2.simy #sharing-pc.simy +10.XX.36.68 pc3.simy #sharing-pc.simy +10.XX.36.101 dhcp1.pulytr #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.36.102 dhcp2.pulytr #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.36.103 dhcp3.pulytr #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.36.104 dhcp4.pulytr #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.37.0 oskar-wlan # +10.XX.37.1 ap.oskar oskar-ap +10.XX.37.3 mdfk.oskar mdfk +10.XX.37.5 palantir.oskar palantir #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.37.6 rabbon.oskar rabbon #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.37.7 bobabobek.oskar bobabobek #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.37.9 monca.oskar monca #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.37.11 bridge.toffee +10.XX.37.12 ws1.toffee #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.37.13 ws2.toffee #sharing-ws1.toffee +10.XX.37.14 ws3.toffee #sharing-ws1.toffee +10.XX.37.15 ws4.toffee #sharing-ws1.toffee +10.XX.37.17 bridge-oskar.zoidberg zoidberg +10.XX.37.18 nat.zoidberg #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.37.42 haba.oskar haba #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.37.50 pc1.palantir #sharing-palantir.oskar +10.XX.37.51 pc2.palantir #sharing-palantir.oskar +10.XX.37.52 pc3.palantir #sharing-palantir.oskar +10.XX.37.100 dhcp1.oskar #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.37.101 dhcp2.oskar #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.37.102 dhcp3.oskar #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.37.103 dhcp4.oskar #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.37.128 oskar-zapad-wlan # +10.XX.37.129 ap-zapad.oskar oskar-zapad +10.XX.37.131 sarson.oskar sarson #dashboard-neevidovany +10.XX.37.132 msj.oskar msj #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.37.133 munin.oskar munin #czf +10.XX.37.134 golem.oskar golem #[XX.YY.90.51] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.37.135 bridge-golem.oskar +10.XX.37.138 m.sokol.oskar m.sokol #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.37.147 ladronka.oskar ladronka #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.37.150 bridge-oskar.liborekk liborekk +10.XX.37.151 pc.liborekk #dashboard-neplatic, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.37.161 bridge-oskar.antservis antservis +10.XX.37.162 pc.antservis #wifi-normal-128-896 + +10.XX.38.0 brody-wlan # +10.XX.38.1 ap.brody brody-ap +10.XX.38.2 wlan-brody.madman madman +10.XX.38.3 hnik.brody hnik #dashboard-neplatic,NOTORICKY-NEPLATIC-128-896 +10.XX.38.4 ilci.brody ilci #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.38.5 skullx.brody skullx #docasne-se-odpojil +10.XX.38.6 spacek.brody spacek +10.XX.38.7 cyberpic.brody cyberpic +10.XX.38.8 hnik2.brody #sharing-hnik.brody +10.XX.38.9 ilci2.brody #sharing-ilci.brody +10.XX.38.40 pc.grawes #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-1280 +10.XX.38.41 ipaq.grawes #sharing-pc.grawes +10.XX.38.44 bridge-vosa007.brody +10.XX.38.45 pc1.vosa007 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.38.46 pc2.vosa007 #sharing-pc1.vosa007 +10.XX.38.65 bridge-brody.inquisitor inquisitor +10.XX.38.66 pc1.inquisitor #odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.38.67 pc2.inquisitor #sharing-pc1.inquisitor +10.XX.38.97 bridge-brody.vojtom tomicek +10.XX.38.98 pc1.tomicek #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.38.99 pc2.tomicek #sharing-pc1.tomicek +10.XX.38.100 pc2.tomicek #sharing-pc1.tomicek +10.XX.38.101 pc3.tomicek #sharing-pc1.tomicek +10.XX.38.102 pc4.tomicek #sharing-pc1.tomicek +10.XX.38.103 pc5.tomicek #sharing-pc1.tomicek +10.XX.38.105 ter.vojtom #wifi-plus-256-640 +10.XX.38.106 ter2.vojtom #sharing-ter.vojtom +10.XX.38.120 dhcp.brody #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.38.121 dhcp1.brody #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.38.122 dhcp2.brody #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.38.123 dhcp3.brody #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.39.0 poliklinika-wlan # +10.XX.39.1 ap.poliklinika poliklinika-ap #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.39.2 bridge-poliklinika.lapiduch +10.XX.39.3 lapiduch.poliklinika lapiduch #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.39.4 semid.poliklinika semid #9-neplati-faktury, dashboard-neplatic +10.XX.39.5 hanz.poliklinika hanz #odpojit-01042007, wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.39.6 benes.poliklinika benes #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.39.7 ariciu.poliklinika ariciu #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.39.8 adr-sys.poliklinika adr-sys #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.39.9 bridge-poliklinika.sosty +10.XX.39.10 sosty.poliklinika sosty #novy-cenik-2006, dashboard-neevidovany-128-128 +10.XX.39.11 zuzova.poliklinika #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.39.12 oxyg3ne.poliklinika oxyg3ne #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.39.13 grawes.poliklinika #sharing-pc.grawes +10.XX.39.14 haloun.poliklinika #wifi-plus-256-256 +10.XX.39.15 haloun2.poliklinika #sharing-haloun.poliklinika +10.XX.39.16 kolejkajetanka.poliklinika #odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.39.17 kolejkajetanka2.poliklinika #czf +10.XX.39.19 udelnickehocviciste1.poliklinika #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.39.20 dhcp.poliklinika #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.39.21 dhcp2.poliklinika #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.39.22 dhcp3.poliklinika #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.39.23 dhcp4.poliklinika #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.40.0 roumen-wlan # +10.XX.40.1 ap.roumen roumen-ap +10.XX.40.2 v.q.roumen v.q #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.40.3 kmosi.roumen kmosi #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.40.5 vladahan.roumen vladahan #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.40.7 akim.roumen akim #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.40.11 houmr.roumen houmr #wifi-normal-128-512 + +10.XX.41.0 stkat-wlan # +10.XX.41.1 ap.stkat stkat-ap +10.XX.41.2 berny.stkat berny #1-wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.41.4 muller.stkat muller #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-896 +10.XX.41.5 bug.stkat #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.41.6 adatel.stkat adatel #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.41.7 denis007.stkat denis007 #[XX.YY.90.157] dashboard-neplatic, wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.41.8 alderan.stkat alderan #[AA.BB.89.53] sharing-berny.stkat +10.XX.41.9 kamil.stkat kamil #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.41.10 ondra.stkat ondra #sharing-berny.stkat +10.XX.41.11 santy.stkat santy #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.41.12 berny5.stkat berny5 #sharing-berny.stkat +10.XX.41.13 fori.stkat fori #sharing-santy.stkat +10.XX.41.14 vild.stkat #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.41.15 soukup.stkat #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.41.16 muller2.stkat #sharing-muller.stkat +10.XX.41.17 u1baterie35.stkat +10.XX.41.25 bridge-soukup.stkat +10.XX.41.88 smidak.stkat #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.41.100 dhcp.stkat #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.41.101 dhcp2.stkat #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.41.102 dhcp3.stkat #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.41.103 dhcp4.stkat #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.42.0 sugarcook-wlan # +10.XX.42.1 ap.sugarcook sugarcook-ap +10.XX.42.7 bridge-sugarcook.spalova8 spalova8 +10.XX.42.8 nb.spalova8 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.42.9 pc1.spalova8 #sharing-nb.spalova8 +10.XX.42.10 pc2.spalova8 #sharing-nb.spalova8 +10.XX.42.11 pc3.spalova8 #sharing-nb.spalova8 +#10.XX.42.12 pajab.sugarcook pajab #reserved +10.XX.42.13 bridge-sugarcook.zezula zezula +10.XX.42.14 lan.zezula #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.42.15 supajz.sugarcook supajz #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.42.20 bridge-sugarcook.mikulasek mikulasek +10.XX.42.21 pc1.mikulasek #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.42.22 pc2.mikulasek #sharing-pc1.mikulasek +10.XX.42.30 bridge-sugarcook.duchoslafka duchoslafka-bridge +10.XX.42.31 pc1.duchoslafka duchoslafka #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.42.32 pc2.duchoslafka #sharing-pc1.duchoslafka +10.XX.42.42 critternb.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.42.50 bridge-sugarcook.zert zert +10.XX.42.51 pc.zert #[XX.YY.90.60] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.42.100 dhcp.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.42.101 dhcp2.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.42.102 dhcp3.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.42.103 dhcp4.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.42.128 sugarcook-sever-wlan # +10.XX.42.129 ap-sever.sugarcook +10.XX.42.130 bridge-sugarcook.zbrojnicka16 +10.XX.42.131 pc.zbrojnicka16 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.42.132 delostrelecka.sugarcook delostrelecka +10.XX.42.133 pajab.sugarcook pajab #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.42.135 bridge-sugarcook.maxpe maxpe +10.XX.42.136 pc.maxpe #[XX.YY.90.41] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.42.137 wlanbridge.maxpe #sharing-pc.maxpe +10.XX.42.142 critterwlan.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.42.143 critterwifi.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.42.200 dhcp-sever.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.42.201 dhcp2-sever.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.42.202 dhcp3-sever.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.42.203 dhcp4-sever.sugarcook #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.43.0 petynka-wlan # +10.XX.43.1 ap.petynka petynka-ap +10.XX.43.2 vopice.petynka vopice #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.43.3 viki viki.petynka +10.XX.43.4 petynka154 petynka154.petynka +10.XX.43.6 eving.petynka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.43.7 eving-nb.petynka #sharing-eving.petynka +10.XX.43.9 elm.petynka elm #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.43.10 czihy.petynka czihy #sharing-pc1.czihy +10.XX.43.13 mikolasek mikolasek.petynka #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.43.14 pc.chvojkovi #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.43.17 brkoun brkoun.petynka #sharing-arachne +10.XX.43.20 bridge.jamo +10.XX.43.21 jamo.petynka jamo #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.43.22 telefon-jamo.petynka jamo.telefon #sharing-jamo.petynka +10.XX.43.30 nakocourkach18.petynka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.43.31 patockova31.petynka #wifi-normal-128-1280 +#10.XX.43.33 volna-ip +#10.XX.43.35 volna-ip +10.XX.43.37 zastrahovem37.petynka #testuje-critter-20060303, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.43.40 stanet.petynka #czf +10.XX.43.43 critternb.petynka #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.43.46 hasektour-nb-vsesmer.petynka #sharing-hasektour.cerny +10.XX.43.56 vestresovickach56.petynka #sharing-vestresovickach56.stkat +10.XX.43.65 bridge-petynka.kocourky kocourky +10.XX.43.66 pc1.kocourky #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.43.67 pc2.kocourky #sharing-pc1.kocourky +10.XX.43.68 pc3.kocourky #sharing-pc1.kocourky +10.XX.43.69 pc4.kocourky #sharing-pc1.kocourky +10.XX.43.70 pc5.kocourky #sharing-pc1.kocourky +10.XX.43.71 pc6.kocourky #sharing-pc1.kocourky +10.XX.43.72 pc7.kocourky #sharing-pc1.kocourky +10.XX.43.73 pc8.kocourky #sharing-pc1.kocourky +10.XX.43.81 bridge-nabateriich11 +10.XX.43.82 bemda.nabateriich11 bemda #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.43.100 dhcp.petynka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.43.101 101-43-streetaccess.petynka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.43.102 102-43-streetaccess.petynka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.43.103 103-43-streetaccess.petynka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.43.110 bridge-petynka.napetynce74 napetynce74 +10.XX.43.111 pc.napetynce74 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.43.112 tlfn.napetynce74 #sharing-pc.napetynce74 +10.XX.43.240 bridge-petynka.chvojkovi chvojkovi + +10.XX.45.0 guru-sever-wlan # +10.XX.45.1 guru-sever +10.XX.45.2 carli #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.45.3 #wifi-normal-128-512 +#10.XX.45.4 #reserved +10.XX.45.5 svehla +10.XX.45.6 nobl #dashboard-neplatic, wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.45.7 seka #testing-vitex-20060228, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.45.21 jura-cz.zapohorelcem21 #[XX.YY.90.40] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.45.22 bridge-guru.zapohorelcem21 +10.XX.45.18 pc-guru.longmatys #sharing-pc.longmatys +#10.XX.45.10 volna-ip +10.XX.45.11 parlerova11 +10.XX.45.20 kozuch #[AA.BB.89.41] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.45.23 sibeliova23 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.45.33 bridge-guru.reichlova reichlova +10.XX.45.34 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.45.61 +10.XX.45.62 +10.XX.45.65 bridge-guru.tucnak tucnak +10.XX.45.66 petruska.tucnak petruska #sharing-klarka.tucnak +10.XX.45.67 klarka.tucnak klarka #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.45.82 bridge-guru.xue +10.XX.45.83 pc2.xue #dashboard-neevidovany-128-512 +10.XX.45.95 bridge-guru.plextor plextor +10.XX.45.96 pc1.plextor #1-wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.45.97 pc2.plextor #sharing-pc1.plextor +10.XX.45.98 nb.plextor #sharing-pc1.plextor +10.XX.45.99 smida1.plextor #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.45.100 smida2.plextor #sharing-smida1.plextor +10.XX.45.123 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.45.124 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.45.125 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.45.126 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.46.0 petynka-severozapad-wlan # +10.XX.46.1 wlan-stkat.petynka #sharing-petynka +10.XX.46.2 wlan-petynka.stkat #sharing-stkat + +10.XX.46.128 petynka-vertikal-wlan # +10.XX.46.129 ap-vertikal.petynka petynka-vertikal +10.XX.46.130 eth2wlan-bridge.petynka +10.XX.46.131 cernapaji.petynka #sharing-markus +10.XX.46.133 hasektour.petynka #sharing-hasektour.cerny +10.XX.46.134 hasektour2.petynka #sharing-hasektour.cerny +10.XX.46.135 grosmanovi.petysnka #sharing-filip.nadkajetankou1414 +10.XX.46.145 145-46.petynka #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.46.146 146-46.petynka #sharing-critter.arachne + +10.XX.47.0 alles32-wlan # +10.XX.47.1 ap.alles32 alles32-ap +10.XX.47.2 wifi.alles32 #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.47.3 bridge-alles32.belohorska117 +10.XX.47.4 belohorska117 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.5 mirax mirax.alles32 #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.47.6 wlan-alles32.horal #sharing-horal +10.XX.47.7 zamek.alles32 zamek #8-wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.8 bridge-alles32.markuson markuson +10.XX.47.9 bridge-indoor.markuson +10.XX.47.10 pc1.markuson #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.11 pc2.markuson #sharing-pc1.markuson +10.XX.47.12 pc3.markuson #sharing-pc1.markuson +10.XX.47.13 bedn.alles32 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.14 grawes.alles32 #sharing-pc.grawes +10.XX.47.15 wlan-alles32.ukastanu2 ukastanu2 +10.XX.47.16 8list1a.alles32 #novy-cenik-2006, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.17 verunek.alles32 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.20 bridge-stkat.ztom ztom +10.XX.47.21 pc1.ztom #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.22 pc2.ztom #sharing-pc1.ztom +10.XX.47.23 ovis.patockova69 # +10.XX.47.24 salacova.patockova69 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.36 bridge-alles32.sandhu sandhu-bridge sandhu +10.XX.47.37 pc.sandhu #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.47.40 bridge-alles32.anastazova21 anastazova21 +10.XX.47.41 pc.anastazova21 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.47.42 geminigem.anastazova21 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.50 bridge-alles32.belohorska81 belohorska81 +10.XX.47.51 pc1.belohorska81 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.47.52 pc2.belohorska81 #sharing-pc1.belohorska81 +10.XX.47.100 streetaccess.alles32 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.47.101 stre3taccess.alles32 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.47.102 str3etaccess.alles32 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.47.103 str33taccess.alles32 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +#10.XX.48.0 volna-sit-pro-nove-sektory # + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Brevnovsky CZFree.Net - ethernetove site +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# vnitrni sit Zaverka 8/Arachne Labs +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.1.0 arachne-eth # +10.XX.1.1 veskrini.arachne veskrini #sharing-arachne +10.XX.1.2 kid.arachne kid #4-backbone-plus-512-512 +10.XX.1.3 critter2.arachne #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.1.4 zewling.arachne #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.1.5 marvin.arachne aquarius-ntb #sharing-panter.arachne +10.XX.1.6 celtic.misamedu #[AA.BB.89.10] reserved-HONEYNET, backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.7 sysifos.arachne sysifos #[XX.YY.90.254] server, 7-backbone-bezfup-256-30000 +10.XX.1.8 eth-arachne.marten #sharing-arachne +10.XX.1.9 radio.arachne radio #[] backbone-plus-1024-1024 +10.XX.1.10 nastrese.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.1.11 podvoknem.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.1.12 commanche.misamedu #[XX.YY.90.36], reserved-HONEYNET, sharing-celtic.misamedu +10.XX.1.13 compuglobalhypermeganet.misamedu #reserved-HONEYNET, sharing-celtic.misamedu +10.XX.1.14 laurel.arachne laurel #sharing-panter.arachne +10.XX.1.15 hardy.arachne hardy #7-backbone-bezfup-256-30000 +10.XX.1.16 simon.arachne simon #4-backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.1.17 binar.binary-bros binar #[XX.YY.90.27] backbone-plus-256-8192 +10.XX.1.18 wasil.binary-bros wasil #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.1.19 abe.binary-bros abe #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.1.20 wokno.binary-bros wokno #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.1.21 binaryhost.binary-bros binaryhost #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.1.22 gandalfnb.arachne #sharing-panter.arachne +10.XX.1.25 natwor.arachne #backbone-plus-256-3072 +10.XX.1.30 smetalova.zaverka8 #backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.1.31 smetalova2.zaverka8 #sharing-smetalova.zaverka8 +10.XX.1.32 smetalova3.zaverka8 #sharing-smetalova.zaverka8 +10.XX.1.33 smetalova4.zaverka8 #sharing-smetalova.zaverka8 +10.XX.1.34 ghost.zaverka8 ghost #sharing-stafra.zaverka8 +10.XX.1.35 stafra.zaverka8 stafra #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.39 cicnos.zaverka8 cicnos #backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.1.40 pooh.hospodanahradku #sharing-pooh.sway +10.XX.1.51 toshi.zaverka8 toshi #sharing-hardy.arachne +10.XX.1.80 stroufova.zaverka18 stroufova #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.1.81 ovis.zaverka18 +10.XX.1.82 strych.zaverka18 strych #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.1.83 strych2.zaverka18 strych2 #sharing-strych.zaverka18 +10.XX.1.90 rusove1.helenymalirove1 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.91 rusove2.helenymalirove1 #sharing-rusove1.helenymalirove1 +10.XX.1.96 praguerecorders.helenymalirove3 praguerecorders #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.1.97 comoros.helenymalirove3 comoros #backbone-plus-256-3072 +10.XX.1.99 machackova.slikova15 machackova #backbone-normal-128-4096 +10.XX.1.101 ns #6-backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.1.110 telefon.arachne #6-backbone-plus-1024-8192 +10.XX.1.111 telefon2.arachne #sharing-telefon.arachne +10.XX.1.112 telefon3.arachne #sharing-telefon.arachne +10.XX.1.123 dhcp1.zaverka8 #dashboard-dhcp, dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.1.124 dhcp2.zaverka8 #dashboard-dhcp, dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.1.125 dhcp3.zaverka8 #dashboard-dhcp, dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.1.126 dhcp4.zaverka8 #dashboard-dhcp, dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.1.129 frog.slikova9 frog #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.130 alf.slikova11 #sharing-toro.slikova11 +10.XX.1.131 kahlen.arachne kahlen #nova-backbone-2006, odpojil-se-128-3072 +10.XX.1.132 horymir.slikova11 horymir #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.1.133 toro.slikova11 toro #backbone-plus-256-4096 +10.XX.1.134 zoro.slikova11 zoro #sharing-toro.slikova11 +10.XX.1.135 jef.slikova11 jef #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.136 sara.slikova11 sara #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.137 audience.slikova11 audience #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.1.138 spageta.helenymalirove6 spageta #backbone-normal-128-1024, odpojit-20070301 +10.XX.1.139 kesu.helenymalirove6 kesu #odpojil-se-128-1024 +10.XX.1.140 bach.helenymalirove6 bach #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.141 pm1.slikova13 pm1 #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.1.142 pm2.slikova13 pm2 #sharing-pm1.slikova13 +10.XX.1.143 srollerova.slikova4 srollerova #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.144 ap.ctvrtnik.slikova4 ctvrtnik +10.XX.1.145 ctvrtnik.slikova4 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.146 ctvrtnikova.slikova4 #sharing-ctvrtnik.slikova4 +10.XX.1.147 johana.slikova8 johana #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.148 spageta-nb.helenymalirove6 #sharing-spageta.helenymalirove6 +10.XX.1.149 blueserver.arachne blueserver #[AA.BB.89.49] server, backbone-plus-512-30000 +10.XX.1.150 piskoviste.arachne piskoviste #[AA.BB.89.21] server, backbone-plus-512-30000 +10.XX.1.151 chadima.arachne chadima #[AA.BB.89.51] server, backbone-plus-512-30000 +10.XX.1.152 mates.arachne mates #sharing-horymir.slikova11 +10.XX.1.153 stary.arachne #[XX.YY.90.43] server, backbone-plus-512-30000 +#10.XX.1.155 artur.arachne artur #zruseno-512-8192 +10.XX.1.156 ubuntu.arachne ubuntu #[AA.BB.89.56] backbone-normal-512-30000 +10.XX.1.157 strejc.slikova4 #[XX.YY.90.49] backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.1.158 slaspa.slikova13 #backbone-normal-128-512 +10.XX.1.159 slaspa-nb.slikova3 #sharing-slaspa.slikova13 +10.XX.1.162 fromberger.zaverka1 fromberger #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.163 fialova.zaverka1 fialova #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.165 srytr.zaverka1 srytr #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.1.166 alena.zaverka1 alena #[XX.YY.90.29] backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.167 sichova.zaverka1 sichova #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.168 chmelik.zaverka1 chmelik #backbone-plus-256-3072 +10.XX.1.169 kanfi.zaverka1 kanfi #backbone-plus-512-7424 +10.XX.1.170 molik.zaverka1 molik #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.172 duchacek.zaverka1 duchacek #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.173 duchacek-nb.zaverka1 #sharing-duchacek.zaverka1 +10.XX.1.174 pc1.berthier #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.175 pc2.berthier #sharing-pc1.berthier +10.XX.1.176 drda.zaverka1 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.177 drda2.zaverka1 #sharing-drda.zaverka1 +10.XX.1.178 sichova2.zaverka1 #sharing-sichova.zaverka1 +10.XX.1.180 zaverka10.arachne zaverka10 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.184 mh.zav14 zav14 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.190 opto.slikova13 #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.1.191 opto2.slikova13 #sharing-opto.slikova13 +10.XX.1.194 dita.zaverka8 dita #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.1.195 pravnik.zaverka8 pravnik #1-backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.196 ivanag.zaverka8 ivanag #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.197 honzag.zaverka8 honzag #sharing-ivanag.zaverka8 +10.XX.1.198 koubova.zaverka8 koubova #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.199 pavelg.zaverka8 pavelg #sharing-ivanag.zaverka8 +10.XX.1.211 jecmikovi.zaverka3 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.212 jecmikovi2.zaverka3 #sharing-jecmikovi.zaverka3 +10.XX.1.213 jecmikovi3.zaverka3 #sharing-jecmikovi.zaverka3 +10.XX.1.214 kahlen2 #sharing-kahlen.arachne +10.XX.1.215 kahlen3 #sharing-kahlen.arachne +10.XX.1.216 kahlen4 #sharing-kahlen.arachne +10.XX.1.217 kahlen5 #sharing-kahlen.arachne +10.XX.1.221 critter.arachne #7-backbone-bezfup-256-8192 +10.XX.1.222 panter.arachne panter #7-backbone-bezfup-256-30000 +10.XX.1.223 aoe.arachne #sharing-panter.arachne +10.XX.1.224 tmp1.arachne tmp1 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.1.225 tmp2.arachne tmp2 #[AA.BB.89.31], sharing-hardy.arachne +10.XX.1.226 zkusenec.zaverka8 zkusenec #sharing-arachne +10.XX.1.227 akce #sharing-hardy.arachne +10.XX.1.228 verity.zaverka8 verity #sharing-hardy.arachne +10.XX.1.229 +10.XX.1.230 cyberdelic.zaverka8 cyberdelic #dashboard-virus, sharing-hardy.arachne +10.XX.1.233 critter-bsd.zaverka8 #[] sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.1.239 +10.XX.1.240 inway.zaverka8 inway +10.XX.1.241 navratil.zaverka12 navratil #backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.1.242 hajek.zaverka14 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.1.253 compex.arachne + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# lokalni sit Elses - Belohorska ulice +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.5.0 elses-eth # +10.XX.5.1 ori.elses ori elses1 #sharing-arachne +#10.XX.5.2 capka.podkralovkou1a capka #odpojil-se-128-1024 +10.XX.5.5 vesely1.podkralovkou1a vesely1 #[XX.YY.90.52] backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.5.6 vesely2.podkralovkou1a vesely2 #sharing-vesely1.podkralovkou1a +10.XX.5.7 vesely3.podkralovkou1a vesely3 #sharing-vesely1.podkralovkou1a +10.XX.5.8 ruzicka.podkralovkou1a #nova-backbone-2006, odpojil-se-512-4096 +#10.XX.5.9 zenin.podkralovkou1a zenin #odpojil-se-128-896 +10.XX.5.10 proxima-centauri.elses elses2 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.5.11 kurek1.podkralovkou1a #backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.5.12 kurek2.podkralovkou1a #sharing-kurek1.podkralovkou1a +10.XX.5.15 ap.vesely +10.XX.5.18 matousek.podkralovkou1b matousek #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.5.19 hajek.podkralovkou1b hajek #backbone-normal-128-1024 +#10.XX.5.20 ip3.podkralovkou1b #reserved-zatim-nepouzita +#10.XX.5.21 ip4.podkralovkou1b #reserved-zatim-nepouzita +10.XX.5.22 krcal.elses +10.XX.5.23 critter.podkralovkou1a #reserved-critter +10.XX.5.34 ondra.podkralovkou1c #dashboard-neevidovany-256-1024 +10.XX.5.35 stepan.podkralovkou1c #sharing-ondra.podkralovkou1c +10.XX.5.36 lupus.podkralovkou1c #sharing-ondra.podkralovkou1c +10.XX.5.37 pc4.podkralovkou1c #sharing-ondra.podkralovkou1c +10.XX.5.40 stola.belohorska30 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.5.41 stola2.belohorska30 #sharing-stola.belohorska30 +10.XX.5.42 stola3.belohorska30 #sharing-stola.belohorska30 +10.XX.5.45 kubinova.belohorska30 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.5.50 prague77.belohorska30 #[AA.BB.89.59] backbone-plus-256-4096 +10.XX.5.51 levovi.belohorska30 levovi #3-backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.5.52 levovi2.belohorska30 #sharing-levovi.belohorska30 +10.XX.5.53 levovi3.belohorska30 #sharing-levovi.belohorska30 +10.XX.5.54 hruby.belohorska30 hruby #nova-backbone-2006, odpojil-se-128-1024 +#10.XX.5.55 volna-ip +10.XX.5.56 zizka.belohorska30 zizka #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.5.57 rezek.belohorska30 rezek #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.5.60 abder.belohorska38 abder #backbone-plus-256-3072 +10.XX.5.61 donaldg.belohorska40 donaldg #je-pryc-256-6144 +10.XX.5.62 sommer.belohorska36 sommer #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.5.63 donaldg2.belohorska40 #sharing-donaldg.belohorska40 +10.XX.5.64 telefon.sommer #sharing-telefon.arachne +10.XX.5.65 convoy.belohorska48 convoy #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.5.73 joras1.belohorska50 joras1 #backbone-normal-256-4096 +10.XX.5.74 joras2.belohorska50 joras2 #sharing-joras1.belohorska50 +10.XX.5.77 bernard.belohorska48 #backbone-plus-256-256 + +10.XX.6.0 pytel-eth # +10.XX.6.1 elses.pytel +10.XX.6.2 ono-sendai.pytel #odpojil-se-128-2048 +10.XX.6.3 prokupek.pytel #sharing-ono-sendai.pytel +10.XX.6.4 houba.pytel #sharing-ono-sendai.pytel + +10.XX.6.32 pascal-eth # +10.XX.6.33 router.pascal pascal-router +10.XX.6.34 pc.pascal #sharing-pascal + +#z tohoto rozsahu uz se nemela alkovat nova IPcka, akorat jsem to jaksi +#zapomel nekam napsat... xCh. pouzivejte ipcka ze site 10.XX.9.96 +10.XX.6.48 microshop-eth # +10.XX.6.49 nell.microshop nell +10.XX.6.50 superadapter.microshop #sharing-microshop +10.XX.6.51 stul.podmarjankou4 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.6.53 ms-srv1.microshop #[AA.BB.89.3] sharing-microshop +10.XX.6.54 datarecovery.microshop datarecovery #[AA.BB.89.4] sharing-microshop +10.XX.6.55 remote.microshop #[AA.BB.89.5] sharing-microshop +10.XX.6.56 honza.microshop #[AA.BB.89.6] sharing-microshop +10.XX.6.57 kir.belohorska54 kir #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.6.58 novak-pc2.microshop #sharing-novak.microshop +10.XX.6.59 novak.microshop novak #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.6.60 horackova.belohorska54 horackova #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.6.61 karpoff.belohorska58 karpoff #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.6.62 lekarna.belohorska54 lekarna #[AA.BB.89.42] backbone-plus-512-8192 + +10.XX.6.64 pohorelec-eth # +10.XX.6.65 router.pohorelec +#10.XX.6.66 aurka.pohorelec aurka #odpojil-se +#10.XX.6.67 burka.pohorelec burka #odpojil-se +10.XX.6.70 eurka.pohorelec eurka #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-256-1024 +10.XX.6.71 furka.pohorelec furka #sharing-eurka.pohorelec +10.XX.6.72 gurka.pohorelec gurka #sharing-pohorelec +10.XX.6.73 hurka.pohorelec hurka #sharing-pohorelec +10.XX.6.98 automat.pohorelec automat #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.6.100 misapisa.pohorelec misapisa #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.6.101 jlud.pohorelec #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.6.102 jlud2.pohorelec #sharing-jlud.pohorelec + + +10.XX.6.128 cartmen-eth # +10.XX.6.129 router.cartmen +10.XX.6.133 pc.cartmen #sharing-cartmen +10.XX.6.134 nb.cartmen #sharing-cartmen +10.XX.6.135 ap.cartmen #sharing-cartmen +10.XX.6.136 tomik.cartmen tomik #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.6.138 ipaq.cartmen #sharing-cartmen +10.XX.6.140 koutny.cartmen koutny #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.6.141 blue-h.cartmen blue-h #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.6.142 aphakia.cartmen aphakia #sharing-blue-h.cartmen +10.XX.6.146 kojenec.cartmen kojenec #backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.6.147 kusy.cartmen kusy #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.6.148 bartikova.cartmen bartikova #[AA.BB.89.18] sharing-cartmen +10.XX.6.149 rekl.cartmen rekl #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.6.150 schiestlova.cartmen schiestlova #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.6.151 lemoch.cartmen lemoch #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.6.152 bartik.cartmen bartik #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.6.153 koutny2.cartmen #sharing-koutny.cartmen +10.XX.6.154 patkova.cartmen #backbone-normal-128-1024 + +10.XX.6.224 arachne-router-subnet # +10.XX.6.225 eth-veskrini.arachne #sharing-arachne +10.XX.6.226 nakomine2.arachne #sharing-arachne + + +#10.XX.6.224 nora-eth # +#10.XX.6.225 gateway.nora +#10.XX.6.226 bart.nora #sharing-binar.binary-bros +#10.XX.6.227 toshi.nora #nepouziva se +#10.XX.6.228 critter.nora #sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.229 zubar.nora zubar #sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.230 stepik.nora stepik ##AA.BB.89.34# sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.231 wolf.nora wolf #sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.232 niky.nora niky #sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.233 aix.nora aix #sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.234 router.nora #sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.235 dhcp.nora #sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.236 dhcp2.nora #sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.237 dhcp3.nora #sharing-critter.arachne +#10.XX.6.238 dhcp4.nora #sharing-critter.arachne + +10.XX.6.240 abder-wlan # +10.XX.6.241 ap.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.6.242 vercak.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.6.243 jakes.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.6.244 dhcp1.abder #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.6.245 dhcp2.abder #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.6.246 dhcp3.abder #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.6.247 dhcp4.abder #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.6.248 dhcp5.abder #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.6.249 dhcp6.abder #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.7.0 horal-eth # +10.XX.7.1 router.horal horal-router +10.XX.7.2 michalka2.horal michalka2 #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.3 michalka3.horal michalka3 #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.4 horal4.horal horal4 #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.5 apollo.horal apollo #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.6 hsr.horal hsr #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.7 lukasek.horal lukasek #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.8 horal8.horal horal8 #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.9 horal9.horal horal9 #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.10 horal10.horal horal10 #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.11 horal11.horal horal11 #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.12 horal12.horal horal12 #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.13 horal13.horal horal13 #sharing-horal +10.XX.7.14 dlink.horal dlink #sharing-horal + +10.XX.7.16 dum-liborova14-eth # +10.XX.7.17 eth0-31.liborova14 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.7.18 18-7-hajek.liborova14 #dashboard-neplatic, backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.7.19 19-7-hajek.liborova14 #sharing-18-7-hajek.liborova14 +10.XX.7.20 20-7-hajek.liborova14 #sharing-18-7-hajek.liborova14 +10.XX.7.21 21-7-hajek.liborova14 #sharing-18-7-hajek.liborova14 +10.XX.7.22 zemanova.liborova14 #backbone-normal-128-1024 + +#10.XX.7.32 volna-sit # + +10.XX.7.48 munin-eth # +10.XX.7.49 router.munin #czf +10.XX.7.50 munix.munin #czf +10.XX.7.51 munin.munin #czf +10.XX.7.52 brbl.munin #czf + +10.XX.7.64 oskar-eth # +10.XX.7.65 router.oskar oskar-router +10.XX.7.66 pc1.oskar #sharing-oskar +10.XX.7.67 pc2.oskar #sharing-oskar +10.XX.7.68 gr1.oskar #sharing-oskar +10.XX.7.69 gr2.oskar #sharing-oskar +10.XX.7.70 gr3.oskar #sharing-oskar +10.XX.7.71 gr4.oskar #sharing-oskar + +10.XX.7.80 wanderer-eth # +10.XX.7.81 router.wanderer wanderer-router +10.XX.7.82 wanda.wanderer wanda #sharing-wanderer +10.XX.7.83 michal.wanderer #sharing-wanderer +10.XX.7.84 dole.wanderer #sharing-wanderer +10.XX.7.85 nahore.wanderer #sharing-wanderer + +10.XX.7.96 jim-eth # +10.XX.7.97 jim0.jim jim0 #sharing-jim +10.XX.7.98 jim1 #sharing-jim +10.XX.7.99 jim2 #sharing-jim +10.XX.7.100 jim3 #sharing-jim +10.XX.7.101 jim4 #[XX.YY.90.11] sharing-jim +10.XX.7.102 telefon.jim #sharing-telefon.arachne +10.XX.7.103 experimenty #sharing-jim +10.XX.7.107 jim5.jim #sharing-jim +10.XX.7.110 alef.jim #sharing-jim + +10.XX.7.112 pesk-eth # +10.XX.7.113 router.pesk pesk-router +10.XX.7.114 pesk1 #docasne-se-odpojil +10.XX.7.115 pesk2 #czf +10.XX.7.116 pesk3 #czf +10.XX.7.117 pesk4 #czf + +10.XX.7.160 gotcha-eth # +10.XX.7.161 router.gotcha gotcha-router +10.XX.7.162 heriz.gotcha heriz #sharing-gotcha + +10.XX.7.176 kopeckeho-eth # +10.XX.7.177 ovis.kopeckeho #sharing-kopeckeho.jim +10.XX.7.178 pc1.kopeckeho #sharing-kopeckeho.jim +10.XX.7.179 pc2.kopeckeho #sharing-kopeckeho.jim + +10.XX.7.192 jim2cabral-5ghz-wlan # +10.XX.7.193 wlan-cabral.jim +10.XX.7.194 bridge-jim.cabral cabral-airca airca.cabral +10.XX.7.195 nat.cabral cabral #[XX.YY.90.23] backbone-plus-1024-1024 + +10.XX.7.208 jorge-eth # +10.XX.7.209 router.jorge +10.XX.7.210 pc1.jorge #sharing-jorge +10.XX.7.211 sebor1.jorge sebor1 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.7.212 sebor2.jorge sebor2 #sharing-sebor1.jorge +10.XX.7.213 sebor3.jorge sebor3 #sharing-sebor1.jorge +10.XX.7.214 krejci.jorge krejci #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.7.215 kaderabek.jorge kaderabek #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.7.216 pc2.jorge #sharing-jorge +10.XX.7.217 sebor4.jorge sebor4 #sharing-sebor1.jorge + +10.XX.8.0 zaverka18-wlan # +10.XX.8.1 ap.zaverka18 +10.XX.8.2 bridge-zaverka18.zaverka11 zaverka11 +10.XX.8.3 canon.zaverka11 #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.8.4 darkbug2.zaverka11 #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.8.5 liborova2.zaverka18 #sharing-pc1.tomicek +10.XX.8.10 dhcp1.zaverka18 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.8.11 dhcp2.zaverka18 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +#10.XX.8.16 volna-sit # + +10.XX.8.32 abder-eth # +10.XX.8.33 server.abder +10.XX.8.34 pc1.abder #[XX.YY.90.38] sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.35 pc2.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.36 pc3.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.37 pc4.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.38 pc5.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.39 pc6.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.40 pc7.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.41 pc8.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.42 pc9.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.43 pc10.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.44 pc11.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.45 pc12.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.46 pc13.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.47 pc14.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 +10.XX.8.48 pc15.abder #sharing-abder.belohorska38 + +10.XX.8.64 pulytr-vychod-sektor-wlan # +10.XX.8.65 ap-vychod.pulytr #sharing-pulytr +10.XX.8.66 test-pulytr #testuje-pulytr-20061115, sharing-wifitest.pulytr +10.XX.8.67 zlatnnik1.pulytr #sharing-zlatnik.pulytr +10.XX.8.68 lucka1.pulytr #sharing-lucka.pulytr +10.XX.8.69 gluon1.pulytr #sharing-gluon.pulytr +10.XX.8.70 lukas1.pulytr #sharing-lukas.pulytr + +10.XX.8.128 octarna-jihozapad-sektor-wlan # +10.XX.8.129 ap-jihozapad.octarna #sharing-octarna +10.XX.8.130 bridge-octarna.vlkk +10.XX.8.131 pc1.vlkk #[XX.YY.90.31] wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.8.132 pc2.vlkk #sharing-pc1.vlkk +10.XX.8.133 bolzano2.octarna #testuje-phil, wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.8.134 ahn.octarna ahn +10.XX.8.135 bridge-honzak.octarna +10.XX.8.136 pc.honzak #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.8.137 parlerova5.octarna #wifi-normal-128-512 + + +10.XX.8.192 petynka-south-2-wlan # +10.XX.8.193 ap-south2.petynka #sharing-petynka +10.XX.8.194 smajchl.petynka smajchl #wifi-plus-256-1024 + +10.XX.8.224 petynka-jihovychod-wlan # +10.XX.8.225 ap-jihovychod.petynka + +10.XX.9.64 tomko-eth # +10.XX.9.65 router.tomko #sharing-viageos.arachne +10.XX.9.66 pc.tomko #sharing-viageos.arachne +10.XX.9.67 notebook.tomko #sharing-viageos.arachne + +10.XX.9.80 8dpp-eth # +10.XX.9.81 router.8dpp +10.XX.9.82 ws1.kalousovi.8dpp ws1.kalousovi #czf +10.XX.9.83 ws2.kalousovi.8dpp ws2.kalousovi #czf +10.XX.9.84 jilly.8dpp jilly #czf + +10.XX.9.96 podmarjankou-eth # +10.XX.9.97 nell.podmarjankou +10.XX.9.98 marjanka marjanka.marjanka #[AA.BB.89.45] backbone-normal-128-2432 +10.XX.9.99 vp.marjanka #sharing-marjanka +10.XX.9.100 mne.marjanka #sharing-marjanka +10.XX.9.101 kata.marjanka #sharing-marjanka +10.XX.9.102 host1.marjanka #sharing-marjanka +10.XX.9.103 host2.marjanka #sharing-marjanka +10.XX.9.108 karpoff1.belohorska58 #sharing-karpoff.belohorska58 +10.XX.9.109 karpoff2.belohorska58 #sharing-karpoff.belohorska58 +10.XX.9.110 pc.parik #1-50 backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.9.111 ap.parik parik #sharing-pc.parik +10.XX.9.112 novakovaeva2.podmarjankou6 #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.9.113 novakovaeva3.podmarjankou6 #sharing-novakovaeva2.podmarjankou6 +10.XX.9.114 wieder.podmarjankou6 wieder #backbone-normal-128-1024 + +10.XX.9.128 pleskot-eth # +10.XX.9.129 router.pleskot +10.XX.9.130 pc.pleskot #1-wifi-normal-128-128 +10.XX.9.131 conti.pleskot conti #[AA.BB.89.39] wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.9.132 ntb.pleskot #sharing-pc.pleskot + +10.XX.9.192 merlin-eth # +10.XX.9.193 router.merlin +10.XX.9.194 test.merlin #sharing-merlin +10.XX.9.195 petr.merlin #sharing-merlin + +10.XX.9.208 nemo-eth # +10.XX.9.209 trikavky.nemo trikavky +10.XX.9.210 carlos.nemo carlos #1-wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.9.211 nemochovsky.nemo nemochovsky #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.9.212 vrabelova.nemo vrabelova #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.9.213 rosinova.nemo rosinova #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.9.214 iva.nemo iva #wifi-normal-128-512 + +10.XX.9.224 talich1-eth # +10.XX.9.225 router.talich1 +10.XX.9.226 nemec.talich1 #sharing-talich1 +10.XX.9.227 svarc.talich1 svarc #[] backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.9.228 zvolsky.talich1 zvolsky #backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.9.229 tylova.talich1 tylova #backbone-plus-256-2048 +#10.XX.9.230 doskocil.talich1 doskocil #odpojil-se +10.XX.9.231 nemec2.talich1 #sharing-talich1 +10.XX.9.232 dina.talich1 dina #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.9.238 marx.talich1 #sharing-talich1 + +10.XX.9.240 xchaos-eth # +10.XX.9.241 router.xchaos +10.XX.9.243 hyperion.xchaos hyperion #[XX.YY.90.16] 3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.9.244 ip2.xchaos #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.9.245 telefon.xchaos #sharing-telefon.arachne + +10.XX.10.24 kratiknot-old-eth # +10.XX.10.25 router-old.kratiknot +10.XX.10.26 nb.kratiknot #sharing-jb.kratiknot +10.XX.10.27 hovorka.kratiknot #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.10.28 jb.kratiknot jb #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.10.29 ab.kratiknot ab #sharing-jb.kratiknot +10.XX.10.30 ap.kratiknot + +10.XX.9.48 kratiknot-eth # +10.XX.9.49 router.kratiknot +10.XX.9.50 climber.kratiknot climber #[XX.YY.90.56] wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.9.57 nb-new.kratiknot #sharing-jb.kratiknot +10.XX.9.58 jb-new.kratiknot #sharing-jb.kratiknot +10.XX.9.59 ab-new.kratiknot #sharing-jb.kratiknot +10.XX.9.60 ap-new.kratiknot + +10.XX.10.144 zastrahovem30-eth # +10.XX.10.145 router.zastrahovem30 +10.XX.10.146 frodo4.zastrahovem30 #sharing-frodo.zastrahovem30 +10.XX.10.147 valenta.zastrahovem30 valenta #odpojil-se +10.XX.10.148 kucera.zastrahovem30 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.10.149 frodo.zastrahovem30 frodo #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.10.150 frodo2.zastrahovem30 frodo2 #sharing-frodo.zastrahovem30 +10.XX.10.151 frodo3.zastrahovem30 frodo3 #sharing-frodo.zastrahovem30 +10.XX.10.152 novysoused.zastrahovem30 #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.10.153 153-10-novysoused.zastrahovem30 #sharing-novysoused.zastrahovem30 +10.XX.10.154 blichova.zastrahovem30 #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.10.156 evas.zastrahovem30 evas #wifi-normal-128-128 +10.XX.10.157 knotek.zastrahovem30 knotek #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.10.158 wrt.zastrahovem30 + +10.XX.10.160 sway-eth # +10.XX.10.161 router.sway +10.XX.10.162 nemec.sway #3-backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.10.163 pc.sway #3-backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.10.164 zavrsky.sway zavrsky #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.10.165 spic.sway spic #sharing-pooh.sway +10.XX.10.166 pooh.sway pooh #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.10.167 moron.sway #sharing-zavrsky.sway +10.XX.10.168 blazek.sway #sharing-nemec.sway +10.XX.10.169 choronzon.sway choronzon #[XX.YY.90.61] sharing-pooh.sway +10.XX.10.170 eth0-nastozaru.sway kubakk #sharing-arachne +10.XX.10.171 zavrsky2.sway #sharing-zavrsky.sway +#10.XX.10.171 nastozaru2.sway swaywrap #sharing-arachne +#10.XX.10.174 eth-sway.stresovice stresovice #1-wifi-normal-128-128 + +10.XX.10.208 parlerova11-eth # +10.XX.10.209 fido.parlerova11 fido router.parlerova11 +10.XX.10.210 janprihara.parlerova11 janprihara #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.10.211 hyxova.parlerova11 hyxova #testuje-xchaos-20070221, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.10.213 fel1.parlerova11 fel1 #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-256-1024 +10.XX.10.214 ondrash.parlerova11 ondrash #[AA.BB.89.35] sharing-fel1.parlerova11 +10.XX.10.215 jandic.parlerova11 jandic #[AA.BB.89.19] sharing-fel1.parlerova11 +10.XX.10.216 fel4.parlerova11 fel4 #sharing-fel1.parlerova11 +10.XX.10.217 fel5.parlerova11 #sharing-fel1.parlerova11 + +10.XX.11.112 liborova14-eth # +10.XX.11.113 router.liborova14 +10.XX.11.114 krakonos.wdsp krakonos #[AA.BB.89.26] backbone-plus-512-8192 +10.XX.11.115 analema.wdsp webserver #[AA.BB.89.62] sharing-krakonos.wdsp +10.XX.11.117 stupka.liborova14 stupka #[AA.BB.89.37] backbone-plus-512-4096 +10.XX.11.118 dusan.liborova14 dusan #[AA.BB.89.33] backbone-normal-128-2048 + +10.XX.11.128 angada-eth # +10.XX.11.129 router.slikova56 +10.XX.11.130 klara.slikova56 #1-wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.131 zaneta.slikova56 zaneta #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.132 intercooler.slikova56 intercooler #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.133 stefan.slikova56 stefan #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.134 jachym.slikova56 jachym #dashboard-neplatic-128-512 +10.XX.11.135 simakova.slikova46 simakova #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.11.136 fikrt.slikova56 fikrt #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.137 valkai.slikova56 #dashboard-neplatic-128-512 +10.XX.11.138 intercoller2.slikova56 #sharing-intercooler.slikova56 +10.XX.11.146 gnc.slikova52 gnc #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.147 odu.slikova52 odu #sharing-gnc.slikova52 +10.XX.11.148 lad.slikova52 lad #sharing-gnc.slikova52 +10.XX.11.149 kralickova.slikova50 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.11.150 hons.slikova50 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.11.151 edita.slikova50 #daashboard-neplatic, wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.11.156 rybiz.slikova56 #[XX.YY.90.25] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.11.158 matasovi.slikova50 matasovi #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-256-1024 + +10.XX.11.192 guru5-eth # +10.XX.11.193 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.194 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.195 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.11.200 parlerova19-5-eth # +10.XX.11.201 eth0-router.parlerova19 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.202 airca.parlerova19 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.11.208 atheros-elses-p2p-talich1 # +10.XX.11.209 atheros-talich1.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.210 atheros-elses.talich1 #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.11.212 atheros-talich1-p2p-poliklinika # +10.XX.11.213 atheros-poliklinika.talich1 #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.214 atheros-talich1.poliklinika #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.11.216 elses-p2p-xchaos-wlan # +10.XX.11.217 wlan-xchaos.elses #sharing-arachne +10.XX.11.218 wlan-elses.xchaos #sharing-arachne + +10.XX.49.0 octarna-eth # +10.XX.49.1 masa.octarna masa +10.XX.49.2 balaban.octarna balaban #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.3 zaba.octarna zaba #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.4 imrvere.octarna imrvere #[] sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.5 test.octarna #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.6 vojta.octarna #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.7 nb.octarna #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.8 palm.octarna #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.9 apimrvere.octarna #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.10 crosfield.octarna crosfield #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.11 mac-mini.octarna #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.12 powerbook-g3.octarna #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.13 indoor-apecko.octarna +10.XX.49.14 matous-wlan.octarna #sharing-octarna + +10.XX.49.32 marc-zahladkovem-eth # +10.XX.49.33 wlan-zahladkovem22.elses +10.XX.49.34 marc-indoorwlan-bridge.zahladkovem22 +10.XX.49.35 marc.zahladkovem22 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.49.36 marc-36-49.zahladkovem22 #sharing-marc.zahladkovem22 +10.XX.49.37 dobry.zahladkovem22 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.49.38 dobry-38-49.zahladkovem22 #sharing-dobry.zahladkovem22 +10.XX.49.39 dobry-39-49.zahladkovem22 #sharing-dobry.zahladkovem22 +10.XX.49.40 cakrt-indoorwlan-NAT.zahladkovem18 #sharing-cakrt.zahladkovem18 +10.XX.49.41 cakrt.zahladkovem18 #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.49.42 cakrt-42-49.zahladkovem18 #sharing-cakrt.zahladkovem18 +10.XX.49.43 bridgeAirCa-elses.zahladkovem22 marc-zahladkovem +10.XX.49.44 kve.zahladkovem16 #dashboard-virus, backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.49.46 cermakova.zahladkovem6 #backbone-normal-128-1024 + +10.XX.49.48 ahn-eth # +10.XX.49.49 ovis.ahn +10.XX.49.50 kancl-1.ahn #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.49.51 kancl-2.ahn #sharing-kancl-1.ahn +10.XX.49.52 kancl-3.ahn #sharing-kancl-1.ahn +10.XX.49.53 linda.ahn #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.49.54 verar.ahn verar #wifi-plus-256-256 +10.XX.49.64 marc-zahladkovem-2-eth # +10.XX.49.65 wlan-zahladkovem22-2.elses +10.XX.49.66 marc-66-49.zahladkovem22 #sharing-marc.zahladkovem22 +10.XX.49.67 marc-67-49.zahladkovem22 #sharing-marc.zahladkovem22 +10.XX.49.68 marc-68-49.zahladkovem22 #sharing-marc.zahladkovem22 +10.XX.49.69 marc-69-49.zahladkovem22 #sharing-marc.zahladkovem22 +10.XX.49.70 jtpl.zahladkovem22 #backbone-normal-128-1024 + +10.XX.49.192 kairra-eth # +10.XX.49.193 router.kairra +10.XX.49.194 pc.kairra #sharing-kairra +10.XX.49.195 brandejsova.kairra #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.49.196 pc2.kairra #sharing-kairra +10.XX.49.197 uhlirova.Keplerova4 uhlirova #wifi-plus-256-640 +10.XX.49.198 talavaskova.kairra #wifi-normal-128-1280 + +10.XX.49.208 octarna2-eth # +10.XX.49.209 eth1-1-router.octarna #sharing-octarna +10.XX.49.210 octopus.octarna #sharing-octarna + +10.XX.50.0 guru-eth # +10.XX.50.1 +10.XX.50.2 balak1 #3-wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.50.3 balak2 +10.XX.50.4 snajdr.belohorska12 snajdr #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.50.5 hruskova.belohorska10 hruskova #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.50.6 kalvasova.belohorska10 kalvasova #backbone-normal-128-1408 +10.XX.50.11 egamed2.belohorska12 egamed2 #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.50.12 dataguru +10.XX.50.13 feiglova.belohorska12 feiglova #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.50.14 tomanova1.belohorska12 tomanova1 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.50.15 tomanova2.belohorska12 tomanova2 #sharing-tomanova1.belohorska12 +10.XX.50.16 krulis.beohorska12 #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.50.17 #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.50.18 #[XX.YY.90.57], testuje-kid-20070201, backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.50.19 + +10.XX.50.64 slikova45-eth # +10.XX.50.65 router.slikova45 +10.XX.50.66 monika01.slikova43 monika01 #sharing-slikova43 +10.XX.50.67 cikhart01.slikova43 cikhart01 #sharing-slikova43 +10.XX.50.68 mrkvicka.slikova39 mrkvicka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.50.70 cihakovi-karlikova.slikova45 #sharing-cihakovi.slikova45 +10.XX.50.71 cihakovi.slikova45 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.50.72 cihakovi-roesink.slikova45 #sharing-cihakovi.slikova45 +10.XX.50.73 maynka.slikova47 maynka #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.50.74 soused1.slikova47 #sharing-maynka.slikova47 +10.XX.50.75 soused2.slikova47 #sharing-maynka.slikova47 +10.XX.50.76 soused3.slikova47 #sharing-maynka.slikova47 +10.XX.50.77 soused4.slikova47 #sharing-maynka.slikova47 +10.XX.50.78 kolu.slikova47 #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.50.81 cikhart-bridge.slikova43 +10.XX.50.82 cikhart-wlan1.slikova43 #sharing-slikova43 +10.XX.50.83 cikhart-wlan2.slikova43 #sharing-slikova43 +10.XX.50.84 cikhart-nb2.slikova43 #sharing-slikova43 + +10.XX.50.96 svehla-eth # +10.XX.50.97 owis.svehla +10.XX.50.98 zdenek.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.100 eth2wlan.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.101 101-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.102 102-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.103 103-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.104 104-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.105 105-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.106 106-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.107 107-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.108 108-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.109 109-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.110 110-50.svehla #sharing-sea +10.XX.50.111 111-50.svehla #sharing-sea + +10.XX.50.128 park-strahov-wlan # +10.XX.50.129 router.park-strahov # +10.XX.50.130 bridge.nadzaverkou13 # +10.XX.50.131 daniela.nadzaverkou13 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.50.140 bridge-marten.nadzaverkou12 nadzaverkou12wifi +10.XX.50.141 vitek.nadzaverkou12 #wifi-normal-128-512 +#10.XX.50.191 broadcast.marten-strahov #broadcast 62adres + +10.XX.52.0 pulytr-eth # +10.XX.52.1 router.pulytr pulytr1 #sharing-pulytr +10.XX.52.2 barton1.pulytr barton1 #[AA.BB.89.28] sharing-pulytr +10.XX.52.3 barton2.pulytr barton2 #sharing-pulytr +10.XX.52.4 tata1.pulytr #sharing-pulytr +10.XX.52.5 qayx.pulytr qayx #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.52.6 dee.pulytr dee #wifi-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.52.7 tata2.pulytr #backobne-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.52.8 kacik.pulytr kacik #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.52.10 nasidlisti.pulytr nasidlisti #sharing-pulytr +10.XX.52.11 barton3.pulytr barton3 #sharing-pulytr +10.XX.52.12 barton4.pulytr barton4 #sharing-pulytr +10.XX.52.13 barton5.pulytr barton5 #sharing-pulytr +10.XX.52.14 jangim.pulytr #dashboard-neplatic, backbone-normal-128-2048 + +10.XX.52.32 patockova97-eth # +10.XX.52.33 router.patockova97 +10.XX.52.34 pospisilova.patockova97 pospisilova #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.52.35 vojtova.patockova97 vojtova #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.52.36 paneu.patockova97 #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.52.37 c3yk4.patockova97 #dashboard-neplatic, neplati-faktury-nechcem pripojovat!!! + +10.XX.52.48 marty-hostalkova-eth # +10.XX.52.49 router.sin +10.XX.52.50 ovis.sin #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.52.51 marty-nb.sin #sharing-ovis.sin +10.XX.52.52 skyline.sin #sharing-ovis.sin + +10.XX.53.0 daimon-eth # +10.XX.53.1 router.daimon +10.XX.53.4 sajagi.daimon sajagi #[AA.BB.89.36] sharing-daimon +10.XX.53.5 jane.daimon jane #sharing-daimon +10.XX.53.6 devel.daimon #sharing-daimon +10.XX.53.7 guest.daimon #sharing-daimon +10.XX.53.10 krizanek1.nadzaverkou12 #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.53.11 krizanek2.nadzaverkou12 #sharing-krizanek1.nadzaverkou12 +10.XX.53.12 horacek.daimon horacek #[XX.YY.90.32] nezapojovat!!!FO, dashboard-neplatic-512-2048 +10.XX.53.13 houda.nadzaverkou12 houda #dashboard-neevidovany-128-128 +10.XX.53.16 salac.nadzaverkou12 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.20 kgutt.nadzaverkou11 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.21 bosramek.nadzaverkou11 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.22 navratil.nadzaverkou11 #[XX.YY.90.35] backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.23 navratil2.nadzaverkou11 #sharing-navratil.nadzaverkou11 +10.XX.53.24 jisramek.nadzaverkou11 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.25 kgutt-voip.nadzaverkou11 #sharing-kgutt.nadzaverkou11 +10.XX.53.26 jisramek-voip.nadzaverkou11 #sharing-jisramek.nadzaverkou11 + +10.XX.53.64 vesna-eth # +10.XX.53.65 router.vesna +10.XX.53.66 ip1.vesna #sharing-vesna +10.XX.53.67 ip2.vesna #sharing-vesna +10.XX.53.68 ip3.vesna #sharing-vesna +10.XX.53.69 ip4.vesna #sharing-vesna +10.XX.53.78 pc.vesna pc #[AA.BB.89.30] wifi-normal-128-896 + +10.XX.53.80 pc-eth # +10.XX.53.81 router.pc +10.XX.53.82 ip1.pc #sharing-pc.vesna +10.XX.53.83 ip2.pc #sharing-pc.vesna +10.XX.53.84 ip3.pc #sharing-pc.vesna +10.XX.53.85 ip4.pc #sharing-pc.vesna +10.XX.53.86 ip5.pc #sharing-pc.vesna +10.XX.53.87 ip6.pc #sharing-pc.vesna + +10.XX.53.96 hem13-eth # +10.XX.53.97 wrt.hem13 +10.XX.53.98 milerikova.hem13 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.53.99 vyskovsky.hem13 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.53.100 malarik.hem13 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.53.101 lichterman.hem13 #wifi-normal-128-896 + +10.XX.53.112 dspcc-eth # +10.XX.53.113 ovislink.dspcc +10.XX.53.114 pc1.dspcc #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.53.115 pc2.dspcc #[XX.YY.90.12] sharing-pc1.dspcc + +10.XX.54.0 free-eth # +10.XX.54.1 +10.XX.54.2 #7-backbone-bezfup-256-30000 +10.XX.54.3 +10.XX.54.4 +10.XX.54.5 +10.XX.54.6 +10.XX.54.7 +10.XX.54.8 +10.XX.54.9 #[XX.YY.90.44], +10.XX.54.10 #[XX.YY.90.45], +10.XX.54.11 +10.XX.54.12 +10.XX.54.13 +10.XX.54.14 + + + +10.XX.54.16 madman-eth # +10.XX.54.17 ovis.madman +10.XX.54.18 kalivoda.madman #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.54.19 knapova.madman #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.54.20 madman.madman #[XX.YY.90.37], wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.54.21 madman2.madman #sharing-madman.madman +10.XX.54.22 madman3.madman #sharing-madman.madman +10.XX.54.23 madman4.madman #sharing-madman.madman +10.XX.54.24 madman4.madman #sharing-madman.madman +10.XX.54.25 madman4.madman #sharing-madman.madman +10.XX.54.25 madman4.madman #sharing-madman.madman + + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# lokalni sit Marten - ulice Zastrahovem a Nad Zaverkou 19 +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.53.128 marten-eth # +10.XX.53.129 router.marten +10.XX.53.130 kram.marten kram #5-backbone-plus-512-9216 +10.XX.53.131 telefon.marten telefon #[XX.YY.90.10] sharing-telefon.arachne +10.XX.53.133 xbox.marten xbox #sharing-kram.marten +10.XX.53.134 pc.marten #sharing-kram.marten +10.XX.53.135 host.marten #sharing-kram.marten +10.XX.53.136 testneevidovany.fakturace #dashboard-neevidovany, backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.53.137 testneplatic.fakturace #dashboard-neplatic, backbone-normal-128-8192 +10.XX.53.138 testvirus.fakturace #dashboard-virus, backbone-normal-128-128 +10.XX.53.139 mumu.marten mumu #backbone-normal-128-4096 +10.XX.53.140 cityman.zastrahovem25 cityman #[XX.YY.90.24] backbone-plus-256-6144 +10.XX.53.141 maral.zastrahovem25 maral #3-marten, backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.53.143 1byt15.zastrahovem25 #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.53.144 2byt15.zastrahovem25 #sharing-1byt15.zastrahovem25 +10.XX.53.153 zewling #[AA.BB.89.43] sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.53.154 hajkar.nadzaverkou19 hajkar #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.53.158 tenisa.zastrahovem25 tenisa #odpojil-se-128-2048 +10.XX.53.160 bejsovec.nadzaverkou19 bejsovec #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.161 delia1.nadzaverkou19 delia1 #backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.53.162 delia2.nadzaverkou19 delia2 #sharing-delia1.nadzaverkou19 +10.XX.53.163 delia3.nadzaverkou19 delia3 #sharing-delia1.nadzaverkou19 +10.XX.53.164 doktorica.nadzaverkou19 doktorica #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.165 melondeagua.nadzaverkou19 melondeagua #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.53.166 novotny.nadzaverkou17 novotny #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.53.170 bauer.wdsp bauer #sharing-krakonos.wdsp +10.XX.53.180 lukasenko.zastrahovem27 lukasenko #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.53.181 kolacek.zastrahovem27 kolacek #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.188 piskoviste.marten #sharing-piskoviste.arachne +10.XX.53.189 sokrates #czf +10.XX.53.190 klouda.zastrahovem21 klouda #2-backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.191 freestyle.zastrahovem21 freestyle #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.192 freestyle2.zastrahovem21 freestyle2 #sharing-freestyle.zastrahovem21 +10.XX.53.193 janeckova.zastrahovem21 janeckova #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.53.195 plzak.zastrahovem21 plzak #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.196 budkovska.zastrahovem21 budkovska #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.197 novakova.zastrahovem21 novakova #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.53.198 opto.zastrahovem21 opto #nova-backbone-2006, odpojil-se-128-2048 +10.XX.53.199 opto2.zastrahovem21 #sharing-opto.zastrahovem21 +10.XX.53.200 jcline.zastrahovem21 jcline #nova-backbone-2006, reserved-presun-adresy-512-4096 +10.XX.53.201 gabule.zastrahovem21 gabule #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.53.202 reinberger.nadzaverkou15 reinberger #[XX.YY.90.21] backbone-plus-512-2048 +10.XX.53.203 tomouja.zastrahovem21 tomouja #nova-backbone-2006, dashboard-neplatic +10.XX.53.204 novakova2.zastrahovem21 #sharing-novakova.zastrahovem21 +10.XX.53.205 kalabza.zastrahovem21 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.53.206 sedivy.zastrahovem21 #backbone-plus-1024-2048 +10.XX.53.210 jcline.zastrahovem21 jcline #dashboard-neplatic, neplati-faktury-512-4096 +10.XX.53.211 jcline2.zastrahovem21 #sharing-jcline.zastrahovem21 +10.XX.53.212 jcline3.zastrahovem21 #sharing-jcline.zastrahovem21 +10.XX.53.213 jcline4.zastrahovem21 #sharing-jcline.zastrahovem21 +10.XX.53.214 jcline5.zastrahovem21 #sharing-jcline.zastrahovem21 +10.XX.53.215 jcline6.zastrahovem21 #sharing-jcline.zastrahovem21 +10.XX.53.254 eth-marten.daimon #sharing-daimon + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.55.0 poliklinika-eth # +10.XX.55.1 blackbox.poliklinika +10.XX.55.2 fedora.poliklinika fedora #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.55.3 hippokrates.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.8 pradelna.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.9 urologie1.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.10 urologie2.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.11 urologie3.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.12 server-rtg.poliklinika #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.55.13 pc1-rtg.poliklinika #sharing-server-rtg.poliklinika +10.XX.55.14 pc2-rtg.poliklinika #sharing-server-rtg.poliklinika +10.XX.55.15 ntb1-rtg.poliklinika #sharing-server-rtg.poliklinika +10.XX.55.16 ntb2-rtg.poliklinika #sharing-server-rtg.poliklinika +10.XX.55.17 pc-ortopedie2.poliklinika +10.XX.55.18 pc-ortopedie.poliklinika +10.XX.55.19 ntb-plicni2.poliklinika +10.XX.55.20 pc1.plicni1.poliklinika +10.XX.55.21 pc2.plicni1.poliklinika +10.XX.55.22 ntb1-chirurgie1.poliklinika +10.XX.55.23 ntb2-chirurgie1.poliklinika +10.XX.55.24 pc.neurologie1.poliklinika +10.XX.55.25 ntb.chirurgie2.poliklinika +# +10.XX.55.32 orl.poliklinika-eth # +10.XX.55.33 router-orl.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.34 orl.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.35 ntb-orl.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.36 orl1b.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.37 foniatrie.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.38 foniatrie2.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.39 orl1a.poliklinika #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.55.45 hippokrates-tmp.poliklinika #sharing-arachne +10.XX.55.46 laserjet.poliklinika + +10.XX.55.192 volhejn-eth # +10.XX.55.193 router.volhejn +10.XX.55.194 pc1.volhejn #sharing-volhejn.poliklinika +10.XX.55.195 pc2.volhejn #sharing-volhejn.poliklinika +10.XX.55.196 pc3.volhejn #sharing-volhejn.poliklinika +10.XX.55.197 pc4.volhejn #sharing-volhejn.poliklinika + +10.XX.58.0 sugarcook-eth # +10.XX.58.1 duron.sugarcook +10.XX.58.2 2-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.3 3-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.4 4-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.5 5-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.6 6-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.7 7-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.8 8-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.9 9-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.10 10-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.11 11-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.12 12-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.13 13-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.58.14 14-58.sugarcook #sharing-critter.arachne + +10.XX.58.16 delostrelecka-eth # +10.XX.58.17 router.delostrelecka +10.XX.58.18 pc1.delostrelecka #[XX.YY.90.9] wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.58.19 pc2.delostrelecka #sharing-pc1.delostrelecka +10.XX.58.20 pc3.delostrelecka #sharing-pc1.delostrelecka + +10.XX.58.32 sugarcook-prevesy-eth # +10.XX.58.33 prevesy.sugarcook +10.XX.58.34 duchoslav.sugarcook duchoslav #wifi-normal-128-1280 +#10.XX.58.35 svist21.sugarcook svist21 #odpojil-se +10.XX.58.36 eva.sugarcook eva.duchoslav #wifi-normal-128-512 + +10.XX.59.0 petynka-eth # +10.XX.59.1 jetynka.petynka +10.XX.59.2 ftan-veliky.petynka #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.59.3 urbankovi.petynka #1-backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.59.4 jelinkovi.petynka #sharing-urbankovi.petynka +10.XX.59.5 andrea.petynka #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.59.6 amonsystem.petynka #[XX.YY.90.42] backbone-plus-512-8192 +10.XX.59.7 schulz.petynka92 #[XX.YY.90.58] backbone-plus-512-8192 +10.XX.59.10 wifirouter.petynka #sharing-critter.arachne +10.XX.59.11 alka.petynka94 #backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.59.12 k2.petynka94 #sharing-alka.petynka94 +10.XX.59.13 markus markus.cerny #[XX.YY.90.5] backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.59.14 hasektour.cerny #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.59.17 hasektour-nb.cerny #sharing-hasektour.cerny + +10.XX.59.32 mikolasek-eth # +10.XX.59.33 jiri33.mikolasek +10.XX.59.34 jiri34.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.35 jiri35.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.36 jiri36.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.37 jiri37.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.38 jiri38.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.39 jiri39.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.40 jiri40.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.41 jiri41.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.42 jiri42.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.43 jiri43.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.44 jiri44.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.45 jiri45.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek +10.XX.59.46 jiri46.mikolasek #sharing-mikolasek + +10.XX.59.48 petynka154-eth # +10.XX.59.49 router.petynka154 +10.XX.59.50 fiala.petynka154 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.59.51 drdacky.petynka154 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.59.52 drdacky2.petynka154 #sharing-drdacky.petynka154 +10.XX.59.53 drdacky3.petynka154 #sharing-drdacky.petynka154 + +10.XX.59.64 viki-eth # +10.XX.59.65 router.viki +10.XX.59.66 viki66 #odpojil-se-256-1024 +10.XX.59.67 viki67 #sharing-viki66 +10.XX.59.68 viki68 #sharing-viki66 +10.XX.59.70 viki70 #sharing-viki69 +10.XX.59.71 viki71 #sharing-viki69 + +10.XX.59.128 brkoun-eth # +10.XX.59.129 router.brkoun +10.XX.59.131 filip.brkoun filip #neplati-faktury +10.XX.59.132 bonek.brkoun bonek #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-256-1024 +10.XX.59.133 jekosh.brkoun jekosh #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.59.134 jekosh2.brkoun #sharing-jekosh.brkoun +10.XX.59.135 zicha.brkoun #wifi-normal-128-896 + +#10.XX.59.144 volna-sit # + +10.XX.59.160 czihy-eth # +10.XX.59.161 router.czihy +10.XX.59.162 pc1.czihy #1-wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.59.163 pc2.czihy #sharing-pc1.czihy +10.XX.59.164 pc3.czihy #sharing-pc1.czihy +10.XX.59.165 pc4.czihy #sharing-pc1.czihy +10.XX.59.166 hejl-1.czihy hejl #odpojil-se-na-rok-2007-128-512 +10.XX.59.167 hejl-2.czihy +10.XX.59.168 mata.czihy #wifi-normal-128-896 + +10.XX.59.192 kolat2-eth # +10.XX.59.193 router.kolat2 +10.XX.59.194 akro.kolat2 #wifi-normal-128-512 + +10.XX.60.64 parlerova19-eth # +10.XX.60.65 router.parlerova19 +10.XX.60.66 calkovsky.parlerova19 calkovsky #sharing-lekarna.belohorska54 +10.XX.60.67 tomsam.parlerova21 tomsam #backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.60.68 codr.parlerova21 codr #[AA.BB.89.38] backbone-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.60.69 marvanova.parlerova21 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.60.70 marvanova2.parlerova21 #sharing-marvanova.parlerova21 +10.XX.60.71 pp.parlerova19 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.60.72 72-60-pp.parlerova19 #sharing-pp.parlerova19 + +10.XX.60.112 brugy1-eth # +10.XX.60.113 eth0.brugy +10.XX.60.114 comp.brugy brugy #[AA.BB.89.58], sharing-brugy.arachne +10.XX.60.115 martin.brugy #sharing-brugy.arachne +10.XX.60.116 jindra.brugy #sharing-brugy.arachne + +10.XX.60.120 brugy2-eth # +10.XX.60.121 eth1.brugy +10.XX.60.122 jindra.brugy #sharing-brugy.arachne + +10.XX.61.0 u1baterie35-eth # +10.XX.61.1 router.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.2 61-2.u1baterie35 #wifi-plus-256-640 +10.XX.61.3 61-3.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.4 61-4.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.5 61-5.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.6 61-6.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.7 61-7.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.8 61-8.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.9 61-9.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.10 61-10.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.11 61-11.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.12 61-12.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.13 61-13.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 +10.XX.61.14 61-14.u1baterie35 #sharing-61-2.u1baterie35 + +10.XX.63.0 alles32-eth # +10.XX.63.1 lisa.alles32 router.alles32 #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.63.2 bart.alles32 bart #[AA.BB.89.32] sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.63.3 greenghost1.alles32 greenghost1 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.63.4 greenghost2.alles32 greenghost2 #sharing-greenghost1.alles32 +10.XX.63.5 denis.alles32 denis #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.63.6 greenghost-nb.alles32 greenghost-nb #sharing-greenghost1.alles32 +10.XX.63.7 marge.alles32 marge #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.63.10 abe.alles32 #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.63.16 visitor1.alles32 #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.63.17 visitor2.alles32 #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.63.18 visitor3.alles32 #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.63.19 visitor4.alles32 #sharing-binar.binary-bros +10.XX.63.20 suchac.alles32 suchac #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.63.21 za2.alles32 #dashboard-neevidovany, backbone-normal-128-1024 +#10.XX.63.21 11-63-karel.alles32 #sharing-karel.alles32 +#10.XX.63.22 12-63-karel.alles32 #sharing-karel.alles32 +10.XX.63.23 magdau.alles32 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.63.24 tina.alles32 #nova-backbone-2006, reserved-porad-jeste-neni-pripojena-128-1024 +10.XX.63.40 magda.alles32 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.63.41 magda2.alles32 #sharing-magda.alles32 + +10.XX.63.160 mirax-eth # +10.XX.63.161 router.mirax mirax-router +10.XX.63.162 p1.mirax #[AA.BB.89.29] sharing-mirax +10.XX.63.163 p2.mirax #sharing-mirax +10.XX.63.164 p3.mirax #sharing-mirax +10.XX.63.165 p4.mirax #sharing-mirax + +10.XX.63.176 ukastanu2-eth # +10.XX.63.177 wrt.ukastanu2 +10.XX.63.178 autrata.ukastanu2 #[XX.YY.90.39] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.63.179 autrata2.ukastanu2 #sharing-autrata.ukastanu2 +10.XX.63.180 autrata3.ukastanu2 #sharing-autrata.ukastanu2 + +10.XX.81.0 beranka-eth # +10.XX.81.1 eth0-router.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.2 duron.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.3 modry.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.4 pentak.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.5 notak.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.6 ip6.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.7 ip7.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.8 ip8.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.9 ip9.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.10 ip10.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.11 ip11.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.12 ip12.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.13 ip13.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.14 ip14.beranka #sharing-beranka + +10.XX.81.64 beranka-preves-eth # +10.XX.81.65 eth1-router.beranka #sharing-beranka +10.XX.81.66 eth1-server.sten #[AA.BB.89.14] sharing-sten-ap +10.XX.81.67 wrap.sten #sharing-sten-ap + +10.XX.81.128 sten-byt-eth # +10.XX.81.129 eth0-server.sten #sharing-sten-ap +10.XX.81.130 pc2.sten #sharing-sten-ap +10.XX.81.131 pc3.sten #sharing-sten-ap +10.XX.81.132 pc4.sten + +10.XX.81.144 sten-dum-eth # +10.XX.81.145 br0-server.sten #sharing-sten-ap +10.XX.81.146 patera1.sten #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.81.147 patera2.sten #sharing-patera1.sten +10.XX.81.148 patera3.sten #sharing-patera1.sten +10.XX.81.149 thomas1.sten #wifi-normal-128-2048 +10.XX.81.150 thomas2.sten #sharing-thomas1.sten +10.XX.81.151 thomas3.sten #sharing-thomas1.sten + +10.XX.82.32 uberanky7-eth # +10.XX.82.33 gateway.uberanky7 uberanky7 +10.XX.82.34 horvath.uberanky7 #backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.XX.82.35 dobr.uberanky7 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.82.36 vales.uberanky7 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.82.37 mlynsky.uberanky7 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.82.38 benes.uberanky7 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.82.39 hedvabny.uberanky7 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.82.40 pesta.uberanky7 #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.XX.82.41 eth2wlan-bridge.uberanky7 + +10.XX.82.48 fasa-eth # +10.XX.82.49 eth0-router.fasa +10.XX.82.50 wlan.fasa #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.82.51 pc1.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.52 pc2.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.53 pc3.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.54 pc4.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.55 pc5.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.56 pc6.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.57 pc7.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.58 pc8.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.59 pc9.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.60 pc10.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.61 pc11.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.62 pc12.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa + +10.XX.82.64 fasa-byt-eth # +10.XX.82.65 eth1-router.fasa +10.XX.82.66 pc1-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.67 pc2-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.68 pc3-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.69 pc4-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.70 pc5-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.71 pc6-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.72 pc7-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.73 pc8-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.74 pc9-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.75 pc10-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.76 pc11-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.77 pc12-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa +10.XX.82.78 pc13-byt.fasa #sharing-wlan.fasa + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# sub-cloud Evropska - wifi AP +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.64.24 gandalf-vychod-wlan # +10.XX.64.25 wlan2-ap.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.64.26 wlan3-ap.sugarcook #sharing-sugarcook +10.XX.64.27 orech39.gandalf #wifi-normal-128-1280 + + +10.XX.65.0 beranka-wlan # +10.XX.65.1 ap.beranka beranka-ap +10.XX.65.3 toxik.beranka toxik #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-256-1024 +10.XX.65.4 dino.beranka dino #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.65.5 hany333.beranka hany333 #odpojil-se +10.XX.65.7 cernahora.beranka cernahora #odpojil-se +10.XX.65.8 malota.beranka malota #dashboard-neplatic, neplati-faktury-128-1280 +10.XX.65.9 sutrolog.beranka sutrolog #[XX.YY.90.54], wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.65.10 bridge-beranka.moravec moravec +10.XX.65.11 pc1.moravec #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.65.12 pc2.moravec #sharing-pc1.moravec +10.XX.65.13 notas.beranka #sharing-beranka +#10.XX.65.17 bridge-faukner.beranka faukner +#10.XX.65.18 pc.faukner #novy-cenik-2006, presun-128-512 +#10.XX.65.19 pc2.faukner #sharing-pc.faukner +10.XX.65.20 landa.beranka landa #wifi-normal-128-896 +#10.XX.65.25 pc3.faukner #sharing-pc.faukner +10.XX.65.33 bridge-dusa64.beranka dusa64 +10.XX.65.34 pc1.dusa64 #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.65.35 pc2.dusa64 #sharing-pc1.dusa64 +10.XX.65.36 pc3.dusa64 #sharing-pc1.dusa64 +10.XX.65.37 pc4.dusa64 #sharing-pc1.dusa64 +10.XX.65.81 ip1.toxik #sharing-toxik.beranka +10.XX.65.82 ip2.toxik #sharing-toxik.beranka +10.XX.65.83 ip3.toxik #sharing-toxik.beranka +10.XX.65.84 ip4.toxik #sharing-toxik.beranka +10.XX.65.85 ip5.toxik #sharing-toxik.beranka + + +10.XX.66.0 sway-wlan # +10.XX.66.1 ap.sway sway-ap +#10.XX.66.2 volna-ip +10.XX.66.4 u5b29.sway #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.66.5 nemo.sway nemo #sharing-carlos.nemo +10.XX.66.6 fox.sway fox #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.66.10 bridge-sway.irs irs +10.XX.66.11 kosiwaki.irs #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.66.12 26-43-kosiwaki.irs #sharing-kosiwaki.irs +10.XX.66.13 broz.irs broz #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.66.14 brozova.irs brozova #sharing-broz.irs +10.XX.66.15 notebook.irs #sharing-broz.irs +10.XX.66.16 mannarino.irs #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.66.17 stolc.sway #wifi-plus-256-640 +10.XX.66.18 klient4.irs #wifi-normal-128-512 +#10.XX.66.20 volna-ip +#10.XX.66.21 volna-ip +#10.XX.66.22 volna-ip +10.XX.66.26 x-web.sway #[XX.YY.90.30], wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.66.27 u5b27.sway #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.66.28 u5b27-2.sway #sharing-u5b27.sway +10.XX.66.48 bridge-smidak +10.XX.66.49 smidak.sway #[XX.YY.90.22] sharing-smidak.stkat +10.XX.66.50 misak.sway #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.66.59 dhcp1.sway #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.66.60 dhcp2.sway #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.66.61 dhcp3.sway #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.66.62 dhcp4.sway #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.66.64 sway-zapad-wlan # +10.XX.66.65 ap-zapad.sway +10.XX.66.66 xhor.sway #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.66.67 u5b29-test.sway #sharing-u5b29.sway +10.XX.66.68 fox-test.sway #sharing-fox.sway +10.XX.66.70 bridge-este.sway +10.XX.66.71 pc.este #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.66.72 notak.este #sharing-pc.este +10.XX.66.75 u5b27-test.sway #sharing-u5b27.sway +10.XX.66.76 u5b27-2-test.sway #sharing-u5b27.sway + +10.XX.67.0 sten-wlan # +10.XX.67.1 ath1.sten #sharing-sten-ap +10.XX.67.2 bridge-naberance1a.sten +10.XX.67.4 bridge-faukner.sten +10.XX.67.8 bridge-sten.mvolejnik mvolejnik +10.XX.67.9 pc.mvolejnik #[XX.YY.90.47] wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.67.10 naberance1a.sten #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.67.11 pc.faukner #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.67.12 pc2.faukner #sharing-pc.faukner +10.XX.67.13 pc3.faukner #sharing-pc.faukner +10.XX.67.14 pc4.faukner #sharing-pc.faukner +10.XX.67.15 notas.mvolejnik #sharing-pc.mvolejnik +10.XX.67.17 sach.sten sach #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.67.60 sa1.sten #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.67.61 sa2.sten #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.67.62 sa3.sten #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.69.0 garsonka-wlan # +10.XX.69.1 garsonka-ap +10.XX.69.2 garsonka-dhcp1 #sharing-hardy.arachne +10.XX.69.3 garsonka-dhcp2 #sharing-hardy.arachne +10.XX.69.4 garsonka-dhcp3 #sharing-hardy.arachne +10.XX.69.9 critter-garsonka.arachne #sharing-critter.arachne + + + +10.XX.97.0 e55-wlan # +10.XX.97.1 ap.e55 e55-router +10.XX.97.2 wrt.e55 e55-ap #sharing-e55 +10.XX.97.4 vojta.e55 vojta #czf +10.XX.97.5 mirvos.e55 mirvos #czf +#10.XX.97.6 hondzik.e55 hondzik #odpojil-se-20060710 +10.XX.97.10 bridge-e55.salex salex +10.XX.97.11 11-97.salex #[XX.YY.90.26], wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.97.12 12-97.salex #sharing-11-97.salex +10.XX.97.13 zdenet.e55 zdenet #sharing-zdenet.winel.dejvice.czf +10.XX.97.14 bridge-e55.glinkova14 glinkova14 +10.XX.97.15 pc.glinkova14 #wifi-plus-256-1408 +10.XX.97.16 moron.e55 +10.XX.97.17 ap.salex +10.XX.97.20 bridge-algen.e55 +10.XX.97.21 pc.algen #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.97.22 pc2.algen #sharing-pc.algen +10.XX.97.65 bridge-e55.columbo columbo +10.XX.97.66 pc.columbo #wifi-normal-128-512 +#10.XX.97.99 wlan-gandalf.e55 #reserved-docasna-zaloha, sharing-gandalf +10.XX.97.100 dhcp.e55 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.97.101 dhcp101.e55 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.97.102 dhcp102.e55 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.97.103 dhcp103.e55 #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.98.0 hadofka-wlan # +10.XX.98.1 ap.hadofka hadofka-ap +10.XX.98.2 flp.hadofka flp #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.98.3 tom24.hadofka tom24 #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.98.4 router.kajik #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.98.6 wzq.hadofka wzq #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.98.7 naf.hadofka +10.XX.98.8 bridge-vost11.hadofka +10.XX.98.9 pc1.vost11 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.98.10 radeg.hadofka radeg #wifi-normal-128-512 +#10.XX.98.11 molekula.hadofka #reserved-molekula-wifi-backup +#10.XX.98.12 wlan-hadofka.gandalf #reserved-gandalf-wifi-backup +10.XX.98.14 kraemer.hadofka kraemer +10.XX.98.15 urybnicku18a.hadofka #dashboard-neplatic, neplati-faktury-128-512 +10.XX.98.16 urybnicku18b.hadofka #sharing-urybnicku18a.hadofka +#10.XX.98.17 zav32.hadofka #odpojil-se-128-1280 +10.XX.98.18 t-host.hadofka kriz #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.98.19 heinloth.hadofka heinloth #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.98.20 komo15.hadofka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.98.21 t-host2.hadofka #sharing-t-host.hadofka +10.XX.98.22 bridge-dracky.hadofka +#10.XX.98.23 backup-xmas.hadofka #reserved-xmas-wifi-backup +10.XX.98.24 dracky.hadofka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.98.25 bridge-hadofka.komornicka18 komornicka18 +10.XX.98.26 pc.komornicka18 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.98.27 pc2.komornicka18 #sharing-pc.komornicka18 +10.XX.98.40 bridge0.petrs petrs0 #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.98.41 bridge1.petrs petrs1 #sharing-bridge0.petrs +10.XX.98.42 bridge2.petrs petrs2 #sharing-bridge0.petrs +10.XX.98.80 hadofka-bridge.kajik kajik +10.XX.98.81 penzion2 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.98.100 dhcp.hadofka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.98.101 dhcp101.hadofka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.98.102 dhcp102.hadofka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.98.103 dhcp103.hadofka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.99.0 gandalf-wlan # +10.XX.99.1 wlan0-ap.gandalf +10.XX.99.2 phoenix-not.gandalf phoenix-not #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.99.3 sea sea.gandalf #wifi-plus-256-1024 +#10.XX.99.4 tupoun.gandalf #reserved +#10.XX.99.5 moron.gandalf #reserved +10.XX.99.30 darkbug.gandalf darkbug +10.XX.99.31 wl-roman.romanv ap-romanv #reserved-indoor_ap +10.XX.99.32 pc2-roman.romanv #sharing-pc1-roman.romanv +10.XX.99.33 pc3-roman.romanv #sharing-pc1-roman.romanv +10.XX.99.34 pc4-roman.romanv #sharing-pc1-roman.romanv +10.XX.99.35 pc5-roman.romanv #sharing-pc1-roman.romanv +10.XX.99.36 pc1-roman.romanv #wifi-normal-256-1024 +10.XX.99.37 bridge-roman.gandalf romanv2 +10.XX.99.38 bridge-honza.roman romanv1 +10.XX.99.39 honza.romanv #sharing-kancl-1.ahn +10.XX.99.41 nb-roman.romanv #sharing-pc1-roman.romanv +10.XX.99.42 orech62.gandalf #odpojil-se-protoze-to-nefunguje-128-512 +10.XX.99.44 bridge-gogy.gandalf gogy +10.XX.99.45 pc.gogy #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.99.46 komp.gogy #sharing-pc.gogy +10.XX.99.57 dhcp.gandalf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.99.58 dhcp101.gandalf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.99.59 dhcp102.gandalf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.99.60 dhcp103.gandalf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.99.61 dhcp104.gandalf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.99.62 dhcp105.gandalf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.XX.99.64 gandalf-jih-wlan # +10.XX.99.65 wlan1-ap.gandalf +10.XX.99.66 nhv31.gandalf #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.99.67 starostresovicka81.gandalf starostresovicka81 +10.XX.99.68 zeroflag.gandalf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.99.69 new-sea.gandalf #sharing-sea.gandalf +10.XX.99.70 bridge-nhv45.gandalf +10.XX.99.71 wrouter.nhv45 #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.99.72 koza.gandalf koza +10.XX.99.73 tylsik.gandalf #testuje-gandalf-20060201, wifi-normal-128-896 + +10.XX.99.128 gandalf5-sever-wlan # +10.XX.99.129 ap5-sever.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.99.130 ath0-bastard.gandalf bastard #[AA.BB.89.44], sharing-eth0-router.bastard +10.XX.99.131 bridge-uberanky7.gandalf airca-uberanky7 +10.XX.99.132 bridge-cu61.gandalf airca-cu61 +10.XX.99.133 pc1-cu61.gandalf #testuje-gandalf-20070210, jeste-nepripojeno, backbone-normal-128-1024 + +10.XX.100.0 xmas-wlan # +10.XX.100.1 ap.xmas +10.XX.100.3 ondrash.xmas #[XX.YY.90.19], wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.100.4 ondrash-not.xmas #sharing-ondrash.xmas + +10.XX.101.0 hadofka-sever-wlan # +10.XX.101.1 ap-sever.hadofka +10.XX.101.24 mike-zz.hadofka mike-zz #wifi-plus-256-256 +10.XX.101.25 susicka5.hadofka susicka5 #testuje-critter-20060220, wifi-normal-128-512 + +10.XX.101.128 hadofka-velkejbarak-wlan # +10.XX.101.129 ap-velkejbarak.hadofka +10.XX.101.130 pc.kostak #[XX.YY.90.160]dashboard-neplatic, wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.101.131 bridge-hadofka.kostak kostak + +10.XX.102.0 molekula-wlan # +10.XX.102.1 ap.molekula +10.XX.102.2 molekulawifi.molekula #sharing-molekula +10.XX.102.3 macswell.molekula #wifi-normal-128-512 + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# sub-cloud Evropska - ethernety +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.113.0 e55-eth # +10.XX.113.1 router.e55 +10.XX.113.2 slunicko.darkone #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.113.3 blackwidow.darkone #sharing-slunicko.darkone +10.XX.113.4 loser.darkone #sharing-slunicko.darkone +10.XX.113.5 jirka.e55 #czf +10.XX.113.6 darkone-test1.e55 #sharing-slunicko.darkone +10.XX.113.7 darkone-test2.e55 #sharing-slunicko.darkone +10.XX.113.8 stepik.e55 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.113.10 rampas1.e55 rampas1 #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.113.11 rampas2.e55 rampas2 #sharing-rampas1.e55 +10.XX.113.12 kocurek.e55 #novy-cenik-2006 odpojil-se-256-1024 +10.XX.113.14 jezek.e55 #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-1280 +10.XX.113.15 jurecek.evropska58 jurecek #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.113.19 maresova.evropska58 maresova #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.113.20 nuclid.e55 nuclid #sharing-ws1.squid +10.XX.113.21 ws1.squid #[AA.BB.89.50] 4-wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.113.22 ws2.squid #sharing-ws1.squid +10.XX.113.23 ws3.squid #sharing-ws1.squid +10.XX.113.24 ws4.squid #sharing-ws1.squid +10.XX.113.25 ws5.squid #sharing-ws1.squid + +10.XX.114.0 hadofka-eth # +10.XX.114.1 eth2-router.hadofka +10.XX.114.2 had.hadofka had #sharing-hadofka + +10.XX.114.16 kraemer-eth # +10.XX.114.17 ovislink.kraemer +10.XX.114.18 pc1.kraemer #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.XX.114.19 pc2.kraemer #sharing-pc1.kraemer +10.XX.114.20 pc3.kraemer #sharing-pc1.kraemer +10.XX.114.21 theresa.kraemer #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.114.22 pavdhesi.kraemer #sharing-theresa.kraemer +10.XX.114.23 ovislink2.kraemer +10.XX.114.24 wlan-theresa.kraemer #sharing-theresa.kraemer +10.XX.114.25 wlan-pavdhesi.kraemer #sharing-theresa.kraemer +10.XX.114.26 wlan-ipaq.kraemer #sharing-pc1.kraemer +10.XX.114.27 wlan-notebook.kraemer #sharing-pc1.kraemer +10.XX.114.28 pc4.kraemer #sharing-pc1.kraemer +10.XX.114.29 wlan-holky.kraemer #sharing-theresa.kraemer +10.XX.114.30 mediacenter.kraemer #sharing-pc1.kraemer + +10.XX.114.32 molekula-eth # +10.XX.114.33 router.molekula #sharing-molekula +10.XX.114.34 molekula.molekula #sharing-molekula +10.XX.114.35 notes.molekula #sharing-molekula +10.XX.114.36 ip36-114.molekula #sharing-molekula +10.XX.114.37 ip37-114.molekula #sharing-molekula +10.XX.114.40 wifi.molekula #sharing-molekula +10.XX.114.59 cgl.molekula #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.114.60 cgl2.molekula #sharing-cgl.molekula +10.XX.114.61 cgl3.molekula #sharing-cgl.molekula +10.XX.114.62 cgl4.molekula #sharing-cgl.molekula + +10.XX.114.96 bastard-eth # +10.XX.114.97 eth0-router.bastard #backbone-normal-128-3072 +10.XX.114.98 pc1.bastard #sharing-eth0-router.bastard +10.XX.114.99 pc2.bastard #sharing-eth0-router.bastard +10.XX.114.100 pc3.bastard #sharing-eth0-router.bastard +10.XX.114.101 pc4.bastard #sharing-eth0-router.bastard +10.XX.114.102 telefon.bastard #sharing-telefon.arachne +10.XX.114.103 pc5.bastard #sharing-eth0-router.bastard +10.XX.114.104 pc6.bastard #sharing-eth0-router.bastard +10.XX.114.105 pc7.bastard #sharing-eth0-router.bastard +10.XX.114.106 pc8.bastard #sharing-eth0-router.bastard + +10.XX.114.112 kotel-eth # +10.XX.114.113 eth1-router.bastard #sharing-bastard +10.XX.114.114 pc.kotel #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.XX.114.115 pc1.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.116 pc2.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.117 pc3.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.118 pc4.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.119 pc5.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.120 pc6.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.121 pc7.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.122 pc8.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.123 pc9.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.124 pc10.kotel #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.125 bridge-kotel.bastard ovis-bastard #sharing-pc.kotel +10.XX.114.126 bridge-bastard.kotel ovis-kotel #sharing-pc.kotel + +10.XX.115.0 gandalf-eth # +10.XX.115.1 eth0-router.gandalf search #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.2 orion.gandalf orion #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.3 telefon.gandalf #[XX.YY.90.15] sharing-telefon.arachne +10.XX.115.4 deda.gandalf eva-gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.5 petr.gandalf petr-gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.6 teticka.gandalf hana-gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.7 oko.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.8 marketa.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.9 host.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.10 host2.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.11 host3.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.12 host4.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.13 host5.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.14 deneb.gandalf deneb #sharing-gandalf + +10.XX.115.16 sea-eth # +10.XX.115.17 router.sea +10.XX.115.18 18-115.sea svehlova.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.19 19-115.sea svehla.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.20 20-115.sea kancelar2.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.21 21-115.sea byt #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.22 22-115.sea kancelar22.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.23 23-115.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.24 24-115.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.25 25-115.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.26 26-115.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.27 27-115.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.28 28-115.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.29 29-115.sea #sharing-sea +10.XX.115.30 30-115.sea #sharing-sea + +10.XX.115.32 nhv31-eth # +10.XX.115.33 router.nhv31 +10.XX.115.34 wlan.nhv31 +10.XX.115.35 pc1.nhv31 #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.36 pc2.nhv31 #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.37 pc3.nhv31 #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.38 pc4.nhv31 #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.39 pc5.nhv31 #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.40 pc6.nhv31 #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.41 pc7.nhv31 #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.42 pc1.tupoun #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.43 pc2.tupoun #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.44 pc3.tupoun #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.45 pc4.tupoun #sharing-nhv31.gandalf +10.XX.115.46 bara.tupoun #sharing-nhv31.gandalf + +#10.XX.115.32 tupoun-eth # +#10.XX.115.33 router.tupoun +#10.XX.115.34 ap-bar.tupoun +#10.XX.115.35 nb-kancl.tupoun nb-tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.36 pc-kancl.tupoun pc-tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.37 pavel.tupoun pavel-tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.38 bara.tupoun bara-tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.39 stamgast-bar.tupoun bar-tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.40 host-bar.tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.41 host2-bar.tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.42 host3-bar.tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.43 host4-bar.tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.44 host5-bar.tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.45 host6-bar.tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf +#10.XX.115.46 host7-bar.tupoun #sharing-tupoun.gandalf + +10.XX.115.48 starostresovicka81-eth # +10.XX.115.49 ovis.starostresovicka81 +10.XX.115.50 joo1.starostresovicka81 #odpojit-20063112 +10.XX.115.51 joo2.starostresovicka81 #reserved + +10.XX.115.64 darkbug-eth # +10.XX.115.65 router.darkbug +10.XX.115.66 jiri.darkbug #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.115.67 eva.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.68 ip-68.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.69 ip-69.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.70 ip-70.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.71 ip-71.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.72 ip-72.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.73 ip-73.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.74 ip-74.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.75 ip-75.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.76 ip-76.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.77 ip-77.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug +10.XX.115.78 ip-78.darkbug #sharing-jiri.darkbug + +10.XX.115.80 moron-eth # +10.XX.115.81 router.moron +10.XX.115.82 hp.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.83 alienworxtation.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.84 ip-84.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.85 ip-85.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.86 ip-86.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.87 ip-87.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.88 ip-88.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.89 ip-89.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.90 ip-90.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.91 ip-91.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.92 ip-92.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.93 ip-93.moron #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.94 ip-94.moron #sharing-gandalf + +10.XX.115.96 gandalf-backbone-eth # +10.XX.115.97 eth1-router.gandalf #backbone, sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.98 altair.gandalf #backbone, sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.99 vega.gandalf #backbone, sharing-gandalf + +10.XX.115.112 gandalf-bpr-eth # +10.XX.115.113 orionek.gandalf orionek #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.114 tommy.gandalf tommy #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.115 sagittarius.gandalf saggitarius #[XX.YY.90.14], sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.116 notak.gandalf #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.117 print.gandalf +10.XX.115.118 devel.gandalf devel #sharing-gandalf +10.XX.115.119 phone.gandalf #sharing-gandalf + +10.XX.115.128 orech39-eth # +10.XX.115.129 router.orech39 +10.XX.115.130 ap.orech39 +10.XX.115.131 pc1.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.132 pc2.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.133 pc3.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.134 pc4.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.135 pc5.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.136 pc6.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.137 pc7.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.138 pc8.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.139 pc9.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.140 pc10.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.141 pc11.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf +10.XX.115.142 pc12.orech39 #sharing-orech39.gandalf + +10.XX.115.144 koza-eth # +10.XX.115.145 gateway.koza +10.XX.115.146 byt1.koza koza-bytbeznetu +10.XX.115.147 byt2.koza koza-mayazaki #sharing-k1.koza +10.XX.115.148 k1.koza koza-kancelar-1 #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.115.149 k2.koza koza-kancelar-2 #sharing-k1.koza +10.XX.115.150 k3.koza koza-kancelar-3 #sharing-k1.koza +10.XX.115.151 indoorwlanbridge.koza +10.XX.115.152 indoorwlanklientbridge.koza +10.XX.115.153 byt3-nb.koza koza-jakecho #sharing-k1.koza +10.XX.115.154 byt3-pc.koza koza-cho #sharing-k1.koza + +10.XX.115.160 vpn-gandalf-eth # +10.XX.115.161 tun0.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.162 vpn1.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.163 vpn2.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.164 vpn3.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.165 vpn4.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.166 vpn5.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.167 vpn6.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.168 vpn7.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.169 vpn8.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.170 vpn9.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.171 vpn10.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.172 vpn11.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.173 vpn12.gandalf #czf +10.XX.115.174 vpn13.gandalf #czf + + + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# zizkof - wifi +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.161.0 vaclavka-wlan # +10.XX.161.1 ap.vaclavka vaclavka-ap +10.XX.161.5 maxxik.vaclavka #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.161.6 vitchi.vaclavka #dashboard-neplatic, neplati-faktury-128-896 +10.XX.161.11 dalimilova11.vaclavka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.161.22 bridge-vaclavka.cimburkova22 cimburkova22 +10.XX.161.23 pc.cimburkova22 #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.161.33 33-161.vaclavka #testuje-critter-20060303, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.161.61 prdola-nb.vaclavka #sharing-vaclavka +10.XX.161.120 dhcp.vaclavka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.161.121 dhcp2.vaclavka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.161.122 dhcp3.vaclavka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.XX.161.123 dhcp4.vaclavka #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# zizkof - ethernety +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.177.0 vaclavka-eth # +10.XX.177.1 gateway.vaclavka +10.XX.177.2 prdola.vaclavka #sharing-vaclavka +10.XX.177.3 prdola-nb-eth.vaclavka #sharing-vaclavka +10.XX.177.4 krovis.vaclavka #sharing-vaclavka +10.XX.177.5 krovis2.vaclavka #sharing-vaclavka +10.XX.177.14 eth-ap.vaclavka + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# letna.czf - wifi +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + basama-wlan # + uplink.basama basama-uplink #wifi-plus-256-1024 + socharska5.basama socharska5 #wifi-normal-128-896 + bridge-basama.ovenecka34 ovenecka34 + jezek.ovenecka34 jezek #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 + soukup.ovenecka34 soukup #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-896 + mlha.basama mlha #2-wifi-normal-128-512 + veletrzni46.basama #testuje-critter-20070303, wifi-normal-128-512 + dhcp.basama #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + dhcp2.basama #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + dhcp3.basama #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + dhcp4.basama #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + ovis.basama ap.basama basama-ap + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# letna.czf - ethernety +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + basama-eth # + router.basama + critter.basama #sharing-critter.arachne + vitex.basama #sharing-hardy.arachne + tonicka.basama tonicka + cajovna.basama #1-wifi-normal-128-512 + cajowna.basama #sharing-cajovna.basama + cayovna.basama #sharing-cajovna.basama + cayowna.basama #sharing-cajovna.basama + compex-cajovna.basama compex.basama + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# CZFree.Net Brevnov/Petriny - Ethernety +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.XX.51.0 ankara-eth # +10.XX.51.1 horatio.ankara horatio +10.XX.51.7 safr.ankara safr #docasne-se-odpojil-128-512 +10.XX.51.8 safr2.ankara safr2 #docasne-se-odpojil-safr.ankara +10.XX.51.9 hrebejk.ankara hrebejk #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.51.10 hrbek.ankara hrbek #docasne-se-odpojil-128-512 +10.XX.51.11 kucera.ankara #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.51.12 duto.ankara duto #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.51.13 duto2.ankara #sharing-duto.ankara +10.XX.51.14 duto3.ankara #sharing-duto.ankara +10.XX.51.15 duto4.ankara #[XX.YY.90.53] sharing-duto.ankara +10.XX.51.20 sircova.ankara #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.XX.51.22 pleskotova.ankara #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.51.23 plaskotova2.ankara #sharing-pleskotova.ankara +10.XX.51.25 brabenec.ankara #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.51.30 havran.ankara havran #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.XX.51.31 havran1.ankara #sharing-havran.ankara +10.XX.51.32 havran2.ankara #sharing-havran.ankara +10.XX.51.33 havran3.ankara #sharing-havran.ankara +10.XX.51.34 havran4.ankara #sharing-havran.ankara +10.XX.51.35 havran5.ankara #sharing-havran.ankara +10.XX.51.36 havran6.ankara #sharing-havran.ankara +10.XX.51.37 havran7.ankara #sharing-havran.ankara +10.XX.51.38 tft.ankara tft #sharing-havran.ankara +10.XX.51.39 tft2.ankara #sharing-havran.ankara +10.XX.51.51 tekumseh.ankara tekumseh #sharing-ankara +10.XX.51.52 mulo.ankara mulo #sharing-ankara +10.XX.51.53 zack.ankara zack #sharing-ankara +10.XX.51.54 vrane4.ankara #sharing-ankara +10.XX.51.55 jonas.ankara #sharing-ankara +10.XX.51.56 vrane6.ankara #sharing-ankara +10.XX.51.57 vrane7.ankara #sharing-ankara +10.XX.51.58 vrane8.ankara #sharing-ankara +10.XX.51.59 vrane9.ankara #sharing-ankara + +#10.XX.51.64 dalsi-volna-sit-u-JiMa # +#10.XX.51.80 dalsi-volna-sit-u-JiMa # + +10.XX.51.96 alej-eth # +10.XX.51.97 router.alej +10.XX.51.99 kapoun.alej kapoun #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-1280 +10.XX.51.100 woody.alej woody #sharing-alej +10.XX.51.101 radko.alej radko #sharing-valheru.alej +10.XX.51.102 rambousek.alej rambousek #sharing-valheru.alej +10.XX.51.103 hazuka.alej hazuka #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.51.104 smudla.alej smudla #sharing-valheru.alej +10.XX.51.105 iddqd.alej iddqd #sharing-valheru.alej +10.XX.51.106 navratil.alej #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.XX.51.107 navratil2.alej #sharing-navratil.alej + +10.XX.145.0 aquarius-eth # +10.XX.145.1 marconi.aquarius #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.145.2 marvin.aquarius #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.145.3 afroman.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.4 mobile.aquarius #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.145.5 laserjet.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.6 honza.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.7 honza-ntb.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.8 misa.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.9 karel.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.10 malepivo.aquarius #sharing-poliklinika +10.XX.145.11 powermac.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.12 dhcp1.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.13 dhcp2.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.14 dhcp3.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.15 lanparty1.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.16 lanparty2.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.17 lanparty3.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.18 lanparty4.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.19 lanparty5.aquarius #sharing-aquarius +10.XX.145.27 telefon1.aquarius #sharing-telefon.arachne +10.XX.145.28 telefon2.aquarius #sharing-telefon.arachne + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# pozor - tady konci Brevnov - DNS v ostatnich cloudech nejsou generovana +# odsud - pokud jste z cloudu 10.18/16, tak kontaktujte +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# CZFree.Net Dejvice - Wi-Fi site +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.YY.1.0 winel-wlan # +10.YY.1.1 wlan1.if.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.3 covex.winel.dejvice.czf #[AA.BB.89.16] sharing-winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.6 e55.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.98 gwartass.winel.dejvice.czf #dashboard-neplatic, neplati-faktury-128-1280 +10.YY.1.104 stronghold.winel.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.YY.1.105 typosh.winel.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.YY.1.107 typosh2.winel.dejvice.czf #sharing-typosh.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.114 wlan0.if.ahoj.dejvice.czf #sharing-ahoj.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.115 jas.winel.dejvice.czf #sharing-jas.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.121 zdenet.winel.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.1.175 kejr.winel.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.1.176 kejr2.winel.dejvice.czf #sharing-kejr.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.177 kejr3.winel.dejvice.czf #sharing-kejr.winel.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.1.192 winel-sektor-wlan # +10.YY.1.193 wlan2.if.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.200 covex.winel.dejvice.czf #sharing-winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.202 palecek.winel.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.YY.1.203 freegol.winel.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.1.204 wlan-winel.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.205 vydros.winel.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.1.206 miksa.winel.dejvice.czf #sharing-miksa.dejvice.czf +10.YY.1.210 fatboy.winel.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.YY.1.211 fatboy2.winel.dejvice.czf #sharing-fatboy.winel.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.64.28 winel-hobbit-wlan # +10.YY.64.29 wlan0.if.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-hobbit.dejvice.czf +10.YY.64.30 wlan0.if.winel2.dejvice.czf #sharing-winel.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.5.0 klecanky-wlan +10.YY.5.3 zoulovi-asus.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.2 beran.klecanky.dejvice.czf #reserved-nino, novy-cenik-2006, reserved-128-512 +10.YY.5.5 cheficek.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.8 vroute.klecanky.dejvice.czf #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.YY.5.11 terasa.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.12 ip12.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.13 ip13.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.14 ip14.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.20 ivo.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.21 kurhajec.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-ivo.klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.23 ku.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.24 macha.klecanky.dejvice.czf #testuje-nino-20060912, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.25 du.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.27 pi.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.28 fan.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.29 hor.klecanky.dejvice.czf #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.YY.5.68 eddy2.klecanky.dejvice.czf #neplati-faktury +10.YY.5.69 luksa2.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-luksa.klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.70 luksa.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.98 start2.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.99 real2.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-start2.klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.100 archi.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.103 zem.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.104 sav.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.105 mana.klecanky.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.106 test.klecanky.dejvice.czf #reserved-pro-testovani-nino, wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.5.130 brigitt.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.131 nino.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.132 sasa.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.5.133 honza.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-klecanky.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.7.0 hobbit-wlan # +10.YY.7.1 wlan1.if.hobbit.dejvice.czf +10.YY.7.20 mirek.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-mirek.dejvice.czf +10.YY.7.22 athlon.hobbit.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.YY.7.25 elara.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-athlon.hobbit.dejvice.czf +10.YY.7.27 wlan0.if.emilly.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-emilly.dejvice.czf +10.YY.7.38 drb-pda.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-drb.hobbit.dejvice.czf +10.YY.7.40 baba.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.7.66 amanda.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-hobbit.dejvice.czf +10.YY.7.67 isabel.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-hobbit.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.7.252 baba-hobbit # +10.YY.7.253 vlan10-h.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.7.254 vlan10-b.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.8.0 sonic-wlan +10.YY.8.35 pelda1.sonic.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.8.36 pelda2.sonic.dejvice.czf #sharing-pelda1.sonic.dejvice.czf +10.YY.8.38 drb-pda.sonic.dejvice.czf #sharing-drb.hobbit.dejvice.czf +10.YY.8.44 bryndak.sonic.dejvice.czf #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.YY.8.48 hw-client.jkm.sonic.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.8.49 jkm.sonic.dejvice.czf #sharing-hw-client.jkm.sonic.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.9.0 phoenix-wlan # +10.YY.9.1 wlan1.if.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.9.2 kabelka.phoenix.dejvice.czf #wifi-plus-256-1024 +#10.YY.9.4 cyprus.phoenix.dejvice.czf #odpojil-se +10.YY.9.5 hwd.phoenix.dejvice.czf #[AA.BB.89.17] sharing-router.hwb +10.YY.9.6 stronghold.phoenix.dejvice.czf #sharing-stronghold.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.9.8 ocko.phoenix.dejvice.czf #testuje-phil-20070214, wifi-normal-128-1280 +10.YY.9.9 pyramida.phoenix.dejvice.czf #sharing-pohorelec +10.YY.9.11 hadrak.phoenix.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.9.12 ck2home.phoenix.dejvice.czf #sharing-ck2.phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.9.13 ck2.phoenix.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.9.14 essme.phoenix.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-256-1024 +10.YY.9.16 fokus.phoenix.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.YY.9.20 bridge-phoenix.nowothy.dejvice.czf +10.YY.9.21 nowothy.dejvice.czf #odpojil-se +10.YY.9.100 dhcp1.phoenix #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.9.101 dhcp2.phoenix #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.9.102 dhcp3.phoenix #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.9.103 dhcp4.phoenix #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.YY.10.0 ahoj-wlan # +10.YY.10.1 wlan1.if.ahoj.dejvice.czf +10.YY.10.12 quex.ahoj.dejvice.czf #[XX.YY.90.13] wifi-plus-256-640 +10.YY.10.13 shakalls.ahoj.dejvice.czf #[XX.YY.90.147] dashboard-neplatic, neplati-faktury-128-896 +10.YY.10.14 trosc.ahoj.dejvice.czf #dashboard-neevidovany +10.YY.10.32 ruka3.ahoj.dejvice.czf #odpojit-01032007, wifi-normal-256-1024 +10.YY.10.194 janus.ahoj.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.11.0 emilly-wlan +10.YY.11.1 wlan1.if.emilly.dejvice.czf +10.YY.11.11 nino.emilly.dejvice.czf #[AA.BB.89.27] sharing-klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.11.20 pn-ovis.emilly.dejvice.czf #sharing-pn-wks.emilly.dejvice.czf +10.YY.11.21 pn-wks.emilly.dejvice.czf #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.11.23 pn-ntb2.emilly.dejvice.czf #sharing-pn-wks.emilly.dejvice.czf +10.YY.11.22 pn-ntb1.emilly.dejvice.czf #sharing-pn-wks.emilly.dejvice.czf +10.YY.11.24 pn-ntb3.emilly.dejvice.czf #sharing-pn-wks.emilly.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.12.72 hw-client.jkm.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-hw-client.jkm.sonic.dejvice.czf +10.YY.12.73 jkm.hobbit.dejvice.czf #sharing-hw-client.jkm.sonic.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.12.251 aja.dejvice.czf #[XX.YY.90.46], sharing-mirek.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.13.0 jas-wlan # +10.YY.13.1 eth1.if.jas.dejvice.czf +10.YY.13.17 chara.jas.dejvice.czf #dashboard-neevidovany + +10.YY.13.64 JAS.CZFree.Net-wlan # +10.YY.13.65 gateway.jas.dejvice.czf +10.YY.13.70 bridge-jas.studentska5.dejvice.czf +10.YY.13.71 71-13.studentska5.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-896 +10.YY.13.72 72-13.studentska5.dejvice.czf #sharing-71-13.studentska5.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.15.0 maty-wlan # +10.YY.15.1 ap.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.15.6 paja.maty.dejvice.czf #backbone-plus-512-4096 +10.YY.15.7 baba-maty.maty.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.15.8 home.maty.dejvice.czf #sharing-maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.15.54 kytilinka.maty.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.YY.15.64 maty-paja-wlan.dejvice.czf # +10.YY.15.65 maty-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.15.66 paja-maty.maty.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.16.144 baba-wlan # +10.YY.16.145 baba.maty.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.146 doma1.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.147 doma2.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.148 doma3.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.149 doma4.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.150 doma5.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.152 kajtl_ovis.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.153 kajtl.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# CZFree.Net Dejvice - ethernety +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +10.YY.10.128 ahoj-eth # +10.YY.10.129 eth0.if.ahoj.dejvice.czf #sharing-ahoj.dejvice.czf +10.YY.10.130 velkej.ahoj.dejvice.czf #sharing-ahoj.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.13.128 jas-eth # +10.YY.13.129 eth0.if.jas.dejvice.czf +10.YY.13.130 130-13.dejvice.czf critter.dejvice.czf #[XX.YY.90.28], sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.131 131-13.dejvice.czf zubar.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.132 132-13.dejvice.czf niky.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.133 133-13.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.134 134-13.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.135 135-13.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.136 136-13.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.137 137-13.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.138 138-13.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.139 139-13.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.140 140-13.dejvice.czf #sharing-critter.arachne +10.YY.13.141 pc.jas.dejvice.czf #sharing-jas.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.14.128 husinec-eth # +10.YY.14.129 eth0.if.husinec.dejvice.czf +10.YY.14.130 beranovi.husinec.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 + +10.YY.15.32 maty-eth # +10.YY.15.33 router.maty.dejvice.czf #sharing-maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.15.36 matyterr2.maty.dejvice.czf #sharing-maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.15.37 akp.maty.dejvice.czf #sharing-maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.15.38 bridge-wlan-dvur.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.15.41 holmik.maty.dejvice.czf #novy-cenik-2006, odpojil-se-128-512 +10.YY.15.42 jason.maty.dejvice.czf #sharing-maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.15.40 gurungua.maty.dejvice.czf #czf +10.YY.15.51 gurungua-ovis.maty.dejvice.czf #czf +10.YY.15.57 zkusebni57.maty.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.15.58 zkusebni58.maty.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.15.59 zkusebni59.maty.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.15.60 dhcp60.maty.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.15.61 dhcp61.maty.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.YY.16.0 paja-eth # +10.YY.16.1 paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.2 ntb1.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.3 ntb2.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.4 ntb3.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.5 ntb4.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.6 ntb5.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.7 doma1.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.8 doma2.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.9 doma3.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.10 dhcp1.paja.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.16.11 dhcp2.paja.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.16.12 lotysska1.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-lotysska.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.13 lotysska2.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-lotysska.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.14 lotysska.paja.dejvice.czf #[AA.BB.89.48] 3-wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.16.15 architekt1.paja.dejvice.czf #[XX.YY.90.17] wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.16.16 architekt2.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-architekt1.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.17 architekt3.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-architekt1.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.18 architekt4.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-architekt1.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.19 architekt5.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-architekt1.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.20 architekt6.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-architekt1.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.21 architekt7.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-architekt1.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.35 pc1.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.36 pc2.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.37 pc3.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.38 pc4.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.39 pc5.paja.dejvice.czf #[AA.BB.89.9] sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.40 pc6.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.41 pc7.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.42 pc8.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.43 pc9.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.44 pc10.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.45 pc11.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.46 pc12.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.47 pc13.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.48 pc14.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.49 pc15.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.50 pc16.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.51 pc17.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.52 pc18.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.53 pc19.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.54 pc20.paja.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.55 uzemepisnehoustavu12.paja.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 + +10.YY.16.128 baba-eth # +10.YY.16.129 eth0.baba.maty.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.130 pc1.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.131 pc2.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.132 pc3.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.133 pc4.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.16.134 pc5.baba.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.18.0 miksa-eth # +10.YY.18.20 laca.miksa.winel.dejvice.czf #wifi-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.18.25 plivniks.miksa.winel.dejvice.czf #[AA.BB.89.15] wifi-normal-128-896 + +10.YY.18.128 miksa-eth2-eth # +10.YY.18.129 eth2.if.miksa.dejvice.czf +10.YY.18.133 paja.miksa.dejvice.czf #sharing-paja.maty.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.20.0 gwartass-eth # +10.YY.20.1 router.gwartass.dejvice.czf +10.YY.20.2 pc1.gwartass.dejvice.czf #sharing-gwartass.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.20.3 pc2.gwartass.dejvice.czf #sharing-gwartass.winel.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.64.4 winel-eth # +10.YY.64.5 eth1.if.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.64.6 eth0.if.winel2.dejvice.czf #sharing-winel.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.64.36 phoenix-uplink-wlan # +10.YY.64.37 wlan0.if.phoenix.dejvice.czf #sharing-phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.64.38 wlan1.if.winel2.dejvice.czf #sharing-winel.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.65.16 covex-eth # +10.YY.65.17 router.covex.winel.dejvice.czf +10.YY.65.22 fireball.covex.winel.dejvice.czf #sharing-winel.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.65.64 winel-jk-eth # +10.YY.65.66 jk2.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #backbone-plus-256-2048 +10.YY.65.70 miriam.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.YY.65.71 synac.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.65.79 falar.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.YY.65.80 marcel1.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #backbone-plus-256-1024 +10.YY.65.81 marcel2.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #sharing-marcel1.winel-jk.dejvice.czf +10.YY.65.82 zdenek.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.YY.65.83 maiya.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #backbone-normal-128-1024 +10.YY.65.84 maciatko.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #backbone-plus-256-1024 + +10.YY.65.32 janus-eth # +10.YY.65.34 notes.janus.dejvice.czf #sharing-janus.ahoj.dejvice.czf +10.YY.65.36 andy.janus.dejvice.czf #9-neplatic, dashboard-neplatic +10.YY.65.38 tomas.janus.dejvice.czf #sharing-janus.ahoj.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.65.249 vlan2.if.winel.dejvice.czf #sharing-winel +10.YY.65.250 eth0.if.winel2.dejvice.czf #sharing-winel +10.YY.65.251 eth0.if.winel-jk.dejvice.czf #sharing-winel + +10.YY.69.8 klecanky2-eth # +10.YY.69.10 hospudka.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-zoulovi-asus.klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.69.11 veselovska.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-zoulovi-asus.klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.69.12 zoul.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-zoulovi-asus.klecanky.dejvice.czf +10.YY.69.13 z.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-zoulovi-asus.klecanky.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.69.16 eddy-eth # +10.YY.69.18 eddy.klecanky.dejvice.czf #sharing-eddy2.klecanky.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.73.0 phoenix-eth # +10.YY.73.1 router.phoenix.dejvice.czf #sharing-phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.2 phil.phoenix.dejvice.czf #[XX.YY.90.122] sharing-phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.3 vanilla.phoenix.dejvice.czf #sharing.phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.4 mata-hari.phoenix.dejvice.czf #wifi-normal-128-512 +10.YY.73.5 mata-hari2.phoenix.dejvice.czf #sharing-mata-hari.phoenix.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.73.32 kabelka-eth # +10.YY.73.33 router.kabelka.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.34 rutka.kabelka.dejvice.czf #sharing-kabelka.phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.35 kika.kabelka.dejvice.czf #sharing-kabelka.phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.36 jura.kabelka.dejvice.czf #sharing-kabelka.phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.37 marek.kabelka.dejvice.czf #sharing-kabelka.phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.38 honza.kabelka.dejvice.czf #sharing-kabelka.phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.39 pc6.kabelka.dejvice.czf #sharing-kabelka.phoenix.dejvice.czf +10.YY.73.40 pc7.kabelka.dejvice.czf #sharing-kabelka.phoenix.dejvice.czf + +#10.YY.73.64 cyprus-eth # vola sit - phoenix + +10.YY.74.64 echy-eth # +10.YY.74.66 rodney.echy.dejvice.czf #sharing-echy.dejvice.czf +10.YY.74.67 fender.echy.dejvice.czf #sharing-echy.dejvice.czf +10.YY.74.68 piper.echy.dejvice.czf #sharing-echy.dejvice.czf +10.YY.74.69 cappy.echy.dejvice.czf #sharing-echy.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.79.33 ip1.kanal.dejvice.czf #sharing-lotysska.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.79.34 ip2.kanal.dejvice.czf #sharing-lotysska.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.79.35 ip3.kanal.dejvice.czf #sharing-lotysska.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.79.36 ip4.kanal.dejvice.czf #sharing-lotysska.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.79.37 ip5.kanal.dejvice.czf #sharing-lotysska.paja.dejvice.czf +10.YY.79.38 ip6.kanal.dejvice.czf #sharing-lotysska.paja.dejvice.czf + +10.YY.80.0 blognoviny-eth # +10.YY.80.2 faidros.blognoviny.dejvice.czf #sharing-simon.arachne +10.YY.80.3 kocicka.blognoviny.dejvice.czf #sharing-simon.arachne +10.YY.80.4 grafika.blognoviny.dejvice.czf #sharing-simon.arachne +10.YY.80.5 mario.blognoviny.dejvice.czf #sharing-simon.arachne +10.YY.80.6 mazlicek.blognoviny.dejvice.czf #sharing-simon.arachne +10.YY.80.7 hafan.blognoviny.dejvice.czf #sharing-simon.arachne +10.YY.80.11 anonym1.blognoviny.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.80.12 anonym2.blognoviny.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.80.13 anonym3.blognoviny.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +10.YY.80.16 stromovka-eth # +10.YY.80.17 hwap.stromovka.dejvice.czf +10.YY.80.18 maty.stromovka.dejvice.czf #sharing-maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.80.19 maty2.stromovka.dejvice.czf #sharing-maty.dejvice.czf +10.YY.80.20 ap.stromovka.dejvice.czf +10.YY.80.21 blognoviny.stromovka.dejvice.czf +10.YY.80.25 dhcp1.stromovka.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne +10.YY.80.26 dhcp2.stromovka.dejvice.czf #dashboard-dhcp, sharing-dhcp.arachne + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Pomocne lokalni adresy +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + ovislink #originalni nastaveni ovislinku diff --git a/sample-configuration/prometheus.conf b/sample-configuration/prometheus.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8683ccf --- /dev/null +++ b/sample-configuration/prometheus.conf @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +#========================================================================== +# +# Prometheus QoS - steal fire from your ISP ! +# "fair-per-IP" quality of service utility +# requires Linux kernel with HTB qdisc enabled +# GNUpyright(G)2007 Michael xChaos Polak, +# Credits: CZFree.Net / Freegate / Deu / +# ...and Martin Devera for his HTB, of course ;-) +# +#========================================================================== +#Path to external utilities required to run iGW Prometheus: +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +tc /sbin/tc +iptables /sbin/iptables +#========================================================================== +#Filename of /etc/hosts - style IP address configuration file +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +hosts /etc/hosts +#========================================================================== +#Keywords found in /etc/host comments - syntax KEYWORD-MIN-MAX +#Eg.: mypc #via-prometheus-256-512 +#sets HTB rate for to 256 kbps and HTB ceil to 512 kbps +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +keyword wifi-normal +keyword wifi-plus +keyword backbone-normal +keyword backbone-plus +keyword backbone-bezfup +#========================================================================== +#LAN (local, downstream) and WAN (isp, internet, upstream) interface names +#didn't work well with only one interface - two interfaces are required now +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +lan-interface eth0 #Linux network interface name +wan-interface eth1 #Linux network interface name +#========================================================================== +#LAN and WAN medium definition (100Mbit, 10Mbit - use 2Mbit for Wi-Fi) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +lan-medium 100Mbit #Mbit|kbit +wan-medium 100Mbit #Mbit|kbit +#========================================================================== +#guranted upload and download bandwidth FROM your ISP (in kbps, please!) +#asymetry settings will be automaticaly calculated from these values +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +wan-download 30000 #kbps +wan-upload 30000 #kbps +#========================================================================== +#special QoS free zone (eg. free CZFree tranzit, etc.) +#Apply QoS on HTTP proxy IP addres/port +#Set HTB rate and HTB ceil for address undefined in hosts file +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +qos-free-zone #0=disable|subnet eg. +qos-free-delay 14400 #seconds to wait before applying QoS +qos-proxy-enable 0 #1=yes|0=no +qos-proxy-ip #eg. IP of our LAN interface +qos-proxy-port 3128 #squid port +free-rate 64 #kbps - by Vitex kuli testovani dashboardu +free-ceil 128 #kbps +digital-divide-weirdness-ratio 1 #can be 1, 2, 3, maybe even more... +#========================================================================== +#Asymetric line settings - this allows setup of ADSL-style ISP service +#asymetry-rate 2 means upload is limited to 50% of the rate of download +#asymetry-treshold 64 means upload will be 64 kbps slower then download +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#These settings are keyword-derived ! (see "keyword" section) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +wifi-normal-asymetry-ratio 1 #2,4,etc. for relative upload shaping +wifi-normal-asymetry-treshold 0 #kbps +wifi-plus-asymetry-ratio 1 +wifi-plus-asymetry-treshold 0 +backbone-normal-asymetry-ratio 1 +backbone-normal-asymetry-treshold 0 +backbone-plus-asymetry-ratio 1 +backbone-plus-asymetry-treshold 0 +backbone-bezfup-asymetry-ratio 1 +backbone-bezfup-asymetry-treshold 0 +#========================================================================== +#HTB fine tuning part I - common settings +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +htb-nesting-limit 3 #0..4: HTB seems to have built-in limit +htb-burst 32 #kbit +htb-leaf-discipline sfq perturb 5 +#========================================================================== +#magic-include-upload - is data counter sum of upload and download ? +#magic-priorities - prioty levels are used by magic-relative-prio +#magic-treshold - heaviest downloader: htb-rate, 2nd: htb-rate+magic-treshold +#========================================================================== +magic-include-upload 1 #1=yes|0=no +magic-priorities 8 #number of priority levels - 2 +magic-treshold 2 #kbps +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#Magic data limit based od guaranted bandwidth in kbps fine tunes HTB ceil: +#(magic-relative-limit)*(min bandwidth kbps) = limit for given time period +#eg. value 8 gives 512 MB limit to 64 kbps HTB rates, 1024 MB to 128'ers... +#magic-fixed-limit is fixed data limit in MB (megabytes), 0=no limit +#HTB ceil will be reduced to (HTB rate) for the most unfair-users +#other offenders get (HTB rate)+(magic-treshold) +#magic-relative-prio and magic-fixed-prio work exactly the same way as +#limit, except that they reduce HTB priority instead of HTB ceil +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#These settings are keyword-derived ! (see "keyword" section) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +wifi-normal-magic-relative-limit 8 #*kb/sec->MB/day +wifi-normal-magic-relative-prio 6 #*kb/sec->MB/day +wifi-normal-magic-fixed-limit 0 #MB, less then +wifi-normal-magic-fixed-prio 0 #MB, less then +wifi-plus-magic-relative-limit 12 +wifi-plus-magic-relative-prio 8 +wifi-plus-magic-fixed-limit 0 +wifi-plus-magic-fixed-prio 0 +backbone-normal-magic-relative-limit 12 +backbone-normal-magic-relative-prio 8 +backbone-normal-magic-fixed-limit 0 +backbone-normal-magic-fixed-prio 0 +backbone-plus-magic-relative-limit 16 +backbone-plus-magic-relative-prio 12 +backbone-plus-magic-fixed-limit 0 +backbone-plus-magic-fixed-prio 0 +backbone-bezfup-magic-relative-limit 0 +backbone-bezfup-magic-relative-prio 8 +backbone-bezfup-magic-fixed-limit 0 +backbone-bezfup-magic-fixed-prio 0 +#========================================================================== +#HTB fine tuning part II - keyword dependent settings +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#These settings are keyword-derived ! (see "keyword" section) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +wifi-normal-htb-default-prio 1 #can be 1...magic-priorities-2 +wifi-normal-htb-rate-bonus 0 #kbps +wifi-normal-htb-ceil-malus 0 #kbps +wifi-plus-htb-default-prio 1 +wifi-plus-htb-rate-bonus 16 +wifi-plus-htb-ceil-malus 0 +backbone-normal-htb-default-prio 1 +backbone-normal-htb-rate-bonus 16 +backbone-normal-htb-ceil-malus 0 +backbone-plus-htb-default-prio 1 +backbone-plus-htb-rate-bonus 32 +backbone-plus-htb-ceil-malus 0 +backbone-bezfup-htb-default-prio 2 +backbone-bezfup-htb-rate-bonus 0 +backbone-bezfup-htb-ceil-malus 0 +#========================================================================== +#Credit file settings - stores unused credit from previous runs +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +credit-filename /var/run/ +credit-enable 1 #1=yes|0=no +#========================================================================== +#Log file names and directories +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +log-filename /var/log/prometheus +log-traffic-directory /var/www/logs/ +log-traffic-url-path logs/ +#========================================================================== +#Hall of Fame - Greatest Suckers settings +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +hall-of-fame-enable 1 #1=yes|0=no +hall-of-fame-filename /var/www/traffic.html +hall-of-fame-preview /var/www/preview.html +hall-of-fame-title Hall of Fame - Greatest Suckers +#========================================================================== +#Hall of Fame - Color settings (for FUP data limit display) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#These settings are keyword-derived ! (see "keyword" section) +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +wifi-normal-html-color 609000 #RRGGBB html hexa +wifi-plus-html-color 008000 +backbone-normal-html-color 600090 +backbone-plus-html-color 000080 +backbone-bezfup-html-color A06000 +#========================================================================== +#That's all, folks. Now just run /usr/local/sbin/prometheus every day... -- 2.30.2