C<<1 header file v 0.9 - JQuery-style library for ANSI C99 Copyright (c)2004-2011 Michael xChaos Polak, Arachne Labs, x(at)n.cz See https://dev.arachne.cz/svn/cll1.h for details, documentation and FAQ See http://www.arachne.cz/ for Arachne Labs contact and product information. Type "make install" to install cll1.h header file and bake/cake optional tools to /usr/include and /usr/bin directories. See directory demos/ for C<<1 programming examples. Type "bake *.c" in each demo/ subdirectory to build all sample programs in given directory. You need to have FastCGI (libfcgi) a MySQL (libmysqlclient) header files and libraries installed to be able to build examples in mysql/ and fastcgi/ subdirectories. On Debian systems, you can type "make deb" to create Debian package cll1h-dev.